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Jumping In Puddles

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Everything posted by Jumping In Puddles

  1. Does this remind anyone else of The Sopranos? :lol:
  2. :iagree: Pressure cooker is the way to go. You can have a beautiful batch of beans in about 1/2 hour - start to finish!
  3. those links are both great! I had never heard of either before.
  4. I would toss it because the 60º range is when the bacteria thrive. Food poisoning is so not worth it! There is a good chance that it is fine but on the chance it's not, I wouldn't risk it.
  5. You could send her there for a year and see how she does. That school sounds great and maybe you will have more interaction with her because she might be excited to tell you about what she's learning and her new friends. If it doesn't work out, then you know you tried. :)
  6. Everyone have a great time! I can't go this weekend but I'm going to make sure I'm there next year when I'm ready for 1st grade curriculum.
  7. My kids love bean burritos too. All those beans... :blink: I hope your kids have stronger digestive systems than mine do! :lol: My son is so funny, he would <ahem> squeak - then look around and say "what was that?" all serious faced and all :)
  8. Thanks, I know that this is meant to be a sarcastic attack, but I really do surround myself with a great group of people. I don't think I would want to surround myself with people who "especially" like to discuss ludicrous stories. But that's what makes us all different, right? True. I expect that in about 8 years I'll have more homeschool experience and my viewpoint is likely to change. Also, I do immerse myself in my community too and I love varying viewpoints which is why I'm standing up for "the whiners" even though I don't agree with them. I don't enjoy discussing the merits of something ridiculous. I am not really enjoying this discussion, so I will let you have the last word.
  9. I hope you'll report back here when you come across a situation where you tell people that you homeschool and that they associate you with "THE SUBWAY INCIDENT OF 2008" I would be willing to bet money that if you asked ANYONE that doesn't homeschool about this incident 6 months from now or 5 years from now that "THE SUBWAY INCIDENT OF 2008" will NOT be their first concern about you! I would guess socialization would still be number one. Most people, unless they are on a homeschooling forum, blog, or list KNOW NOTHING about this. And further more I doubt they will care. Imagine, meeting someone for the first time and then walking away to hear them mumble "hhehehehe, those homeschoolers, I bet they wanted to win this subway contest that wasn't open to them hahahaha and get this: subway apologized, kids, please stay away from that fundie, whacko, family whatever you do, hehehe" If you really think you will be judged on this issue just because you homeschool then you are overestimating how much strangers care about what you do with your family
  10. But who am I to complain about people who wanted to see homeschoolers included?
  11. I guess I'm the only one sick of people whining about whiners? <sigh> <ducking>
  12. I hope you do read the replies in this thread so you see that it's not all about "whining". While I couldn't care less that homeschoolers were excluded I do see some good points from the other side. I think it's the people complaining about the people complaining are being hypocritical and in some instances are being more whiny than the people their complaining about (NOT directed at you, Suzanne. In general). I, for one, think some good may have come out of the complaints because it does make people look at their contests and maybe think "how can we be more inclusive?" in which case, truly, everyone would win. Very well said. How could anyone call that whiny? :confused:
  13. My 5 year old is a tick magnet too. The ticks love behind his ears and on his head mostly, but I've found them on his arms and one on his neck yesterday. I had NO IDEA about the garlic pills though! That is worth trying :)
  14. I cried too! I never cry over stories on forums but that is such a sweet story. Happy Birthday to your girl!
  15. oooh, I bought Rat-a-Tat Cat for my daughter's 4th birthday (on June 2nd) Should I hold it until Christmas or do you think its reasonable that a 4 year old can play? She plays UNO now and she plays well, how would Rat-a-Tat compare?
  16. I haven't tried that one yet but I've been thinking about getting for my son for Christmas. My son loves the card came Duck Duck Bruce! I change the rules slightly so that all hands are facing upward. He caught on to the game quickly and loves to play. My daughter loves UNO. She has an Angelina Ballerina kids set that is pretty nice - I don't normally like "character" stuff but the artwork is kind of cute. The Amazing Labyrinth that has been suggested is a hit with my kids too. Gulo Gulo always gets recommended over at BoardGameGeek but we haven't tried that one yet.
  17. You can also stir in some parmesan cheese to that for some fat... it goes really well! Beans are about 5 years old that are on the shelf at retail stores. The older the beans, the longer cooking time but they should last indefinitely. Fresher beans are more tender, take less time to cook but are expensive! Someday, I would love to afford some Rancho Gordo Beans but for now, I buy cheap.
  18. No, that Chinese program is during classes at the public school (they have a native Chinese speaker teach each class ) but I am *amazed* at the Chinese that some of their friends are learning at school. And a little jealous :o
  19. My husband wants the kids to learn Spanish and we know a Spanish boy (about 13 years old) who could come over after school one or two days a week and speak spanish to the kids and teach them some basics. He thinks Spanish will be the most important language for them because of how many Spanish speakers there are in this country. Our local school district teaches Chinese starting in kindergarten. That language will be increasingly important in the future because of the rising status of china. I want them to learn Italian because I'm from an Italian heritage (but don't speak the language) but this might not be as practical. But my final thought is: shouldn't I wait until they learn about the world, then they can pick a language themselves? BTW, they will start Latin in 2nd grade... Your thoughts for your own children?
  20. This is the strangest thing but my daughter sounds a little like she has a french accent! :lol: Every time she opens her mouth in public people tell me they love to hear her speak. She is starting to lose the "accent" now but it is sweet to hear her talk for some reason.
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