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Jumping In Puddles

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Everything posted by Jumping In Puddles

  1. I don't have a cell phone for this very reason! Sometimes when the kids are napping and I turn the ringer off, I "forget" to turn it back on :D
  2. Honestly, I think most people expect prices to go up over time, but it's happening so fast and the increase is so sharp that even people who were responsible and didn't over extend themselves are starting to get scared. You are not alone in this. Food or Electricity is not a fun choice to make and I hope things turn around for your sake and all the other people in this country who will worry (with good reason, I might add!) about how they will fill their gas tank to get to work or who have to make a choice between going to the grocery store or paying their electric bill. Although we're (finally!) in a very good place, financially, I have been there, I know. One last thing to add, I don't think it's healthy to worry all the time about things you can't change but some people are worrier's and some are not. I have spurts of worry but mostly, I'm optimistic! ( ~I had to add this because, dang... I sound kind of worried and whiny in this thread and that is NOT ME! when everyone told me last year to put my kids in full time daycare and go back to work, I told them it can be tough but it's not that tough! :D)
  3. I feel the same way, I don't "worry" about it or lose sleep over it but I imagine there are people who are really feeling it and I don't want to be one of those people who have the "let them eat cake" attitude, if you KWIM?
  4. I just started with my son who just turned 5 and he is picking it up quickly! We don't plan on buying any extra's. My daughter who just turned 4 has no interest and I'm not worried about it at all. She'll be ready when she's ready. :)
  5. Some people don't have to be forced into being more careful about their spending and driving habits because they were already careful. It's times like these where food prices are rising so quickly, and the cost of getting to work is more than doubling and people who were just making it are finding themselves no longer able to make it. That is why some people are worried. If this inflation had happened last year, we would have lost our home. This year, we are better financially but instead of being able to take advantage of my husbands pay raise, it's now going to gas and food. I'm not saying you should constantly worry about the economy - especially if you have ways to further cut expenses - but don't pretend it's not happening.
  6. You could try moving on and see what happens for a few weeks. What could happen, right? The worst that could happen is that she is not getting the new concepts either! Or in a best case scenario, she would get it and now you learned something about how your daughter learns best. If it is still not making things easier for her it may make it easier for you to switch her to a math program that is a better fit because you'll know that you tried it different ways and it didn't work... maybe try RS math or Singapore or Saxon?
  7. Another vote for you to take her out immediately and tell someone at the program why you are withdrawing her. Better to be wrong than sorry.
  8. Your right, I'll change that headline. I would love it if people would include links in their posts (not directed at you, Elaine... I mean people in general). I either back up with a legitimate link, or I don't post. I don't want to spread rumors.
  9. Right! According to the original source of the photo (Time), this photo was taken of Obama during the national anthem. Are you backing me up or did you think it was the pledge? edit: Because here is the video! Linky. Watch for yourself! FWIW, Obama is seen singing the anthem.
  10. One thing though, that picture was NOT during the Pledge Of Allegiance, it was during the National Anthem. <- Link is to the original source! You're right the picture just speaks for itself! I guess President Bush doesn't salute the flag during the anthem either!. I also have a pic of President GWBush not saluting also.. I'll dig up after dinner. For the record he is not against homeschooling. Do you have a link to back your statement up? What was it you saw on TV? According to Time Magazine (the source of the picture) it was during Tom Harkin's Iowa Steak Dinner. Did you see him not salute and say the Pledge? Or did you see him sing the Anthem, but not salute? Or are you thinking of something else entirely because I would LOVE to see a link to that. EDIT: Is this the video you saw on TV yourself? It's not the pledge, it's the original source, and Obama is singing the anthem! Link to video. Link
  11. These forums today are as slow as sticky, gooey, molasses.
  12. I am not voting 3rd party but I thought this was interesting: Is Bob Bar McCain's Nader?
  13. This is my first year planning curriculum and I'm glad I started early. About 2 weeks ago, I ordered my curriculum materials and not all of it has arrived. I want time to look over all of the materials and I like to be prepared. One thing that I already have from the library that I did not order is The Ordinary Parents Guide to Reading. I'm looking it over and will probably keep checking it out from the library. If that isn't possible, I'll order a copy and photocopy a weeks worth of lessons from the library book for the wait.
  14. I bought small glasses (at IKEA) that I keep in a low cabinet in our kitchen and a small pitcher in the fridge that I fill water or sometimes orange juice and this way, they can get their own drinks. After a few times spilling, they will get surprisingly good at this skill.
  15. Since he doesn't need the old one anymore I doubt he needs a new one either. I think it was a nice gesture to replace it anyway but since he gave it back to you I would just keep it and write him a thank you note. :iagree: A nice fresh baked loaf of bread or plate of cookies would be a nice thing to do :)
  16. Oh yes, I am overwhelmed. Exactly. I've got kindergarten down pat and I thought I would just look-see what would be coming up and I had no idea there were so many choices! This thread, and this forum in general is making me see the light though. Thanks, all :)
  17. Is it really needed? I would say absolutely not! My 2 kids both go to a Montessori School 2 mornings a week where they don't push the kids in academics. I don't do it because I think they "need" it, but because I love it and so do they :) On a side note, I am glad they get to do crafts at school because I hate crafts!
  18. :grouphug: Wow, such great responses! I printed this thread out for my husband to read. He doesn't know anyone who is homeschooling and maybe the replies here will boost his confidence a little. I can't wait to see what he says about home education in 5 years! :)
  19. I wish I could change the title of this thread. Wow, that is one awkward sentence. :confused: I don't think I had my coffee yet when I posted this one!
  20. OK... this is a new one: I'm quoting myself! :lol: I've answered my own dang question by looking it up! :tongue_smilie:
  21. Is this Greek the same language that they speak in Greece now or is Ancient Greek a dead language? Thanks :)
  22. ahhh, very true. I'm guessing this also takes away some stress of feeling "behind". Thanks :) I'm looking forward to the kids telling me what they want to study but I need goals. My goals may change though... I am flexible! Lots of good ideas here too. Making a list of good material is a great idea.
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