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Everything posted by Mallorie

  1. Can I start you out with an easy-peasy recipe? It's not whole grain, but it has 1 cup of squash in it, so there is some value. I just made it this afternoon. It's a gorgeous loaf, an orangish for fall, and braided, so looks very sophisticated. But it is EASY, and very forgiving. I also used my kitchenaid. :) Squash Braid Bread (I believe this recipe came from Taste of Home) 2 TBSP Warm water 1 pkg (1 TBSP) active dry yeast. 1 cup mashed, cooked butternut squash (or other similar) 1/3 cup warm milk ( 110-115 degrees, I just heat until room temp) 1/4 cup butter or margarine-softenend 1 egg 3 TBSP brown sugar 1/4 tsp. salt 3 to 3.5 cups flour Glaze: 1 beaten egg w/ 1 TBSP water mixed In a small bowl, dissolve yeast in water. In a mixing bowl, combine squash, milk, butter, egg, brown sugar and salt. Mix well. Add yeast mixture and 1.5 cups flour, mix well. Add enough remaining flour to form a soft dough, turn onto floured surface and knead until smooth and elastic, about 6-8 minutes. (I just do this in my kitchenaid with the hook, until it doesn't stick anymore) Place in a greased bowl, turning once to grease top. Cover and let rise in a warm place until doubled-about 1 hour. Punch down, divide into thirds, roll each third into an 18 inch rope. Place on a greased baking sheet, pinching ends together, braid ropes. Cover and let rise until doubled again, about 30 minutes. Combine glaze and brush braid with glaze (I don't use all of it, by any means) Bake at 350 for 25 minutes, or until golden brown. Remove from pan and cool on wire rack. Seriously, this is an EASY recipe, it's good, and it gets squash into my kids. It's not a sandwich loaf, but you could make a sandwich with it anyway. :)
  2. My mom went through something like this, I don't remember her exact symptoms, but she had a torn meniscus (sp?). She needed surgery to have part of it removed.
  3. Land's End snow flurry boots. They are simple, nice looking, keep the tootsies warm, and currently $20 (and you could score free shipping). Between my 3 kids, we've gone through 4 pair so far, and I need to order more. They will last longer than your child will be in that size. :) http://www.landsend.com/pp/SnowFlurryBoots~212818_1055.html?bcc=y&action=order_more&sku_0=::CLN&CM_MERCH=IDX_00003__0000000356&origin=index
  4. Fruit of the spirit. "Works" is a result of faith, and a relationship with Jesus. Not the other way around.
  5. I would not let them make this call. I would consider their feelings, but ultimately, it would be up to dh and myself. You can have wii and friends the rest of the year. I'd be hard pressed to let the tradition of going to the mountains go. JMO
  6. My great-grandmother had long hair, down to her waist, when she was in her 80's. They cut it due to shingles, because it kept getting very goopy from the ointment, and she screamed her head off. It was her pride and joy. She also never went to the doctor until she was in her 80's. She had her own kitchen garden and had everything she needed in it.
  7. This may not be a popular answer, but borax. I use a damp rag and some borax, and that takes it off. I have tried EVERYTHING before that. Just use gloves, and small amounts. You can make a paste of borax and water of it, too, and let it sit for a while to loosen it, then gently wipe it away.
  8. Actually, it was on PBS here. It's on again tonite. We don't have cable, so few channels to choose from. I rented the back episodes from the library. :)
  9. Some flavored waters contain aspartame, so you have to watch. Like pp, a splash of certain juices, like cranberry. We like lime around here. :)
  10. I would do Vit. D (remember, fat soluable)-magnesium-calcium. They are a trio that work together. I use NOW VItamin D 2,000 softgels and NaturalCalm magnesium/calcium. Nordic Naturals Ultimate Omega Fish oil. Bronson labs (Vitamin C) sodium ascorbate powder Low-carb diet. Sunshine, fresh air, kind friends and a furry pet. Turn your TV off, seriously. Prayer. For fibromyalgia...two therapies that are AMAZING are myofascial release and Craniosacral therapy. A good therapist who does this will not be cheap, but it works. For pain: another remedy that isn't cheap, but it's drug free is Curamin. It's a form of tumeric (which you could also use). B6 vitamins can alleviate depression. HTH. :)
