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Jumping In Puddles

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Everything posted by Jumping In Puddles

  1. Thanks for the link... :eek: No, I don't have to live in a beach town but I do like beach towns. It's just more important to live in a nice community where there are a lot of kids and kids activities/sports to choose from. Also important is access to farmer's markets or farm stands. Thanks, I've been noticing the price difference between Monmouth and Ocean. I have always wanted to live in Sea Girt but unfortunately that is way out of our price range. :lol: That must be confusing!
  2. The only thing I know to relate it to is another board (a huge 200,000+ member forum!) and they recently discovered that huge threads slow the forum down considerably so they let the posts go to 1500 posts and they they start a new thread and name it ________ part II, part III etc. There was a technical explanation but I don't remember it.
  3. He has a few choices: Red Bank, Shrewsbury, Lakewood... I think there were more, my dh is coming home with a list tomorrow.
  4. Thanks, that's good to know. :lol: yeah, freehold has some good history! How is living further south? What do you like and not like about it?
  5. Thanks, I'm moving from North West NJ where cost of living is fairly reasonable but my husband commutes an hour each way, 5 days a week so that really adds up.
  6. My husband has a possibility of a transfer to South Jersey and we may be moving. What towns are worth looking at? I noticed the further south you go, the cheaper the homes. Ideally, I would like to be around Red Bank but as far south as Pt. Pleasant would be ok. Any towns that are family friendly and have active homeschool groups? If you live down that area, how do you like it? I notice Toms River has a lot of homes for sale. Thanks!
  7. I don't think this is lame at all! It's easy, everyone loves it, actually I think its classic. :)
  8. NJ doesn't discriminate about police officers in a family anymore. As a matter of fact, my brother, who is a police officer was called to jury duty and was picked for the jury! I was on a jury once, and dang, I tried to use the police officer thing (father, brother, uncle) and not only was I picked, but I was on the jury with the wife of a police officer (who's husband was currently running for Sherif!) :lol: You should be able to be excused if you are the primary care giver. You can call, write or show up the first day and tell the judge why you wouldn't be able to serve: It would be a hardship on your family.
  9. Ok, now that this thread has finally been bumped again, HOW DID you get to have lunch with Bruce? I am jealous. I will gladly talk politics with the boss :D oh, and as you know, I agree about the tush :lol:
  10. You have gotten a lot of great advice already in this thread but you need to understand that lifestyle changes are great if you can implement them but for your immediate need, you need the medication. It's not a fake happy or a bandaid - sometimes there is just a chemical imbalance in your brain that is actually fixed with the chemicals from the meds. It is not always masking an emotional problem! Let me repeat: It may just be a chemical imbalance. I hope that you can find the right med that doesn't have the sexual side effects and you can start to research on the internet alternatives that are more natural. Lastly, your life is more important than nursing and sexual desire although its hard to see that but if you die, your baby won't be nursed and the least of your husbands problems will be s*x. If you have a suicidal thought in your head, please take the first step and call your doctor.
  11. I know most of the Food Network stars and have briefly met a bunch of morning show hosts and guests while I was providing support for the Food TV star. :)
  12. Texas Sheet Cake is my families favorite and it gets rave reviews whenever I make it: Chocolate Sheet Cake
  13. I'm addicted to the teas at Upton Tea Co. Loose leaf tea is the best, hands down.
  14. wow, I'm envious! What state do you live in? It seems the sweetest blueberries (in the supermarket :( ) are from Georgia this year.
  15. Someone told me a few weeks ago that they believe in a higher power because when she was in a car accident, she survived because of divine intervention. Well, why was she so lucky to survive and get divine intervention when my brother was in a car accident and died. She deserved to be saved and he didn't ?:confused: I really doubt it.
  16. I would move to the Cape in a heartbeat but that's where my in-laws live and it would be waaaaaay to close!:lol:
  17. I had to lose the monkey :lol: I wanted something a little nicer to look at as I'm posting!:tongue_smilie:
  18. Oh, mine has meaning alright! :lol: hehe... huge Bruce fan, and this is one of my, umm (ahem) favorite pictures of him. :D
  19. I give rep if someone gives a helpful suggestion whether it be parenting advice or curriculum advice or whatever. I give rep if someone says something profound or funny or just spot-on agreement. Lastly, I check out the rep on the Member List (sort by reputation) and whoever is really, really close to 2 squares, I give them a rep to push 'em over the edge. But, they had to have said something rep worthy, so I just check their recent posts and every time so far, there has been something they said that deserved a rep :)
  20. The only thing I'm a little leery about this being a Christian program. In the FAQ's they say they use Christian sources where possible so this might not be appropriate for people who want to use secular materials.
  21. 5 more green squares to max anj out! I'm starting a campaign... who's with me?
  22. Couldn't happen to a more deserving person! Anj has been nothing but helpful and gracious! :) ... and no, I'm not doing that to suck up! I'm pretty sure she has already given me rep lately so I'm just tellin' it like it is :p
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