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Jumping In Puddles

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Everything posted by Jumping In Puddles

  1. I tend not to think of Disney movies as fairy tales either except for a few of the older ones. I hate that I like it, but I can't help it - I like Disney's Snow White. I liked it as a kid and I know it's wrong but I like it now. :001_huh:
  2. :lol: I wasn't here for that thread, I can only imagine I would stay strong and stay out of it! Even if the thread were 500 pages long I bet no minds were changed! Another one I would avoid like the plague is a right to life/right to choose debate! That is a debate that can not be won. It is too emotional and no one is wishy washy on that subject! One thing that might be a good idea as this forum grows is to have a sub forum (like under the General Board) for Politics and Social Issues this way people can choose to stay away if they like.
  3. I will say this for the record... if there is ever a thread here on evolution v. creation v. id, I promise to stay far, far away!:ack2:
  4. I like the curriculum threads very much and I get a kick out of the fun threads. I try to stay away from the political or social issues threads but sometimes I take a peek anyway and I have a hard time not participating if there seems to be misunderstanding in a thread. I'm ok with differing opinions but not misinformation.
  5. Sometimes we have a tea party which is really fun... we'll have cookies and my daughter's little tea set and we spread out a blanket either on the floor or outside but that to us is different than everyday tea time which as I said earlier is really just tea!
  6. I don't really know why I picked mine :confused: I actually would have preferred JumpingInPuddles but I registered without thinking.
  7. That sounds wonderful! We have tea time everyday. At around 4:00 every afternoon, I put on the kettle and we have a cup of tea. The kids have decaf with milk and honey. We drink our tea in our good china cups and saucers and amazingly we haven't broken one yet. Sometimes we have 2 sugar cookies with our tea but usually it's just tea. My mom is English, and we've always done this. Whenever we're at my parents house, around 4pm my dad will say..."oh look at the time" and my kids will say TEA TIME!! What you are planning sounds even better though!
  8. Ree is The Pioneer Woman! WARNING: that website can be pretty addicting. I just have 5 words for you: Black Heels To Tractor Wheels. (Don't say I didn't warn you! :lol: )
  9. Here is a great read: What's Wrong With Cinderella: NYT you may have to register to read but it is worth it! I like fairy tales. I don't think we give kids enough credit for figuring out what's real and what's fantasy. I model the kind of behavior and live the kind of values that I want my kids to have. These are just stories and if there is something I disagree with, then it's a chance to teach!
  10. EDIT: OK, I see where you're coming from - maybe people in a non-sexual commitment should have more legal rights but that's not going to happen until we get equal rights for gays. Maybe we should take this one step at a time?
  11. They have a relationship and its defined: THEY ARE BEST FRIENDS! Unlike couples who want to marry, they don't want to be married! Please, if they want to leave everything in their will to each other - they are free to. If they want to actually "marry" then they could have a same sex marriage if it were legal. If they don't share benefits because employee benefits are for married couples only but they think they should get them because they are so "close" then take it up in court - but this has nothing to do with the rights of homosexuals. If someone wants to be able to share benefits with their flower bed - then fight for it... but this is a separate issue! Gay people are bringing it up because it is important to them. If close friends want to make a case then the courts and public opinion are always open.
  12. Then you can have a living will. Don't fall into the trap of "If we give gays the right to marry, then where do we draw the line?" Gays want to marry not just for legal purposes but because they want to marry and have a family just as couples (non-religious) want to be married. They want to have a wedding and their friends and family witness it and celebrate it. They want the COMMITMENT from their loved one - be it hetero or homo! Some man-woman couples don't wish to get married "for the piece of paper" some man-woman couples do. Some gay couples just want the same right. You are thinking this through to the point where it's illogical. Family and friends don't want to get married. Come on... you know this right?
  13. They just want the same rights as heterosexuals. Let's put it this way. Let's go back in time... to when women couldn't vote. Now apply your argument to that. Where did it get you? Women wanted the same rights as men. Thankfully, the people who thought "If we give them that right, then where will it stop? Will we have to give the right to black people, or dogs, or whatever? No, there was an inequality in our system and it took a lot of protesting and debating and blood, sweat and tears to make it happen. You have to not allow yourself to say "well, if we give the gays right to marry, then what will people want next!"
  14. One thing to add here is that my husband works for Verizon and when we were filling out the paperwork for health insurance and benefits they provide for same sex couples! I think that is awesome. Go Verizon :thumbup:
  15. If the relationship is a personal commitment thing it helps to have the government stamp on it to be able to make decisions on behalf of their partner. For example, if one of them should become incapacitated, then the other has the legal right to provide for them. They can also share health benefits and property among other things. Because brother and sister, or mother and daughter are legally family. They do already have certain rights under the law. People who want the legal right to marry want to become a family in the eyes of the law, friends and family. They want to have a bond that is personal and legal - after all, it's ok for a man and a woman to want that bond (even if they are NOT religious) so all they are asking for is the same right. All homosexuals are asking for is the same rights under the law (not under a Church or religious law) that heterosexuals have and I don't think that's too much too ask in a free country like ours. If other groups feel like they are being discriminated against, then they should certainly ban together and look for solutions among themselves or within our legal system. Maybe it won't get them far, but they deserve to be heard. Isn't America wonderful? :patriot:
  16. Great thread! I've been looking for better versions of fairy tales. It can be shocking how bad some books are.
  17. You could head on over to The Pioneer Woman for some basic photography/photoshop tips. :)
  18. You definitely did the right thing! That would have creeped me out too. Hopefully he won't come back since he knows you called the cops on him.
  19. (It's ok - linking works well too, you just had an extra http:// in your post) Wow, that is too funny! I can't believe someone ever saw that recipe and thought that it looked good enough to eat!
  20. :lol::D:lol: "children of the corn" haha...deep breath..."dropping acid"...hehehe! I bet your kindergarten picture looks cute despite the outfit! Real kids always look better than the models from old catalogs. :)
  21. Sorry for misunderstanding your post. I was kind of focusing on why individuals are worried (rapid inflation and high gas prices) and not the national economy. I also was looking through my posts on this and I sound like a worry wart - but I am not! You make a good point... times are sometimes hard and the world does not end even if there are days when people feel hopeless. There is always hope! I just wanted to make the point that it's hard not to worry when you realize you might not have enough gas to get to work in the morning and there is no $ in your account. :mellow: It takes a strong person to not worry but I will agree with you 100% that worry won't get you far!
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