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Everything posted by 5parkers

  1. Actually I was wondering what to use for math next year and decided to go with Lial's Basic College Math- after reading the wealth of information about it on WTM. So I went ahead and bought it- without talking it over with my daughter first- and she really wants to stick with CLE. Wouldn't even look at it. And I thought it looked great! You can find alot of info. on it if you search this site. I will be selling mine!
  2. I have lupus and a friend of mine that does as well just sent me a list of foods not to eat and foods to eat. She says that the key is not to eat at all the "bad" foods, and you have to stick to the ones on the good list. Here is a copy of her email- Okay- I did some research on foods that are anti-inflammatory foods an foods that are pro-inflammatory foods and made a lifestyle change to test my theory. I figured that it would take about four weeks to even tell if it made a difference and it has. This is my fourth week and I actually have energy. Pro-inflammatory foods to stay away from: Tomatoes Potatoes Green and red bell peppers Eggplant Paprika Refined Flour Fried foods Refined sugar Chemicals like aspartame Processed meats Meats with nitrates Sweet and hot peppers Tabasco Paprika What to eat: High omega-3s Fish Wild Alaskan salmon Red meat- only once a week if you need to and grass-fed beef All meat needs to be organic, actually- everything I have been eating is organic and it's so much better. Real oatmeal (in the tin) Basil Cherries when in season Blueberries Strawberries Papaya Turmeric (it's a root and you can buy it in pill form. Or there is this stuff I've been taking that is all the herbs I read that are anti-inflammatory.) Ginger Cinnamon Rosemary Avacados Olive oil Hemp oil Dark green lettuce Broccoli, kale, brussel sprouts Garlic Kelp ****ake Mushrooms Sweet potatoes Whole grains Whole foods Whole fruits Nuts Flaxseeds Beans Yogurt (real stuff- not all the chemicals) The short list would be to eat foods, fruits, vegetables and herbs in their whole form. If you need sweet- small amount of dark chocolate is good. Hopefully this helps!
  3. I love CLE for math and reading , so I switched from R& S grammar to CLE- and my kids begged me for R & S back. Don't know why- just prefer R & S. We also do their spelling. I felt like my kids retained more of grammar using R & S.
  4. This is not a very exciting approach, but my son is a visual learner- so everyday (almost!) he writes out a times table- 9 x 1= 9, 9 x 2= 18, etc. or I just have him write out counting by 9's- 9, 18, 24, etc. He writes them on paper, he writes them on the dry erase board, he writes them in different colors. Nothing fancy- but it sticks them in his head and he is remembering his facts! :)
  5. Beautiful Girlhood is sweet to read together. The Moody Series by Sarah Maxwell she loved!
  6. YOu definatly get receipts, and some vendors have books and products that you can buy right then and there without waiting. Our first homeschool convention of the year is this Friday and I am sooooo excited! Expect to stay all day!:)
  7. You can use the "personal" option but say for payment/money owed. Or if they pay with a noncredit card payment- I think you can still use a "purchase" and not be charged fees.
  8. you can see a small sample at http://www.christianbooks.com. All the levels coorelate so that different ages can work at different levels but on the same subject, but I just use the Discovery level for both and let each one have their own workbook.
  9. CLE language includes grammar, spelling and handwriting into one daily lesson- so there is not too much of each one. It is in a workbook style. You may find this to work for you!
  10. Would definately recommend Basics of Diagramming from CLE. We have used this many times!!!!!!
  11. I have used R & S for 2nd, 3rd, 6th and 7th, and I really like having the TM. I like doing the daily reviews with my children, and it is relatively inexpensive!
  12. We use Explorer's Bible studies- the Discovery level with both my 3rd and 7th grader. They love it, they are reading their bibles, and they can do it together!
  13. I am in the same predicament. I use CLE for reading (2nd, 3rd, 7th), so I thought I would go ahead with it in 1st, but really wanted to use the R & S since the phonics and reading go together. So here is my plan- I am starting with Rod and STaff for phonics and reading Unit 1 and Units 2,3- then I am going to continue with phonics for Unit 4,5- but not do the reading. Instead I am going to add the CLE I Wonder reading and workbook- which should coorelate with the mid part of year. That way it will help transition to the CLE reading.
  14. I bought it but use Rod and Staff, not CLE for Language. It is very helpful when you forget something and just need to look it up quickly. Or for a refresher. It is a nice thing to have- don't think you would be wasting your money.
  15. Yes- get the tm- and I love that they are really not very expensive!
  16. I used CLP Adventures in Phonics with daughter in K,and showed it to my 6th grader who had been in public school and was surprised to find out she didn't know phonics! I loved using Adventures in Phonics and thought it taught them well. I have also heard that R & S remedial phonics is good for older children.
  17. We ordered chicks online one time, and the next time got them from a local farmer. They are so easy- you will be addicted to chickens! The first batch we got just a few days old, and we handled them alot, and they were so sweet and loving! The next ones were already two weeks old and had not been handled. They were still sweet but didn't like being picked up as much! Have fun!:)
  18. Chicken pot pie, grilled burgers and hot dogs, baked beans, chocolate cake, cherry pie, I am getting hungry!! :)
  19. Just had a garage sale last weekend. While we were selling, my son decided to grab sodas out of the garage fridge and sell them for 50 cents each. At one point he had a line of 8 people! He made $14 in one hour. Next day we tried bake goods but didn't work out as well. Go for the drinks!
  20. Is there a separate teacher book I would need? Or are the test answers in the back of the book as well?
  21. I have been searching WTM for considerations on what to use next year in 8th grade for prealgebra math. What a wealth of information and what a blessing this site is! We have always used CLE math- we love it- but my daughter wanted to try something different for 8th and above. After reading the posts, I think we may try Lial's Basic College Math. My question is- are there tests/quizzes included? Not sure what all I need to buy. I found a 7th edition student text and DVT for sale used. Would I need anything else? How do you test? Thank you ahead of time for your appreciated responses! Karen
  22. Absolutely love Positive Action for Christ curriculum! They have bible for each specific grade- fun, colorful workbooks and scripture memory. My kids love this!!! You can use whatever bible version your family uses. Very teacher friendly!
  23. Thanks for the info! Good to know- my daughter is in CLe 6- we love it!
  24. That is all very helpful information. Thank you!
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