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Everything posted by El...

  1. I'm reading The Kingdom, the Power, and the Glory by Tim Alberta. "Jesus instructed His followers to “take heart!” because He had overcome the troubles of this world. But most of us don’t listen. Christians remain just as susceptible to panicky groupthink and identity-based paranoia as anyone else. Despite Jesus promising His followers that they would suffer—or perhaps because of this promise—Christians since the age of Constantine have run anxiously into the arms of the state, desperate to be protected by the rulers of their time and place." It's not good bedtime reading; I get all riled up.
  2. Hurray! Still praying. I'm so glad there were people around who helped him get to the hospital right away.
  3. Here's the list of calculators for this year. We got a ti-84 on Facebook, but I wouldn't say DD is using all its capabilities. https://apstudents.collegeboard.org/exam-policies-guidelines/calculator-policies
  4. I'm surprised by how much I'd forgotten about him, and how much of what I thought I knew was skewed by the political environment in which I grew up. What a complicated saga, more about the society than about him.
  5. Ow, that must really hurt! Gentle hugs!
  6. DS12 says he wants archeology, but clarified that he wants to study fossils. He's NOT interested in dinosaurs at this point (which is too bad because I found a great coursera option about dinosaurs... sigh). I've found a few books aimed at adult hobbyists. He is a strong reader, but not ready for a college textbook. Is there anything awesome you've used?
  7. This weekend I'm going around waving my arm and saying, "Walla Walla Washington!" (A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court).
  8. Lots. My own personal most-used line is "Welcome to the party, pal!" I'm kinda spicy lately. We quote the comedian, Brian Regan, all the time!
  9. Maybe one of these? I'm kind of surprised how expensive these are. https://www.amazon.com/Only-Necessities-Womens-Tricot-Nightgown/dp/B0897MM4W6/ref=mp_s_a_1_1_sspa?adgrpid=136971114369&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.oJYC0bl0UMrer27P58pdnhxQnRYPQcIbJcrqxwVfh18Dn3XLt-mCZ6yszkVGKbr41YgfiXSCXJ3rOQa_I-axqC-Mw5_zrvCBXPEzOuMvyVoDENcn-WXpAt9I5Ew5eGBlME9MIkrTUejDCHyZxZyb9RZY_hvakXKFZF3e9TaDYDXhnHJQlWLol6jvcZNdkgdkxKChA1flnwZlIS8W15kbguMULnzeuXFziRfDfK_Kp6KQkj-8fEY5kTjJLgefQltxzScPTXKP2525S7KVkIl_CJQPvPpNjJi6KEI9CUsIobY.oXzWu9C-w2ZnmEgnHlkLJnMFb_yUCNTc8nOdinHkWGM&dib_tag=se&hvadid=631496344698&hvdev=m&hvlocphy=9007680&hvnetw=g&hvqmt=b&hvrand=4982746404806291578&hvtargid=kwd-1617596679&hydadcr=11119_13568180&keywords=floor+length+nightgowns&qid=1712097965&refinements=p_n_material_browse%3A31310050011&rnid=31310038011&s=apparel&sr=1-1-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9waG9uZV9zZWFyY2hfYXRm&psc=1 https://www.amazon.com/Shadowline-Womens-Beloved-Braided-Spaghetti/dp/B00DML7CXM/ref=mp_s_a_1_23?adgrpid=136971114369&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.HZrM4JGZ4CV90YW4zscfiLKrpnd3min-ScCxDTiObkujdX0mDKow6am-KdtMxLwFH8kINiyJ3swdL_ecTW0XpgafjIOEfw-Ddd5woFQa65VxaPLrs7PEhhlY_Cvn7ATh_w7pla_CR1cBPKcv2mMQRw-lW8HCZfkQcxMijakuOZqyZ0ogsZ_rNCip-nEZMKZRLdXx-GdHX35xNSD_dDDtJNAq3CWqK7V8fWQ25oL4ZEb98snbbW3HSe5jjRUelUtrm_kqftz07aLHjrZp4JNQDo05C_H5LQOiTpk9MA3irtU.5QTlL8kMSWgTOvw-RuvJYYIWzrBIfdqHba7R7EanEmk&dib_tag=se&hvadid=631496344698&hvdev=m&hvlocphy=9007680&hvnetw=g&hvqmt=b&hvrand=4982746404806291578&hvtargid=kwd-1617596679&hydadcr=11119_13568180&keywords=floor+length+nightgowns&qid=1712098121&refinements=p_n_material_browse%3A31310050011&rnid=31310038011&s=apparel&sr=1-23
  10. Thanks very much. You really helped me make the decision. She went to kitty heaven at the vet's today. It was the right move.
