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Jumping In Puddles

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Everything posted by Jumping In Puddles

  1. I'm on the border of Warwick, NY. Are you near there?
  2. Use the 2% and add some butter like someone else suggested. Evaporated milk is just milk that has some of the water removed. You could barely simmer your 2% to evaporate some of the water but I don't think you need to :) Post your recipe then we could probably help you more.
  3. Yes, you can use half & half or just plain old whole milk. :) (It will probably even turn out better that way!)
  4. Brown Sugar might work, also you could try mixing it with a spoonful of honey. Maybe make him some VERY sweet oatmeal and mix the powder in? I am surprised that the doctors think a 4 year old can swallow a pill... there is no way my 4 year old could do it. Good luck and let us know what works! :)
  5. It was for me, my heart went into tachycardia and thankfully, the meds I was given worked and I didn't need to get shocked. I did get a full cardiac work up after that and my heart is structurally fine. I have a problem with the electrical impulse in my heart ( I have an extra electrical impulse node ) called Wolff Parkinson White that is normally not dangerous. I don't think I'll have another because of it (and the first pregnancy, I had placenta left in me that almost killed me!) but also I really am happy and grateful for the two that I have - I just keep thinking that I want another :confused: I'm all for adoption but my husband doesn't want to go there. He thinks that with two its easier financially, space wise, homeschool wise, and all around for our sanity but if we did have another he would, of course, be thrilled :p I'd also like to add that I am envious of all the people on this board with 4 children while being content with my 2 at the same time! :confused:
  6. My husband and I are struggling with the same questions. We have 2 now and they are so easy - they play together, learn together, they are really at the same level (they are only 14 months apart) in most respects and I get to spend lots of one on one with each of them. If we add another they would be 5 and 6 when the baby was born. I still have this yearning for another child though even though it would make things more difficult (and expensive!). The only thing also is that I had very complicated and difficult pregnancies (let put it this way, they were frantically warming up the crash cart as I was giving birth the second time) and that is the reason why I didn't get pregnant a few years ago. Now, some days, I'm thinking that even without complications, our life is so great and my kids so independent that I don't know if I want to have more children and other days, I want a new baby! Good luck in deciding what will be right for your family. :)
  7. Anyone kind enough to respond, can you also say what you like or don't like about the geography workbook you're using :) Thanks!
  8. I didn't get any bad gifts but I got many more gifts (instead of money) than I expected. I always think of gifts for the shower and cash for the ceremony. I always give money and I thought everyone else did too.
  9. I am looking forward to an Obama and McCain debate. We will find out more about each candidate and hopefully we can look past race.
  10. I understand what you are saying but I respectfully disagree. I don't see Obama as the black candidate or white candidate, I see him as a man whose issues I (mostly) agree with and I don't think the race card is being presented as a positive for Obama. If he were white, I wonder if he would have gotten the nomination months ago. There are many people in this country who wouldn't vote for him because he is black. We will obviously never know this but it's my feeling that we would be seeing Obama run for president even if he had two white parents and was himself white. I also don't think Obama is making his campaign out to be one of race. Just check out his website, it is not full of "black rhetoric" like someone, say Jesse Jackson or the like (Black leaders dealing almost exclusively with black issues) but is full of issues and ideas. A great read on the topic: Time Magazine Link
  11. :eek: I would love to see the links for that! The Bush Family and his administration are also known to support some unfavorable characters - such as the Bin Laden Family. (link)
  12. :iagree: :hurray: Absolute truth, that! :thumbup: I want that bumper sticker. I can't believe how many adults are disrespectful, rude and immature - how do they think their kids will behave?
  13. My library doesn't have it, unfortunately. I have seen it at the bookstore though. I could probably spend a little time with it there. :)
  14. Things that make me a little nervous are the complaints about many exclamation points, typos, bad type setting, historical inaccuracies and disjointed. (amazon) :confused: I know there are many more positive reviews on Amazon but I was wondering if anyone here found any truth in what was posted on Amazon. Thanks, :bigear:
  15. My only regret about not starting earlier is that I could've had more than 2 kids. I've always wanted 4. :crying:
  16. No, that grey square means the person doesn't have enough posts yet (I think you need 50 posts for rep to count as posts) so it just shows up as neutral.
  17. I got a really insulting email about 2 years ago from my MIL and it makes me sick to think that she thinks this way: The email was about how someone's mother (or whatever) was in the grocery store and how she only bought store brands and pinched pennies and worked hard all her life. Now, one day, she saw a hispanic woman (who surely must have been illegal:rolleyes:) who was buying expensive steak! Real Brand Name stuff! Beer! Guess what? She was probably on Food Stamps! :rolleyes::blink: To me this was racist and just plain ignorant. I don't know how many hispanics my MIL knows, but the ones I know are extremely hard working, religious, family oriented and in no way are they living high on the hog. And if they were I hope I wouldn't assume it was because they are here in America just to abuse the system. Pisses me off to this day when I think about it and it affects the way I see her. :mad: :mad: :mad:
  18. I get attacks so infrequently that I have not had the surgery. I'm hoping they'll come up with a non surgical treatment in the future. You will be fine though and good luck!
  19. I use to always want to more than my husband (but I never want to be woken up for it!) but after the kids were born I have to admit that I'm more stereotypical now and I really don't want to that much. I'm kind of hoping that changes.
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