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Everything posted by kewb

  1. Let me be the first to wish you a Giant Happy Birthday! May everyone decide to use gift bags this year, thus making clean up easier as you celebrate your 40th.
  2. Well, since my birthday is the day before my Mother-In-Laws my 40th went like this....Family gathering, Happy 60th birthday, MIL. Big Cake, lots of applause, presents. Oh, here is a card for you. I am still trying not to be bitter about the whole thing.
  3. I don't find daddy/daughter dances creepy. I think they are sweet. I find Purity Balls creepy. To have my father announce to a room full of friends that he is pledging to protect my virginity. Creepy.
  4. I probably don't know as much as I think. As a minority religion I have found that I have a greater understanding of world religions then my friends in the majority. It just seems to me that growing up in the minority you are faced daily with other religions and aware of their holidays whereas it is not true in the opposite direction.
  5. When they were little I really had to push to make it happen. Although, to be sort of understanding, when dd was small and out of diapers he didn't want to take her to the men's room. Now that they are a teen and a tween he takes them everywhere.
  6. Well, since I have my own Jersey tomatoes, not as jealous as I could be. However, I am envious because I have to wake up at 5am to get one before my daughter eats them all.
  7. I am a big fan of large print. It happened to me the same way it happened to you.
  8. My library is quiet. The children's room can be a little loud when there is an event going on but otherwise it is a nice, peaceful place.
  9. I have had that conversation, too. I have to say, since posting my vent and listening to the advice I have gotten-yesterday I managed not to lose my cool at all. He was still obtuse but at least I was able to see it for what it was and we were able to work through it. I am hopeful it was just a rough transition from summer to shool and that I will have a t least 5 days of sorta, kind of, peace. The mallowmars definitely help.
  10. I don't think you sound horrid or rude. Honest feedback from the heart is always welcome. The reason I vented here was because I knew I was the one out of control and I needed to hear different opinions.
  11. Now that I have had some alone time and some Mallowmars (the best cookie ever) I am able to laugh at this. I think I need to relax. I am definitely feeling the countdown to college pressure. It is always swirling in the back of my head that 9th grade really matters. It is high school. No one looks at anything before high school but now it counts and if I screw it up then I will have ruined his life. As long as I can remember this mellow feeling tomorrow it will be a better day. Maybe I should start the day with a mallowmar.
  12. I typed the question in my post from my fuzzy memory. The complete question was: Relate 3 of the 7 major themes of biology to the life of a harp seal. And I should mention-the required reading clearly labels and describes the seven major themes. And we spent a good 20-25 minutes discussing Biology and what it is and how things interact. However, at the end of the day, when the house is quiet and I can think straight, it is possible that the phrasing of the question was throwing him and he really did not understand what it was he was supposed to do and I was failing at getting through to him.
  13. Thank you, ladies. I feel myself taking a step back from the abyss. Janice, you are right about the expectations. Even though we had numerous discussions over the summer about the increased work load and time management and type of work he will be doing, it is different in practice. And, I know the high school is not the simple fix I desire (especially after the hoop jumping I did so my homeschooler could swim on the high school team this year) but when I am having an out of body experience watching myself be a loon it sounds so appealing. HistoryBuff, sorry about the bad tooth. It is difficult to teach when you are not feeling well. Thank you for the suggestions. TibbieDunbar: Thanks for the modeling reminder. I can do this. I can get myself back under control. Tomorrow is a new day.
  14. Are you living with my 12 year old daughter? On a good day, I try to remember to calmly tell her to adjust her attitude and if she still can't be nice I ignore her. On the majority of days it feels like I rant like a lunatic about her bad attitude.
  15. Here it is, day 5 of the new school year and I think I have reduced my 9th grader to tears on 3 of those days. I don't know if it is the position of the planets, the fact that he is 14, or low blood sugar. All I know is he is frustrating me beyond belief. My apoplectic moment of the day, the short version: Simple question-Relate 3 of the 7 properties of life to the Harp Seal. ds: I don't get it. me: What don't you get? ds: They relate to all living things. What is special about the Harp Seal? me: Nothing is special about the Harp Seal. It could just as easily be a toad or a plant. ds: There is nothing to relate it. The seal just has it. me: For example explain how the seal uses reproduction. ds: It just does. me: Did you do the reading that explains the 7 properties of life. ds: No. me: Do you know what relate it means? ds: yes. me: explain it to me. ds: I can't explain it. I just know it. me: look it up. ds: That's not going to help me. me: (Totally lost temper, shouting) Why don't you start by doing the assigned reading and then you may be able to figure it out. I can't help you if you are not going to do the required reading. And I slammed the book down in front of him. Every day has a moment similar to this. I seem unable to control myself in the face of his obtuseness. I feel like a failure and that he would be better off if I just marched down to the high school and enrolled him so someone else can deal with him.
  16. Small mason jar, or glass, or plastic cup. Fill with an inch or so of apple cider vinegar. Cover with plastic wrap. Use rubber band to keep in place. Use penicl point or pen tip to several holes in plastic. Fruit flies are attracted to the smell, fly in and can't get out. It takes a few days but they will all be gone.
  17. If you think your kids can handle it then sign them up. Swimming is a life skill and one I insisted my children learn at a young age. Of course, this can turn around and bite you in the behind when they both want to be on the swim team and your life revolves around that like mine does.
  18. Congratulations, you have a 13 year old boy. I spent all of last year repeating myself, harping, nagging, standing over, nudging, shrieking like a banshee. My sons sleep patterns definitely changed at 13. My up with the son boy would sleep until 9-10am. My husband calls the slow motion thing boy brain and insists it is normal.
  19. My dh is dealing with some chronic health issues right now that make him hate his job. He has difficulty meeting performance standards at the moment and it is taking a toll on him mentally. He loves what he does but he is not enjoying work right now. He continues because we his job provides the health benefits that we need.
  20. It sounds like you are in a very difficult place right now. If your kids are happy I wouldn't worry so much about it but would be keeping an eye on the situation. Being in a building full of kids your age certainly increases your chances for friends but does not guarantee you will have them.
  21. I usually give mine a light snack before swim practice. Fruit, half a sandwich, a hard boiled egg. After practice I normally have these muffins ready for them: 1 1/2 cup water 1 1/2 cup old fashioned rolled oats 1/4 lb butter 2 eggs, well beaten 1/2 cup honey 1 tsp. salt 1 tsp. cinnamon 1 cup whole wheat flour 1 1/2 tsp. vanilla 1 cup raisins Preheat oven to 325. Boil water. Turn off heat and add oats. Stir in and melt butter and let cool. Add remaining ingredients. Mix well. Bake in greased muffin tin for 20 minutes at 325. Sometimes I use chocolate chips instead of raisins. Sometimes, I use both.
  22. I have managed to get over the strap showing but there must be a shirt over the cami. I just got back from bra shopping with my 12 year old. That was torturous. After being fitted and trying on every type of bra we finally found 3 that fit well and are not overly padded.
  23. After completing 8th grade with my son last year I have come to the conclusion that no one learns anything in middle school. Everyone is just biding their time until the hormonal rampage is over. Sure, maybe a fact or two sticks, but overall just waiting for the emotion rollercoaster to stop.
  24. You are describing my kids. Unless we are someplace where we can look it up right now the rabbit trail is not getting explored. If I remind them they wanted to look something up when we get home they will usually will respond with "Oh, yeah. I don't care anymore."
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