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Everything posted by El...

  1. I got Montessori 19, Classical 17, and Unschooling 8. All others were far, far behind. Interesting. I didn't expect unschooling. Montessori is not a big surprise. I have a 7yo and a 3yo. I'm in the preschool world, here. While I don't really need a label, I thought this was a good quiz because it inspires me to look into resources I didn't think were my cup of tea. Thanks!
  2. Wow, that was intense! I hope he has a better night and you get some rest. :grouphug:
  3. My dd and I are into karate. I've been in and out of training for 20 years. :) You can PM, if you'd like!
  4. Awww! He sounds like he was a great teacher for you! I'm sorry!
  5. I don't usually realize there is a small problem like that happening repeatedly until I finally get mad about it. Then I FIX IT, usually a little too strongly. The other party is usually surprised by my over-reaction. :glare: I love the idea of the whiteboard!
  6. Bwahahaha! That's awful! I'm so sorry that happened, and I would bet it will never happen again. A flying goose got my husband once. We were in the middle of a move across the country and had just gotten out of the loaded-down cars at the hotel, and SPLAT! What are the odds!
  7. This thread is on page 4 of the new content; I think there has been some kind of breakdown, folks. So I'll just toss in my news to help everyone out! :) I found a way to take karate classes! I haven't trained regularly in about 14 years. I went to my second class last night and loved it, but this morning I feel OLD! Ow, ow, ow.
  8. With my first, I got that book out right away, What to Eat When You are Expecting. I made a big bowl of chicken salad that sounded good at the time. It involved mangoes, green onions, yogurt, and curry powder. The next morning, the mere smell of it threw me into a loop! I threw the whole thing out, including the bowl.
  9. Imagine here, if you will, the sound of Tarzan's yodel (from the silly movie). I'm off to eat the rest of the peanut M&Ms as a reward. I HATE filing taxes, but it is over!
  10. When I eat less carbs, I find it very hard to feel full. Sometimes just a little of something like dark chocolate or sweet potato will do the trick. I feel that way mostly at dinner, and broccoli, at least at first, just doesn't hack it. I second (third?) the idea of potatoes. I know you aren't trying to low carb, but anyhow! :)
  11. Ha! No. That's probably from Strunk and White, or another well-revered author, but no.
  12. Way to problem-solve, my friend! :grouphug: I'm sorry it was so hard! I hope you get some rest and some fun.
  13. I got a sunburn on the tops of my legs and feet today. I do it every single year. Every March, I overdo somehow, not because of deliberate tanning but in the course of some fun spring activity, and I regret it. I'm old enough to know better.
  14. It interests me, because I can see it being one of those subconscious impressions things; I heard an interview yesterday that said on TV, if there are four characters, one is a female, and if the characters are scientists, only one in fifteen is female. (I have no data to back up their assertion; they were from the White House Science office). Their concept was that kids need to see women around them doing big things in order to subconsciously grasp that they might also do so. It does say something about us that no women are on our most common money. Why haven't we had a woman as president? I doubt I can talk about that without being political, but I really really really really hope we will at some point soon! (And, please, a smart, awesome one..... c'mon guys! Run somebody good! This is a bipartisan plea.)
  15. I have been thinking a lot about this question in the last few years, and while I have read a lot, I just don't have the science background to say that I understand evolution. I'm not done studying yet! However, I think the question does matter; I grew up very conservatively YE. Letting go of that has been...interesting. I'm not done working out all the implications of it.
  16. El...

    Good dads

    DH let DD read him a picture book of her choice this evening. She chose one about cowboys... and did all the accents. :laugh:
  17. We replaced OPGTTR with AAS. We started WWE about 2/3 through OPGTR; I sort of layered subjects in, gradually extending our school days a subject at a time. I have only one kid learning at a time (the younger is 4 years younger....) so I can't answer the multi-level part, but your plan sounds good to me! I think there are sample lessons of WWE and FLL on the Peace Hill site, or perhaps Amazon has a "look inside" option? WWE is a text and also workbooks. The text can be all you need; it explains the why and is detailed on how to conduct lessons from the texts of your choice. You'd just make copy pages on your own from whatever you/they are reading, within the guidelines given in the text. It is very clear. If you need easier copy work selections for the younger child, that might be the way to go for you. The workbooks could be implemented without the text (IMO). I have and read the text, but I love using the workbooks. They include permission to make copies of the consumable pages for children in your immediate family, so you'd only have to buy one workbook. The workbook selections are from some great literature, most of which we read; I use the list of sources which is at the beginning of the workbook as a reading list, to some extent. Anyway, hope that helps a little! :)
  18. I had a broken arm at around that age, and the thing I remember most is that I got my OWN strawberry milkshake and didn't have to split it with my brother and sister! I'm glad she is ok (and that you are ok!).
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