  11. https://www.belk.com/p/icollection-womans-plus-size-silky-stretch-satin-halter-night-gown/210073011764109.html?dwvar_210073011764109_color=001440916602#prefn1=Gender&prefv1=Women&q=Nightgown&start=27 This one is hideous, but I'm thinking older-directed department stores might have something?
  12. Stay out if this is going to break your heart. Sorry. 😞 My cat is 19, maybe a little older. A year ago we thought she was dying (gasping for breath, lying still on the floor) but she started Solensia injections every month and perked back up. Now she's not doing well again. She's not due for a shot. She appears to be in pain when she walks, more than her usual arthritis. Last night she vomited foam. Then I saw her crawl into the cat box and kind of lay down. I got her out gently and put her in the soft cat bed. She got up twice this morning, but didn't jump up for tap water, which is normally her routine. She breathes hard when she walks a little; her sides suck in a bit more than normal. She has not defecated. She's shut in the pretty bathroom with everything she needs, so the dog won't bother her, and is not asking to be let out. She's lying curled in her cat bed. I'm thinking this is the end of the line. I'm considering taking her to the vet to be put down tomorrow. How do I decide? I've never had a pet this long before. If she defecates in the litter box, do I reconsider? The kids are going to be very sad. Me too.
  13. We have family i disagree with on important issues. I talk about things that come up with the kids afterwards, and explain my own thoughts. I've also taught them that we don't need to take stands on every little thing, or to mesh perfectly to remain connected as family. I do pay very close attention, though. Could you sit down with your kid over ice cream and explain why you want college to be a priority for him? I'm concerned that if you cut him off from them, he'll be left wondering why you thought he couldn't handle exposure to their ideas. I'd play the longest possible game, which is to deliberately train him to think for himself. And I'd maintain my edge, first and most frequent access to his ears. 😉
  14. Mmm. If your grandma bought them for you and you forgot about them. Until now.
  15. It's less expensive than the private school I'd choose, that's for sure. But your math doesn't take into account the money I'm not making because I'm homeschooling. Of course, I do a lot of frugal things to keep our family budget under control, most of which I couldn't/wouldn't do if I worked full time. Who knows. The math is extremely complex, and it isn't really a factor in our family decision to homeschool.
  16. I can't believe it's almost April. And I can't believe DS will be in 7th grade. I need to get my act together. So far I know he'll continue AOPS intro to algebra for math. We'll continue a world history survey I pull together using a Smithsonian spine and library resources, with primary sources, a timeline, and some writing. I'm torn on writing. He'll do Grammar for the Well Trained Mind, and is finishing up the last AAS now, so no more of that. And he'll read a book list with a mix of modern classics and books from the period in history he's studying. So far I've been teaching writing in short assignments from his literature or history. We need to step it up. He might like WWS; he's that sort of kid, but it might be too much. He's a "square" kid. I want to liven things up, but he's a get-it-done person, so we'll see. No idea on science. I'll be back.
  17. I've read a bit, a tiny bit, about harbor pilots. They use professional pilots for ships going through canals, too. It makes a lot of sense to allow expertise in a harbor or route. This could have been So Much Worse. It's still really bad, and heartbreaking for the families of the lost people. But yeah. I've always been apprehensive going over bridges, and this sure unlocks a new level of fear!
  18. "Shortly" is doing some very heavy lifting in these updates.
  19. Looking forward to listening! Please, let us know where to find it!
  20. Miquon! My favorite. Get the big bucket of 150 wooden rods. The whole program is so cheap, so interesting, and so effective.
  21. The thing is, I've been losing sleep over these dang taxes for six weeks. Next year I'm going to outsource that stress.
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