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Everything posted by fraidycat

  1. I wash all kinds of stuff in regular detergent and dry everything on med or high. Even if it says otherwise on the tag. :)
  2. :grouphug: :grouphug: Enjoy as much time with your pup as possible. The rest will fall in to place.
  3. I made cinnamon applesauce ornaments last night. The house smells so yummy now! I've put them on low heat in the oven a couple times to help speed drying. We will decorate with paint dots and glitter (snowmen, gingerbread men), hopefully tomorrow, then hang them on the tree.
  4. In Canada, mail is still quite often delivered by the mailperson WALKING with the mail bag over their shoulder. I surprised when I moved to the US and discovered the "lazy mailman/woman" driving their little trucks, from the wrong side of the vehicle and not ever getting out of them. :D
  5. Hmmm, I just sent DH to the store for a jar of peanut butter today and he texted, then called to complain about the price of peanut butter. Apparently it's not so cheap anymore...must be from all the peanut butter thefts. :) (Or more likely the huge recall recently, now the companies are trying to make their lost $$ back.)
  6. Can I ask why you want to fly to Utah? If Yellowstone and Mt. Rushmore are your ultimate destination(s), why not fly into Wyoming or South Dakota?
  7. Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree. We've been off all week and will be off again for about 3 weeks for Christmas/New Year's break. I've got 3 weeks to get as much done as possible so the kids have something to show off to the Grandparents when they come for a visit. :D Oh, and I'll bring some spinach and feta for the pizza.
  8. It feels like we've been doing "homeschool lite" all year so far! :) I really need to crack the whip and get some stuff done over the next 3 weeks. But, the question was do I *want* to, and the answer to that is NO! :bored:
  9. Honestly, if she's far away either go visit to see her, or a plane ticket for her to visit you/loved ones. If she's close by, then same thing. Time together. Having a weekly/bi-weekly/monthly standing "date" to spend time together.
  10. You don't have to answer this here, but another question to ask yourselves and your DD is how is college being paid for? If the move is better for your family, financially, then she is better off in the long run if you plan or hope to help her at all, with college and/or living expenses. It's a tough situation all around, but I truly believe that the good of all trumps the good of one, in this case. "All" also happens to include your mother who is ill and will need family help. :grouphug:
  11. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: Prayers.
  12. I agree. Tomato staking is the way to go.
  13. I had 1400 photos printed to go along with scrapbooking supplies for one of DD's gifts. Other ideas: New Otterbox for her Ipod. Speakers for her Ipod - not a dock, because those don't work with the Otterbox on them. Legos. Craft supplies. Calvin & Hobbes and Garfield books. A set of books. - Not sure which one to get yet, though! I think I'm getting DS the How to Train Your Dragon boxed set. And every year, I get her the new Ripley's Believe it or Not and Guiness World Record books.
  14. The tree went up yesterday. This evening we decorated it and the rest of the inside of the house, made cupcakes, and now I'm just taking a few minute "quiet time" break - then I must go watch "A Christmas Story", the family has already started it!
  15. After including DH in the latest declutter project, he's more on board with me now than ever before about buying stuff, just to have said stuff. Not only for Christmas, but throughout the year, too. Finally! :) Christmas is going to be small here, compared to prior years. The kids will get a bigger gift, a smaller gift, a Santa gift, and an experience gift (amusement park tickets), and a few stocking stuffers. I've also talked my Mom into downsizing as well - our gift from my parents for the whole family is also an "experience" gift - tickets to a show, so Yay! No clutter! In prior years, we probably got 6-8 things for them, then Santa gift, then my Mom would get them 3-5 things as well.
  16. :hurray: :hurray: Good for you! I just tackled my laundry room today. It looks so... naked now. I also keep going in there to look at it. I finally unpacked the box with cleaning tools in it that I had to keep digging through every time I wanted something. There was no place to put the stuff away before! I straightened up the garage last weekend, and it's already getting a little unkempt looking again. :glare:
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