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Everything posted by El...

  1. (Your thread title threw me off. In my background, the "double edged sword" is usually a reference to the "word of God", I think because of a verse describing it that way in one of the Epistles. So I thought you were asking if the word of God was a weapon against misogyny! I guess that's not your intent?) I think you bring to any religion or non-religion your own self. If you are a misogynist, you could certainly teach that from the Bible. You would start with vilifying Eve and take the whole thing through Proverbs to the Whore of Babylon. You'd paint women as weak at best, deceitful entrappers at worst, enticing men to sin. Awesome. :thumbdown: If you are a feminist, you would talk about some of the strong women playing the hand dealt to them to amazing effect in every book of the Bible, from Sarah to Deborah to Rahab and so on. You'd camp out on how Christ treated women in the gospels. You might give a cultural pass to Paul. I'm pretty sure other religions have the same potential. So I think misogyny is, first, a characteristic of human culture, and secondarily flows through religious expressions.
  2. I will say... the first day you posted this, I had just said something to DD about "not time to make a bunch of art" as she was putting little people all over the edges of her completed math paper. I don't mind the drawing, but she can make a thing take 48 times as long as usual if she decorates it ALL! I do set papers aside for her to decorate later, if she wants to do it when the work is done. She hates in when school takes up too much of her day, so how to balance the need to decorate and the need to get it done, I don't know. I love the snakes as math. Hmmmm. I'm rethinking. DD is a lot more creative by nature than I am. She does something with the craft stuff almost every afternoon.
  3. I don't know if it will help conjunctivitis or not, because when I tried to "administer" it to my 5yo's eyeball we both laughed too hard to succeed. :lol: :leaving: (I'm sure there was a better way to do that....)
  4. Grilled lemon garlic chicken, salad, roasted carrots. It was a new recipe and very good!
  5. There is a weird thing in our culture that women try to shame others if the men find them attractive. It is a way of keeping down the "competition".
  6. We love Miquon; Dd calls it "the fun math". I taught her numerals before we started using 3x5 cards with dots on them and M&Ms. That really caught her attention. :laugh: Then we played a few cuisinaire rod games, but not as many as I thought we might have to; she caught on quickly. We did a page or two a day, and the hardest thing for me has been to hand her the page and then NOT explain it to her. It seems to be the key. There was a point in the third workbook when she hit a wall. At that point we added Singapore Standards. When she got out of her depth in one, we'd switch for a few weeks to the other. Switching was usually a step backward in content, which helped her become confident again. At this point she does two worksheets of Miquon a day, then some of Singapore. She calls it "interesting", and still likes it. She works hard. We are working through the pages in order. I own and have read the First Grade Diary; I did not use it to plan lessons. I use the Annotations when a page is not intuitive, and to make sure we're using the right terminology. I read ahead I the Annotations regularly. All that said, Ds will start his "learning time" soon, so we'll see how this goes for kid #2!
  7. I liked one that said, "0 to 60 in 15 minutes". Have you looked on the Car Talk website? (I know they are off the air, but I think they still sell stuff... I hope.) ETA: Car Talk didn't have stickers, sorry. This site has some that I find funny! http://www.zazzle.com/0_to_60_in_15_minutes_bumper_sticker-128246835769362733
  8. Yeah. I'm not going to go see that one. If I want to have an ugly cry I'll do it alone on the couch, courtesy of Redbox. Or maybe I won't. I understand that the actors tried to be very faithful to the story. Edited. TMI.
  9. I like Teach Me to Do It Myself and Child's Play, both by Maja Pitamic. I didn't DO everything in them, but they got me thinking in creative directions.
  10. I understand. Last week I met the largest beetle I've ever seen in my bathroom. The thing wagged his eyebrows at me. Totally inappropriate!! Worse, I lost him in our closet! I hope it was indeed old mouse residue. Do you have a cat?
  11. If I were in charge of people coming to work, I might initially have a guideline that employees could choose their own shirts but not wear offensive messages or designs. I'd include that defining offensive would be up to the on-duty supervisor. And then somebody with a chip on his shoulder (and the best of people get this way, esp. in their youth) would wear something like what you are describing and, when sent home to change, would fuss that his supervisor didn't like him expressing his religious belief. Sigh. And that is how we'd all be stuck wearing a uniform T-shirt with only the company logo on it.
  12. Ah. I will go look into a physical activity option. Thanks! Thanks, ya'll. It is sort of nice to know it isn't just my kid jiggling, scooting, hopping and kicking all over the place!
  13. The kid (7yo dd) is on her back on the wood floor, scooting slowly in circles while reading a book. It was a good school day, but I'm pooped.
  14. My dd said Bunnicula was "the funniest thing [she'd] ever read!" :) She also recommends Calvin and Hobbes cartoons and Magic Treehouse books.
  15. I have the kind of personality that marinates in any past conflict incident. I will find myself re-hashing it, and even experiencing the adrenaline that went with it. It isn't a strength. I think my kiddo does this too. If there was a tactical error on my part, identifying it helps me let the incident go; I don't mean a true mistake, just something I could have done differently which would have prevented the issue. I guess finding a way to prevent the problem gives me a sense of control over the next time! After that, I have to make myself stop rehashing it, for my own emotional health. Can you tell I was in the military? Sigh. Anyway, if you can teach your daughter to walk through a small conflict like this one with a healthy, relaxed mentality, you will be teaching her a great life skill.
  16. You might really enjoy some of SWB's talks! There is one titled "What is Classical Education?" which I listen to every six months or so, just to rethink what we're spending so much effort doing. I don't do everything the way TWTM says, exactly, but we are on track with my kid's growth and development, and SWB's thoughts make ME think. I'm off to get the Memoria Press catalog now. :)
  17. That was neat! I think I need to do more intentional coziness-creating. The comments were funny - lots of defensive people saying, "We do too have that!" The ingenuity concept made me think of upcycling, and how pleased people are with their projects, even if the result looks like a kindergarten craft. There's something in the feeling of having made it work.
  18. That makes sense, Mrs. Mungo! If it were a big church potluck, I wouldn't worry about it. If it were six families at somebody's house, I would, because I might be the only one bringing an item. I pictured the second.
  19. It depends. If the reason I couldn't go was because I was sick, I guess they wouldn't want me to cook for their event!! In any case, I would offer a LOT of apologies. If I were the host, I'd just like to know as early as possible, and I would take care of the missing food myself. I'd never ask a friend to bring food to a party if she couldn't come!
  20. My first thought was that they should respond, "How would YOU know?" I'm not sure that would have the desired effect.... I hate it when kids try to take others down a peg. I think these kids heard something, grabbed it, and ran with it. Little snarky punks. Many of the other responses are more mature than mine. I hope you find something that gives your kids confidence and good friends.
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