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Everything posted by jenL

  1. I know where you're at since last year was K for us... you definitely can do this! I wasn't even going to homeschool my children (I was a ps teacher! You just don't do that! :lol:). Anyway, we did and we had fun doing it! Like you, I had a tough time around this time too because all ds and I kept hearing was... "Are you excited for school?" "Where are you going to school?" "Did you get all the items on the list?" (the ps supply list) Then it became... "OH! You're going to homeschool?!?!" (said like we had the plague and with a smirk on their face) I even had one mom say (a supposed friend), "Why are you doing this? He's going to end up at the school next year anyway!" We're not really friends anymore...:tongue_smilie: Anyway, I'm rambling... all this to say that it's a tough time of year for hs'ers I think for the reasons another poster stated. In the US you are expected to go to school, the media promotes it, stores promote it, etc. It's all around you, and for just starting, it compounds the anxiety. But, as others have said, and I was SO afraid of this too... you really can't mess up K. I had an 18 month old when we began, and some days were crazy, but there's really so little time involved with K, that we did fine. You'll do fine too! Plus, as I've quickly learned (thankfully), you have the Hive to help you when you're stuck! :D
  2. Twice a year, our church holds a ministry fair and one of the tables set up is for our kids/nursery program. The pastor has a great sermon utilizing scripture about how part of loving God and pleasing him is in serving others. You feel inspired to help as a result. Once we get the volunteers, they often recruit friends to help out since they've found they enjoy it. We also allow our responsible high schoolers to volunteer with the children - I believe they have to be recommended by the youth leaders before they can start, and they are always with an adult.
  3. I found this... http://ask.metafilter.com/35867/Primer-in-Hair Good luck! I have the same color hair, so I feel your pain!
  4. A while ago, I read an article on the benefits of children learning to play an instrument. The academic benefits are real; so many studies have been done to support this. The article stated the piano is the gateway to all instruments, and that has never left me. Ds was showing interest in learning music (asked to play the drums), but I didn't want him to go that route initially, so we compromised on the piano. He attends a music academy up the road, and his teacher has been wonderful with him. Although he doesn't like to practice and we struggle with that, he picks it up quickly and gets upset if we mention taking him out of lessons (during our time to practice battles). He's only 6 right now, but I anticipate him learning the guitar (he's asked) somewhere around 9 or 10 once he has a good solid base under him with this instrument. At that point, he may want to continue with the piano afterall. DH and I played instruments in elementary school, and we both wish we had gone further than 8th grade. Having musical knowledge is important to both of us. Our youngest will also learn to play when he's old enough.
  5. University of New Hampshire - BA Psychology (1995) Rivier College (small Liberal arts school in Nashua, NH) - Masters of Elementary Education (2000)
  6. I noticed on the NC thread several people from the Charlotte area. What are the ages of your children? I have a 6yo (1st grader) and a 2 yo. We're headed into our 2nd year of homeschooling, and I'll be officially starting using WTM guidelines. We'd love to meet up with some like-minded locals. It feels like all I'm finding are people who school more on the unschooling side, so I'm feeling a bit isolated. Pm me if you're interested. I'm in Union County, 3 miles south of the Matthews/Mint Hill area.
  7. Here's mine... http://www.paperbackswap.com/book/members_books.php?m=aGpxMWJ5Tm80NDA9 Love this thread btw!
  8. Steak, grilled potatoes & onions, blueberries from our bushes, sliced cucumbers from our garden, and watermelon from my produce co-op. It was a yummy dinner night! :D
  9. I have no idea what the military position is on this, but I am sorry to hear about this poor family. My prayers are with them.
  10. The Bible Night by Elie Weisel Chronicles of Narnia Pride and Prejudice The Grapes of Wrath (or anything by Steinbeck) The Jungle by Upton Sinclair Tom Sawyer & Huck Finn Trumpet of the Swan, Charlotte's Web, and Stuart Little ... gosh, I feel like I could go on and on... I'll save some for the rest of you. ;)
  11. My FIL said my boys will be wimps because they don't go to school where they can be toughened up to deal with the real world! :001_huh:
  12. So I just read more articles about this guy. I would keep the kids in... they have police and FBI from both NC and SC working on this. I am still perplexed as to how they are identifying him as "serial" though.
  13. I live about 50 miles from this, and I briefly caught the news on this; however, I am not fully up to date on it. With that said, I'm honestly having trouble answering you on this... part of me says yes the kids should come in because you are fairly close to the situation, but part of me says no because the acts of the serial killer don't seem to follow a pattern of attacking children (the victims were older). That does not mean one should not be vigilant though! I know they are calling this person a serial killer, but have they given any indication as to why they are labeling him this way? I have to be careful here because I don't want to appear callous, as this is a serious situation... But, have law enforcement in your area given residents warnings or tips on how to protect oneself with this person on the loose? If so, then definitely bring the kids in. If not, then maybe they could stay out? If it were me though, and I'm a worrier, I'd be up all night wondering if they were safe in their tent because someone put the "possibility" of danger in my head.
  14. Dh LOVES the grill! He teases me to get away if I attempt to touch it! :) I only grill if he's running late from work and dinner needs to be started. I lovingly call him "The Grillmaster".
  15. My son's name is Garon. We get so many compliments on it. It's an Old French name. The Everything Baby Names book has all kinds of different names in it - I'd pull some for you if I had it here, but a friend is borrowing it. Dh is more conservative so I was able to get Garon and Nolan for my boys. I've always loved Landon, Finn, Dayton, Dalton, and Ewen. But he wouldn't budge.:)
  16. Thank you for this post! I'm also a newer homeschooler, and these comments (or even facial expressions when the subject comes up) still ruffle my feathers. I find myself feeling defensive although I don't say anything back. I have one "friend" who does a great job pointing out all the "wonderful" things her son (my ds's best friend) is doing at school that we're missing out on (school plays, fundraising prizes, etc). She made some comments in the beginning of my journey that were so hurtful. So, my experience with her has me cautious of other people's comments. Another woman at church has no issues saying my son's behavior (when he's acting like a typical goofy 6yo boy) would be fixed "if I would just put him in school". I feel like the comments are all around constantly... Thank you for all the responses to help me focus on the great choice we've made for my family and ways to keep it all in perspective. :)
  17. :iagree:Just finished this and loved it! Anything by Jodi Picoult is usually good... my favorites are My Sister's Keeper, Second Glance, and Change of Heart. I also love anything by Jane Austen. I recently read March by Geraldine Brooks which is Mr. March's story (from Little Women) while he's away at war. It was well told and historically interesting. Enjoy your reading time! It's my favorite thing to do! :001_smile: PS - I read your opening post before reading your response... sorry to recommend adult fiction...
  18. I completely understand and have been you on many occasions. It's okay. I apologize for my over-reacting, explain my frustration, and we move on. I don't like when I lose it, but I am only human and so are you. I hope you have a better rest of the day. Take some deep breaths, separate yourself from them for a bit (if possible), and maybe call this a "slow" day so you can regroup. Good luck, and know you are not alone! :grouphug:
  19. My youngest, who is as busy as can be, will be attending preschool 2 half-days a week this fall. He requires A LOT of attention and is a social butterfly (already), so DH and I decided that him getting out will help me stay sane as well as allow me to focus on our older son for a couple of days. I know I'll feel bad come fall when I have to drop him off for the first time, but I also know this will be good for all of us.
  20. I have only heard wonderful stories from friends about hospice for their family members. I know I would definitely make the choice for it if I had to from all I've heard. I hope you will find peace with your decision. Sending you prayers and :grouphug:.
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