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Everything posted by ChristusG

  1. My first did....and she dropped at 30 weeks!!! I went to the doctor that week and I said "Umm...it feels like baby is really low." She did an internal check and said "Baby's head is RIGHT there!" So I walked around for 10 weeks feeling like something (someone) was falling out! My second baby did not drop.
  2. What a sweet daughter you have!! What about a special "at home date" where she chooses the activities. She could choose for you to read to her for 30 minutes....then she chooses a game that the family plays....she chooses dinner....a special treat for dessert....etc.
  3. Definitely. Especially for me. During that time I got married (at 19), we bought a house, bought a car, determined where we would live, what sort of jobs we would do, and we had our first child during that time (at 24). That period of my life most definitely determined who I am today.
  4. If I've read/heard the story before, I do not like reading (this is in regards to chapter books...not picture books). I'm currently reading The Boxcar Children series to my two kids. They LOVE it. And I look forward to reading it to them as well. I think I probably read them when I was a kid, but I can't remember, so it's like reading a whole new book. If I know what's going to happen, I don't care to read it. I can't read for long periods of time though....my voice gets tired LOL. We usually read for 30 - 45 minutes at a time.
  5. I think the punishment is probably too big for the age. Were you allowing the kids to purchase any souvenirs tomorrow? If so, I'd take that opportunity away from him. Tell him that since he stole and lied, he lost the priveledge of getting a souvenir.
  6. My mom drives with both feet! Freaks me out...I don't know how she doesn't push the wrong pedal. But she's never been pulled over in all her years of driving, so I guess she's doing something right.
  7. Thank you so much for the offer, but it won't really work for our family right now.
  8. I put three....I have two girls and one little one on the way.
  9. Five....almost six though. My parents had three girls. I have two girls and one little one on the way. Neither of my sisters have children yet.
  10. To oldest Dd I sang " I Don't Want To Miss A Thing" by Aerosmith. To youngest Dd I sang "My Wish" by Rascal Flatts. I began singing that one but she much preferred the song from the Wizard of Oz, "Somewhere Over The Rainbow." So I sang that much more often and still do today.
  11. Umm....WHEN are they leaving? Hopefully bright and early tomorrow morning, for your sake! I think I'd go nuts.
  12. Ow, ow owwwww!!! I cringed when hearing what your DD did. Poor girl!!
  13. Thanks so much!!! I'm going to look through my DV tapes to see how many I have and will definitely purchase several of that Groupon! It needs a minimum of 10 buyers...I sure hope that others buy too!!
  14. Ewww!!!! I guess I shouldn't open threads like this in the middle of the night when I can't sleep. Now I'm going to go back to bed and feel creepy crawlies all over me. :001_huh: On a side note, I have NEVER seen a tick that looks like that. That's a weird looking one.
  15. This SERIOUSLY ticks me off. When I was pregnant with my oldest two children, I would wait like 5 or 10 minutes at the OB office. With this pregnancy, I wait no less than AN HOUR. Same OB office! I love the midwives and staff, so I don't want to change. But the wait time is seriously angering me. If I were late, they'd tell me to make a new appointment and then charge me a fee. But they get no consequence!
  16. I want to have all of our family's mini DV tapes with our home videos on them transferred to DVD. But I REALLY do not want to do this myself. And I really want a reliable company. Has anyone had this done? Was the pricing good? Any recommendations would be great!
  17. Okay, I sat out there and lounged beside the pool today with my big ol' belly sticking out! :lol: I don't care about the dude behind us....but the neighbors to one side of us is actually the minister who officiated our wedding 11 years ago LOL. Didn't want to give him a scare LOL.
  18. I've had one for about two years and I'm just not feeling the love. Maybe I should bring it out of the closet and try again.
  19. Count me in too. I'm ready for fall. I was ready for fall at the beginning of May. It is HOT down here. But then again, FL doesn't actually have a fall season....so maybe I'm ready for winter. November-ish.
  20. ;) We have a pool. I'm pregnant....with a belly that is poking quite a ways out. The kids want to swim so I sit out on our back covered patio to watch them. It is HOT. Did I mention it's hot? Am I scaring the neighbors when I sit out there in a pair of capris and a sports bra with my pregnant belly poking out between them? I mean, we do have privacy fences, but our house is on a *very* slight hill where the neighbors can probably see from our chest up. So....am I scaring them? LOL :lol: I'm usually quite modest in swimwear....I wear a rash guard, so I wouldn't wear this except for in my back yard. I know that others wear *much* less than this. But still....I'm not scaring anyone, right? lol
  21. Do you have one of these children? We sit down to do math and said child says "Don't look! I can do it!" I try to explain....she still persists. I say "Okay" and let child go about her work. I come back and sure enough, the problems are wrong because she didn't follow the directions correctly. So she gets to erase and start back over....where we should have started in the first place. :glare: She's so adamant about the whole "don't look until I'm finished with all the problems" thing. There are many times when she gets too persistent with things and I have to send her to sit on the bed....I tell her that when she realizes that I am the teacher and she is the student, she may come back out and we can finish the work. It's one of those days. :001_huh:
  22. My kids get approx 1 hour per day. Each child gets to choose one show and they both watch that show.
  23. It depends on what ages they are. If I'm doing a lot of reading, then I usually give them something to keep their hands busy....usually a coloring sheet. This works well for Bible lessons because I give them a sheet that corresponds with the lesson. I also do this when reading the Story of the World. My girls are 4 and 7.
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