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Everything posted by mumto2

  1. My son loved that book when he was 5. I spent a lot of time reading it. He is now 12 and both dc's have a teacher/friend who is a paleontologist. He is definately an evolutionist--both dc's enjoy his teaching. They also work with an archaeologist who is YE. He loves to draw on biblical timelines. They are able to learn from both teachers. They are also able to discuss their views with both. That book created a lifelong passion for both children. I don't see how exposure to it can be considered bad. Since it is part of your curriculum I would use it.
  2. The NASA education website has three spaces related TOPS courses for free.
  3. We have been using "Lessons for a Young Economist " by Murphy. It is free--a pdf. Just google. Both dc's are understanding it completely. It seems to be doing the job. We are only on chapter 4. So far super impressed. There is a Teachers Guide for $22 on amazon. We haven't bought it.
  4. My kids own both versions. They loved the BBC when they were little. They still enjoy it for sentimental reasons. They do follow the books more closely. They also like the Disney version--great special effects.
  5. We gave the security person mil id for my kids. He looked a bit burdened because of it. :lol::lol::lol:He also made sure we knew it was not needed.
  6. One online resource is CK12. Lots of different science texts. You can also put your own course book together. Not sure how but I have read that you can
  7. We really enjoyed Ellen McHenry's Chemistry courses.
  8. We have: Pars I Familia Romana Exercitia Latina I Teachers Materials (covers both Parts) Latine Disco Student's Manual Latin-English I Grammatica Latina The answer book contains both the answers for Exercita Latina and copies of chapter tests with their answers. There may be a set on a cd availiable for purchase. I think I saw one after I bought the hard copies. I haven't bought the second set yet. Just need book and wookbook.
  9. Well it is 10 am here--I am UK too. Stressful day for me. My 90 year old mom is having surgery in the US late today for me. Not much I can do but wait. My brothers are there. Really wish something fascinating would start here. It would be nice to be distracted. Tea wise since I am originally American I don't really count but I just discovered a really nice Cranberry Orange by Twinnings.
  10. We have the set as a supplement. Dd14 has used it but not extensively. For her this means when she has finished her primary latin course for the year. Only a third of the way through the first book. The course is intuitive--you learn by reading and following the clues in the margins. The workbook has several exercises to go with each passage. There are also several very thin reference books-- dictionaries etc. I did not realize that the answer book was separate and had to place a second order--dd found it impossible without it. I don't think there is an english translation of the passages in any of the answer books. I can find them and look if you need me to. This program is a bit confusing to use IMO -- to many separate books! Dd leaves them all over! I hope this helps some. We don't use it the way you plan to. I don't think it is a popular choice here so not sure how many responses you will get. I think for your purposes just reading and translating the pages out loud with your dc would make it a good supplement. I use Cambridge that way with ds12.
  11. I had the complete set and used it by topic. A good friend bought one book per year in numerical order--she never matched her other curriculum as far as I know. One lesson was done by each child weekly. The dc worked incredibly hard at it and loved them. Showed us their art books whenever we visited. They are all young adults now and do still draw to varying degrees for pleasure. I would probably plan on 2 a year if you choose this route. At the time my friend started home ed curriculum was much harder to find and I think she was partly trying to ensure she had something as long as possible.
  12. :iagree: I think the Consumer/Business math is a must. Also the Biology with the health component.
  13. Both dc's read them after me. They really enjoyed them. I had a hard time deciding because of book 3. It bothered me but they read them and never brought up my "issues". We discussed them pretty extensively and they were not bothered at all.
  14. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: Just listening to the bickering around here drives me insane! Then like you I have a son who takes soooooo long to accomplish his work. He can do it quickly and well when motivated. I don't get why some days are so difficult. Sorry that I just ranted back. I am sitting in the middle of my dc's bickering over whose turn on the WII. I thought it was supposed to be fun.:001_huh:
  15. I think it all depends on your dc personalities now. Core A was our favorite. We did it when ds was 5 and dd 7. They considered it to be sit on the edge of your seat exciting. Dd would have enjoyed it when she was 4, ds never could have sat still for a single chapter of it. If everyone wants to cooperate it can be wonderful and work. For my 7 year old understanding was deep. She did a lot of other reading on her own. We bought the ancients from Veratus Press for her so she could do more written work. That was her need. She adored school and busy work--still does.:lol: For my ds alot happened that year he learned to sit still and listen because he wanted to hear the story. He learned to read. With that age range it will not be everything for everyone but everyone can learn from it. I would start there and see what they need. It may be plenty for everyone. Eventually I think you will need to split SL into 2 levels but not this year.
  16. I feel really mean I have never even thought of rewarding them. I read your title and thought that I hand them the next one.:D They do like telling dh--quess thats the reward!
  17. The only curriculum on your list that we have used are the Ellen McHenry Chemistry courses which we loved. Probably our favorite science ever. At ds 's request we did Christian Kids explore Physics that year too--he wanted a chem/physics year. My copies are old and I believe the course has been updated since. I think they could make a full years program depending on how much time you spend on science--we spend a lot. You could always add some astronomy in if time allows. The NASA education website has some free resources--TOPS science guides. Unfortunately I bought them. I believe there are 3 different ones there. In one you make and use a slide ruler which was interesting.
  18. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: I am sorry. Believe me when I say I understand. I hope you all find peace eventually.
  19. Rainbow has blank top writing paper. Search that. It is $4 for 100 pages. There are two kinds with different line spacing. We went through a lot of it.:)
  20. Praying for her and that area. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: I think I know where--originally from Michigan.
  21. We did not use a kit. I remember the items as being pretty much common household items but we did not do every experiment--my dc's have done a lot of experiments over the years and tend to veto ones that are repeats. There is a list in the book of everything needed. You should also be able to get one from googling. It all depends on what you have at your house. We have alot of science supplies from past experiments stored together for easy access. That being said ordering the kits (we did for SL always) makes life much easier. It ensures the experiments get done. It also makes it easier for dc's to work fairly independantly.
  22. That is how I plan to use it.:lol:I bought it last spring at a curriculum fair. I haven't managed to assign it as often as planned. Just a time issue--not enough of it!:lol:
  23. We loved the Good Times Travel Agency books by Linda Bailey. There are books for Egypt and Greece. Magic School bus also has one for Ancient Egypt. These were the books Ds learned the most from. These were great supplements. I suspect your 9 year old would still enjoy them. The Golden Goblet is wonderful. We also really liked the Usbourne Greek Myth book. The history pockets were fun. Lots of cutting etc. Dd loved those. We used Usbourne World Hisory which we enjoyed.
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