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Jumping In Puddles

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Everything posted by Jumping In Puddles

  1. I can't imagine negative reping someone! Everyone's post is appreciated even if I don't agree :)
  2. :iagree: I would not have thought of giving them different texts... brilliant!
  3. I remembered another one: Our lawn was always the most beat up one on the block because we use to play all over it (baseball etc.) My father would tell people who complained that he was raising kids, not grass. (go dad! :) )
  4. Great question! My son's friends told him about the Captain Underwear books which is right up his alley, but I'm not sure I want him to have them. He thinks poop is really funny, I hope he grows out of that :eek: He has never even seen one of the books but he tells his sister, let's play "professor poopy pants" hahahahah... :confused:
  5. ooh that would be so fitting since my kids never met a puddle they didn't like! :lol:
  6. I voted yes for repairs to be done to the schools. It doesn't make much sense to let the building and properties fall to disrepair possibly costing more money in the future and endangering the students who go there. However, I voted no to their first plan (and it didn't pass) and when tightened up, I voted yes on the next vote which did pass.
  7. You may not be able to do this, but if you can, it works out beautifully - here it is: If you want to do something special or extra for example theater camp or a weeks vacation at the beach, you could earn the money for just that activity. Hear me out: I have a unique situation because I freelance but that doesn't mean that you can't do it too! Don't get a job where you have a schedule, do something that YOU schedule. For example, say you need to earn $400 for this camp, then what you could do is: 1) Sell books, clothing, or whatever on ebay and use that money ONLY for this. 2) Offer a cooking class (if you can cook) for kids or mom's or my favorite, senior citizens: this has been my best moneymaker aside from my freelance work (which I take only when I have something specific to pay for). It works like this: If you have a senior group at church, go through the church and see if they will sponsor a class - I've easily made $400.00 in one afternoon for about 4 hours total work (2 hours class, 2 hour prep) and don't make it hands on - just a demonstration and discussion! This is way easier than you think! 3) If your crafty, sell something on etsy.com and EARMARK that money for something specific. 4) Have your kids do a lemonade stand. My kids did this because they saw it on Max and Ruby (who I haaaaaaaate but anyway) and they sold brownies and they made $50.00 when they ran out of stuff to sell in less than 2 hours! You don't have to do this in front of your home, do it at a gas station, outside the supermarket (with permission) Roadside by a park etc. The point is to do something and use that money for something specific. Good Luck!
  8. My kids love those gypsy moth caterpillars but there are way too many for my taste too. I should know by Thursday if I'm going :)
  9. I just googled it... sounds very interesting, seems I've missed early registration but still... I'm going to see if I can work it out. :)
  10. wait... what? Enoch, is this a NJ thing?
  11. My father, who has no chest hair, always says it's because "hair doesn't grow on steel" Or he'll say he was in the navy when the ships were made out of wood and the men were maid out of steel.
  12. when I make coffee ice cream (at the restaurant we called it cappuccino ice cream lol) I actually put in the cream while it was heating about 2 Tablespoons of instant coffee. Believe me, with all that cream and sugar and egg yolks, the coffee does not have to be fancy. I would never drink it but it tastes sooooo good in ice cream!
  13. This is the almost the same recipe we used at a restaurant that I use to work at except we used ALL cream and no milk and 8 yolks: 8yolks 1cup sugar 1Quart Cream Vanilla Beans Any flavorings/cookie/brownie chunks etc. Make custard, cool, churn. I can say that this is the best ice cream I've ever had in my life :D
  14. Did you ask your doctor about that pain? I get a painful sensation every once in a while too.
  15. :lol: This contest doesn't seem all that well thought out! I couldn't care less that they're excluding homeschoolers but dang, I hate stupid mistakes!
  16. Thanks all, I will call my OB on tuesday, I was just wondering if this is normal for others.
  17. Do you still have pain around the scar or in your uterus years later? My dd will be 4 next week and I still have some pain (very, very mild but there) and I'm wondering if anyone else has this.
  18. How to get around the forum: I’ve seen a few posts from people who aren’t sure how to quote and other forum tricks so I’ve put together a few points for people who want to know: To Quote: Under each post, there is a box that says “quote” and a box that has a [ “+ ]symbol in it. The first box you would hit if you want to Quote that person and then type your reply. If you want to quote more than one person in the thread, you would hit the [ “+ ] button. This is called the multiquote. You won’t get a chance to type in your response until you click the “Post Reply” button at the bottom of the thread and when you do, all the quotes will be added to your post. BE CAREFUL not to erase some of the tags that grey out the quote. All quotes must start with a [QUOT.E] and end with [/Quote] If you end with [Quote and no end bracket, your quote won’t work. To post a picture from a web page directly in your post: Right click on the picture that you want to appear in your post and choose “open picture in new tab or new window”. Now copy the address of that picture. (Command C on a mac, I think ctrl C on a pc ) and go to your post. Now in your response box, there is a little yellow box that looks like its got mountains and a sun in it (if you mouse over it, it will say “insert image”. Click this, then paste the address of the image ( Command V on mac, ctrl V on pc) and that’s it. The image will appear within your post. Quick Reply: At the bottom of each post, there is a quick reply button that looks like a piece of paper and a quill pen. Just click this, and start typing! Next to the Search box (in red) at the top of the forum, is the Quick Links. This is very valuable for seeing threads your subscribed to. If you are automatically subscribed to threads you respond to, this can be a quick way to check to see if there are any updates or replies to threads your involved in. Now, here is probably more than you want or need to know: New Posts and how to exclude forums. This will let you search all the new posts in any forum. www. welltrainedmind.com/forums/search.php?do=getnew You can bookmark this for new posts (without the space after www. because I didn't actually want to link) If you would like to exclude forums, so when you hit “new posts” you wouldn’t see certain forums pop up on the list. www. welltrainedmind.com/forums/search.php?do=getnew&exclude=10 <<< so you could copy that string into your favorites in your browser and when you click it would give you new posts without the sale board for example and if you would want to exclude more than one forum, you would do 10,7,4 etc. 10 would be the sale/swap forum. You find that by clicking on the forum and the last thing in the address bar will be the forum number (for example f=6 would be forum 6. To implement these, you would save the address (either with excluded forums or just all new posts) on safari in your bookmarks bar. I simply save mine as WTM. (pc users, I don’t know where the favorites would be, sorry) This way, when I open safari and I want to visit here, I just click WTM and it brings me up new posts excluding forums I have no interest in. If anyone has any more tips, please feel free to add!
  19. I'm not sure what unit study is. Is that what they do in public school?
  20. That sounds good! I would add into the crock pot that morning a quarter of cup of brown rice. and 1/2 cup extra water. :) Beans and rice go sooooo well together (taste and nutritionally!) and if your kids are not brown rice lovers and prefer white, the taste difference in the pot of beans is completely unnoticeable! BTW, "beans and tortillas" are called burritos! :lol:
  21. Start a blog! Head on over to Wordpress, think up name, register it (free) and start writing. You could also try photography and photoshop. (and I'm very jealous that your housework is done!)
  22. My kids have separate rooms and they are extremely close and would say they are best friends, so I don't think they need to share a room for that. I think in your situation, you made the right decision in putting them together and separating the school room. You'll find out if privacy is an issue and if it is then you can re-evaluate. As long as you keep an open mind to change, I would go with your gut :)
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