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Everything posted by El...

  1. I've started going to martial arts classes two evenings a week. My temperament is a lot better with some time to sweat and pound on stuff. DH looked horrified when I announced that I was adding it to our schedule (because of the time involved, not the activity). He's adapting pretty well at this point.
  2. I used to have this T-shirt. I wore it to rags. http://thecooleststuffever.com/problem-internet-quotes-t-shirt
  3. Oh, hun. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:
  4. That is a wonderful service they are offering! I just placed an order. I really need to learn more about this for my own teacher education. Thanks so much for the link.
  5. Yep. I hate those. I don't like being told what to do, so I won't repost. :coolgleamA: Also, I don't think posting something on facebook is "taking a stand". Let's face it, you are NOT in MLK Jr.'s league because of your social media.
  6. I LOVE potato salad. Darn low-carb.
  7. I have explained that I never, ever allow monsters in my house. Nope, there are no monsters in your closet, because I NEVER allow monsters. They are banned. The kids think I'm a bad a** and they believe it!
  8. Dd is moving into third grade stuff now. We did Miquon starting in K and then in 1st we added Singapore Standards to it. I did that because I thought dd was moving too fast and starting to get conceptually overwhelmed, and also for more basic fact practice. Whenever Miquon got too hard, we'd take a few days off to do Singapore. For some reason, that would break things loose and she'd take off again! I also have some old Calculadder, which she finds fun sometimes. We do math year-round, so we have time to use two curricula. I have not (yet) done anything like plain old flash cards for facts, but she knows a lot of them by figuring them out repeatedly. So far, so good.
  9. I'm a snake over-reactor. I hate to kill anything, but I'm scared of snakes being near the kids, and we just moved to a place where I don't know the wildlife (FL). I took out what we thought was a dangerous snake a month ago, and it turned out to be a "glass lizard" - a legless lizard that eats mice, frogs, etc. It had a yellow-tipped tail. Weird, huh? DD was so proud of me, when we thought it was a snake, but she was HORRIFIED when we found out it was a lizard! Luckily, there is another glass lizard that apparently also likes our yard.
  10. I have to listen to the recording! I had to be someplace this evening, so I missed the live version. I'm glad to hear that it was good!
  11. Hello, baby! I'm so glad to hear that he's doing well!
  12. Whoa, a live one! Are you here to discuss homeschooling, or just, uh, spamming? Because when someone new posts a ton of links without explanation, we have learned NOT to click on them. Best of luck to you, either way. :)
  13. I agree; The Shack was really bad. My vote for worst ever is for 100 Years of Solitude
  14. I would like to come for dinner. That sounds wonderful! :)
  15. "And... your meal is over, son. You are excused. The kitchen might re-open tomorrow. Maybe." I'd be very upset if my kiddo said that! Dd has been trying out some under-considered phrases lately, so I could totally see it happening. My initial response would be pretty hostile. Of course, having a long conversation on gratitude, constructive speech, and perhaps a hand-made thank you note would be a better parenting strategy....
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