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Everything posted by Ottakee

  1. Michigan goes into lock down at midnight.
  2. Even the little fairy family I saw on my walk was practicing social distancing
  3. I really wonder if I didn't have COVID19 last month. I had the fever, cough, and difficulty breathing and ended up with pneumonia. Had flu shot and flu test was negative. I did not have the "hit by a truck" feeling as it came more gradual. Only thing was I did have a runny nose...clear, no sinus infection. That is reported as rare. If it was that, I have no idea where I would have gotten it. Or it could have well been another random virus. I am almost 50 and had heart surgery with resulting lung damage and never had pneumonia before.
  4. I know there are some wonderful boyfriend/step dad's out there, but the fact they were hiding this makes you very suspicious
  5. Sad to say, over my 100+ foster care cases, and life in general, the most dangerous person to a young child is Mom's boyfriend.
  6. Are you allowed to be out in the parking lot (assuming it is not busy) or on the side walks? Some kids taking a bath very relaxing.
  7. I have a pretty good stock here. We are cooking with staples and whatever we have in the fridge that will go bad first. Today I took left over pinto beans from supper (that the kids weren't thrilled about) and some left over rice....added a can of corn and can of tomatoes and taco and ranch seasoning and made a taco soup they LOVED.
  8. This morning was a medication level blood test for dd....it was eerily quiet there as they also house specialists offices, surgical center, and an urgent care. Then we made a run to the store for vitamins as when I tried to donate blood I found out I was anemic (my last bottle of vitamins didn't have the iron in them). Home and made taco soup....which the kids all loved...using left overs the kids didn't want to eat🙄 In an hour I go to the local food bank to stock shelves and prepare boxes of foods for general distribution and stuff for the kids food program. We are trying to do as little as possible but some of these things we CAN do with minimal risk and hopefully help out others that are in a higher risk category.
  9. I just got a call from neurology that the appointments for my 2 girls are both on as scheduled....but limited people who come in with the patient, hand sanitizer, etc.
  10. I think area are still on a case by case basis. It is so hard because you are right, some things you do just need hands on, in person visits
  11. My son will go volunteer at a local food program where he works regularly. I will clean and dejunk the basement and wait to see if the school program needs me to help deliver food bags to local school kids with no transportation. I will check my emails from work (special school for young adults 18-26 with moderate cognitive impairments) to see what they need me to do. Then we will take a bike ride, walk, and/or do some yard work.
  12. What does your dd think? I am letting my lowest risk one work at a local food bank daily. One dd and son in law both work at a large grocery store. They are still working. They are in the lowest risk category, they are otherwise staying home. I figure that by them working, maybe another higher risk employee won't feel the pressure to come in, or it may allow a parent to stay home with a child, etc. I don't think there are any clear cut answers here.
  13. Ottakee


    The financial burdens for many will be great
  14. Medicmom2.0 that is the feeling my mother has. She was a nurse. She knows the risks. She is ok with getting the virus.
  15. I bought frozen scallops for the first time ever and I also have a bag of frozen shrimp. What are your best, easy recipes for either or both? I love seafood but rarely make it. My shrimp recipe is just melt a bit of butter in a pan, add thawed shrimp and saute with old Bay seasoning.
  16. If he can go to a showroom to try one out that would be best. They make them in various sizes for different heights and weights.
  17. 3 days, rarely 4-5. 3 days was the rule in the nursing home
  18. Michigan schools are closed for 3 weeks. I work in special education. We're reported today and we're directed to empty all fridges and freezers (we cook with students) and take all of our computers home so we can work at home. Due to the nature of our students, on line stuff is not applicable. I will be volunteering some at the local food banks to help fill in food gaps for vulnerable families. The stresses for lower income parents and those of special needs kids are very high.
  19. This is wonderful. This is a huge concern as so many families do not have relatives close by and parents must work but so many day cares, esp those tied to the schools are closed.
  20. I always go mid tones as too light or too dark shows dust and dirt and streaks so much more. Then again, I am not an interior designer at all. I just hate to clean.
  21. One would think........ Just this week it started raining and he suddenly said, "I can hear the rain". He was so excited. His hearing is not perfect but is greatly improved with his hearing aides
  22. Yep. I had a student this year that I was sure had a hearing issues. No one had checked his hearing in 10+ years (he had had ear surgery then). Tested out as profound loss in one ear and moderate to severe loss in the other. Sometimes a tongue tie can be missed as well. For my son (adopted at 7) we saw an ENT for speech and his tonsils were so large as well as adenoids that they interfered with his articulation. It improved greatly after surgery. Lots of possible causes but certainly worth a hearing test, vision test (just because) and speech eval. So much easier to address issues at 4 vs 10.
  23. Agreeing with the speech eval. It could be just a simple articulation issue. A hearing test might be in order to make sure hearing is perfect. A tongue tie and overly large tonsils can also affect articulation.
  24. Ottakee


    Worrisome that it was so severe at 2am but less now. Usually a pulled muscle isn't that high of pain and/or goes down quickly when you are still. I hope she went in.
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