  11. My son is doing decimals and percents right now with Saxon Algebra 1/2. He uses DIVE to go with it.
  12. Working (asst. between three kids): Saxon algebra 1/2 w/Dive CD for oldest R&S math 4 for middle Saxon 1 for youngest Explode the Code (looked iffy for a while, now doing fine) Megawords Apologia physical science Apologia swimming creatures A Reason for Handwriting Fallacy Detective Surprisingly, these cheap little books you can get at Sam's club, called "Complete Book of..." We have US history, Reading and Science ones. I hear the mapping and Geography one is good too. For $6 at Sam's, they make a good outline to use. Another little nugget we stumbled on is a book called "Wooden Teeth and Jelly Beans", which really got my kids interested in learning about the presidents. We got this from the library, but they spent so much time with it that I had to mention it. Our Coop. It's been a blessing to have these families to gather and do school with once a week. Maybe: AAS 1 - haven't determined if we'll keep this yet Who is God? Learn to Write the Novel Way (just got today, ds is SUPER excited to start this) Words on the Vine (again, just got this today, too, ds is excited to get into it) MOH - we're new to hs'ing, so this keeps getting pushed off R&S English ( I seriously do NOT want to hear anymore about subjects and predicates) Not a hit: R&S math for oldest and youngest, but middle ds likes it Elemental Science...good outline, not enough hands on for dd.
  13. I found Coldwater Creek jeans last year, and I really like them.
  14. Is this what my family happened upon Saturday night on PBS? We liked it. We hardly ever turn on the t.v. because of content anymore, and the amount of commercials, but this night we were all tired and tuned into PBS.
  15. I also make the Duggar recipe liquid, and have been for a few months now. I really, really love it. I'm sensitive to smells, and this makes our clothes scent-free, which is a huge bonus. I also use vinegar in the rinse cycle, I fill a downy ball 1/2 full with it. :)
  16. Is anyone having the problem of a clogged hose? We cleaned ours out because it wasn't draining (about a month ago) and today it didn't drain again. I switched from a liquid to a powder, Walmart's generic. I have never been able to get my plastic cups free of the white residue, even with vinegar. I'm getting very frustrated with the thing.
  17. IMO, thawed apples are best for baking/cooking. We just did apple butter and applesauce. I also cored/peeled several bags for later baking. While peeling, I have a big bowl of cold water with some vitamin C powder mixed in (about 1/2 tsp.) and put peeled slices into that. When I have the amount I want for a crisp/pie, I bag them in foodsaver bags and freeze. Fruit Fresh is essentially Vitamin C powder (ascorbic acid). If you have chewable tablets, I hear you can crush them up and use dissolved in water to keep them from browning, but I've never done that. I do keep powdered Vitamin C on hand, and used that instead, and it worked like a charm.
  18. I don't have enough knowledge to answer your questions, but I do have something for you to mull around. I didn't attend church growing up. After I got married, I became Lutheran, because my husband was. About two years ago, the Lord got my attention, and everything changed. We now attend a southern baptist church. I can't tell you about different denominations, but I know enough to know this: Follow Christ. He will put you where He wants you. There are Catholics, Lutherans, Baptists, etc. who all love the Lord. Try some churches out. I was told that when you find where He wants you to be, He will let you know. I found it to be true. The only title I like to hold is "Christian". I am His and He is mine. :)
  19. Thanks! I was worried I was going to have to pop all these jars open and re-do. NOT what I wanted!!
  20. I'm canning applesauce, and no matter how I do it, some siphons out the top of the jar. They do seal, though. Is this normal? Is the applesauce still good if the jar sealed? Would cleaning the outside of the jar to get the sticky stuff off be ok? It is thick, and there are a couple of jars that didn't seal that I want to re-batch, so I will thin those with some apple juice. I just don't want to have to re-do ALL of them! I really appreciate the help!
  21. :iagree: I've got an old Bernina that my MIL gave me to use. It's a workhorse.
  22. In case you're still not sure...yep. :)
  23. I'm a first time homeschooler, and doing Saxon 1 with my first grade dd. My 7th grader is doing Saxon Algebra 1/2 on his own with the DIVE cd-and he LOVES it. I find it very easy to teach Saxon 1, it's all laid out, open and go, and fairly quick so far. The only beef i've been able to find with the program was talking to my hs friends, Saxon 3 has a goofy way of teaching multiplication (they start with 7s, which confuses some). All of my kids did Saxon at school last year, and I notice that my middle child who did Saxon 3 is struggling with his multiplication tables. So we're reviewing that...and he wants to stay in Rod and Staff 4, so is not doing Saxon. But i'm still tossing around ordering 5/4 because i'll use it with dd anyway. The other flaw was that it can be "boring", but that doesn't bother me. The trade off for learning math is worth it.
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