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Everything posted by MFG

  1. I like blunt and to the point also. Vague answers make me uncomfortable. They also often leave me confused about exactly what was communicated.
  2. I recently discovered this when my screen went black. So glad there was a cheap, quick fix!
  3. Thinking about this a bit more seriously, I would say time apart is every bit as important to our relationship as time together. They function together. We enjoy vacations, time away, breaking up our routine, etc. But by the end we are also both looking forward to getting back into our normal schedule. Too much of any one thing is not what either of us want.
  4. Lol. This reminds me, an introvert, of one of my favorite quips. "How can I miss you if you won't go away?"
  5. Exactly. Talk about cultural accommodation.
  6. I am not familiar with that route but we visited the Loveless Cafe during a recent trip to Nashville. I think it would fit your criteria. http://www.lovelesscafe.com
  7. ...sit around on my butt and bs on online message boards?
  8. A couple more: Mister Roberts The Sons of Katie Elder
  9. Are they done? Will they go away now?
  10. Yes, I would find luuknam's post annoying if I did not understand the point she was making. I also hear the poster. I hear her yelling. Another style point that can help communication. I read your repeated use of ellipses, not exactly annoying, but as if your voice is trailing off. It weakens the point you are making, as if you are unsure about what you're saying. It is perfectly fine to just make a statement and end it with a period. In almost every case, a single punctuation mark is sufficient.
  11. My only hope for a tiny positive to come of all this is that Jill and Jessa NOT get a spin off show. At least the next generation can still be saved from having their lives pimped out for financial gain. Considering that the 19KAC show manages to be simultaneously obsessively, almost exhibitionisticly, sex obsessed and also crashingly boring, it is a wonder the Duggars have been able to ride the gravy train as long as they have.
  12. I'm not sure why class disruptions cannot be handled without hyperventilation.
  13. I find it really helpful to read the one and two star reviews. Often they deal with a very specific problem the reviewer had or say more about the idiosyncrasies of a particular customer, but if I read similar problem coming up repeatedly it gives a good heads up.
  14. If you plan to mention your concern to your sister-in-law (not that I would advise doing that), I would suggest you not yell. She might not appreciate it any more than many here do.
  15. Honestly, I don't mind the use of euphemistic terms when they are sufficient to convey meaning. It is the using anatomical terms to be "correct" and then using them incorrectly that makes me stabby.
  16. At two weeks postpartum the Dillards attended the ATI Family Conference in Big Sandy, TX. Is there another conference they have attended?http://starcasm.net/archives/313119 (scroll down past the "Is Jessa pregnant" part) http://ati.iblp.org/ati/events/regionalconferences/
  17. Yes. Of course. 42 Six times nine.
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