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Everything posted by kewb

  1. We are using it and my two are very happy. They love math. This is our first year homeschooling and I have a 5th grader and a 3rd grader. My 10 year old prefers MUS over the everyday math program they were using in the public school. He struggled with a couple of the lessons so far this year and to hear him say how much he loves math after he gets it is amazing. Being a math dunce myself I am also enjoying the program. We watch the dvd together and then do the lesson. I can honestly say I have learned a few things this year that I never knew.
  2. I'm not sure how I would feel if my library had a wii. It is not what I think of when I think of a library. But, we have a rec center in our town with a teen lounge and special events for teens and tweens.
  3. I was induced with my dd. I had rapid labor with my first and I lived potentially hours away from the hospital depending on what time of day I went into labor. It was a very positive experience for me. I was able to pick the day, my MIL was able to arrange ahead of time to watch ds, and everything went smoothly. But, that was me.
  4. We have purchased pre-made turducken. All we had to do was heat and eat. It was very tasty.
  5. I love having this time with my children. I love not having to be up and out of the house every day by a specific time unless I have scheduled something. I love that if the weather is crummy we don't have to go anywhere. I love that I can go on vacation on my schedule not the schools. I could go on.
  6. Those whoopie pies look wicked! I may have to order some.
  7. Mine can swallow small pills with water. They will gag on larger ones and complain about the taste. I usually give them larger pills in applesauce.
  8. My dh used to take it. I don't remember why he stopped but he did notice a difference when he took it regularly.
  9. I'm supposed to cook a meal when he is home?!? There is always something for dinner if he is home or not. A full out well balanced meal happens once or twice a week. I am happy having chips and salsa for dinner.
  10. It depends on my mood. Sometimes it renews my faith in humanity and other times I just want to be left alone. My ideal market experience is using the self check-out. In and out of the store without having to talk to anyone.
  11. When I asked my children if they liked homeschooling they both said "No. We love it!" What do you love? 10 year old: No bullies, we can sleep late, lots of field trips, and time with mom. 8 year old: I love spending time with mom. Homeschooling is interesting and school is boring.
  12. Great idea. I have been baking bread from scratch. I am contemplating getting a grain mill and buying wheat berries in bulk. I have not figured out a way to get a break on shipping. I have started saving all my veggie scraps in a bag in the freezer. I have a carcass in there too. When I have enough scraps-broth will be made. I also save my mushroom stumps and Broccoli ends. I use them to make cream of mushroom or broccoli soup. It all gets pureed so it does not matter which part I am using. I buy poultry and eggs from a local poultry farm. The poultry tastes so much better than anything I have bought in the store around here. Since it is so flavorful I can cut the amount that I use in casseroles without dh complaining. I have also started cutting back on the amount of ground meat in recipes. I grind my own meat. I want to learn how to can for next year. I do have a dehydrator that I need to break out again. I have only successfully used it to make apple rings. I need to expand.
  13. We all have our own Kleen Kanteens. We have been very happy with them.
  14. Yes, technically a Mac is a PC but there are PC's and then there are Macs. I have even brought my IT professional, pc loving husband over to the Mac side. That said, we are getting each of the kids regular laptops for the Holidays due to cost. For what they will be using the computer for a Dell will suit their needs. I <3 my Mac.
  15. A couple of times per year I will pack up what they no longer seem to be playing with and store it for a number of months. If they don't ask for it or about it I donate the items. This time of year we talk about charity and needs and how some kids don't have anything and to look at what we have. Then I ask them to go through their toys and books to see if there is something they no longer use/need that they think someone else would enjoy. Sometimes they come up with 5 or 6 items and others 1 or 2.
  16. Every 10 years or so. I do clean the grill and give the coils a quick wipe down every 2 years or so. When I notice that my dust bunnies have started a colony and are threatening to take over. You have to show those dust bunnies whose boss.
  17. I am all for people bringing their own bags but not the government telling store owners they have to do this. This is a huge infringement on the store owners rights. All the groceries stores by me give a discount ranging from 5-10 cents per bag when I bring my own. Trader Joes enters me into their monthly drawing for free groceries. Most of the time I remember to bring my own. Sometimes I make an impulsive stop and my bags are not in the car.
  18. My 10 year old wants a Nerf Gun or Marshmallow Shooter, Legos, RC cars,Games for his DS, a skateboard ramp, Lincoln Logs (because the 500 other building toys we have are not enough) Gift Cards/cash to save for a Wii.
  19. 1. For our family the age was when someone felt umcomfortable with it. Dh was uncomfortable showering with dd when she was very little. My two will still shower together on occasion but they wear bathing suits for modesty. 2. DS was capable of shampooing at an earlier age than dd because he likes to keep his hair short. DD really mastered rinsing everything out of her hair this past year and she is 8.
  20. Lunch around here consists of what is in the house. Right now we have been so busy I have not gone to the market and we are using pantry items. Lunch can be any of the following (prepared by the children) Leftovers Mac & cheese Eggs Sandwich vegetables and dip cheese and crackers Soup & grilled cheese Pancakes
  21. I am pretty much the same with friends and my family. Dh's family I am usually much more reserved. The few times I have spoken out-it really did not go over well.
  22. We have not participated in a co-op. I am pretty sure my kids would love a weekly co-op but I have not found one that fits with our life.
  23. I had no idea I could make my own extract and the vanilla sugar sounds heavenly. I can't wait to try this.
  24. Alfred Hitchcock's The Birds. To this day I can't go anywhere near one. Actually-any Hitchcock movie should do it.
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