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Everything posted by kewb

  1. Or you can buy a nutrimill and save the diamont for when the power goes out.
  2. My oldest is currently using Math-U-See for Algebra. He has been using it since delta. It works for him. My dd is in Zeta now and it is also working for her. If you have a very mathy/sciency kid they might get bored with it.
  3. for programming this is still somewhat true but for other IT stuff if you want the promotions and the big money raises you need to have a degree and then get your masters. You can go pretty far without a degree but eventually you hit a ceiling. At least in our area.
  4. I have been supplementing the labs with what is listed in the text book. My ds is enjoying it.
  5. My dh had to go back to school to finish his degree or be out of a job. Now he is getting his masters for the same reason. I saw this trend almost a decade ago before I left my corporate job. They were looking for BAs for entry level jobs and a MBA if they could get it. I thought it was ridiculous then and I still think it is ridiculous. From the corporate side-if you are thinking of hiring from within for growth then it may make sense to hire a BA. If, however, you are looking to hire someone who will be content to stay in their position for 30 years then you do not need a BA.
  6. I would look into asian cooking. There is very little dairy used. Peanuts are used but you can either leave them out or choose different recipes.
  7. I struggle with yelling, too. I have to admit that now that I have been exercising regularly for a month now I yell less. I have more energy and more patience. I still lose my temper and I still yell but I seem better able to get it under control at times.
  8. That is how we play. How I have played all of my life and how I taught my kids. If the person you asked has the card you get to go again. If not, you "go fish".
  9. It has always been known that the only 100% guarantee is to abstain but studies have shown over and over that consistent latex condom use is highly effective at preventing the transmission of stds.
  10. Not realistic here. I rarely use coupons because the ones around here are usually for products I don't use. I don't know any extreme couponers. The stores around here have not doubled a coupon in years. Certainly no tripling. When internet coupons you could print out first started the supermarkets would not accept them because of forgeries.
  11. I think I am reading it the same as you. The easily checked misinformation/misattributing drives me batty. I usually ignore it because if you are too lazy to fact check then you just want to believe what it says and I won't change your mind by pointing out it is wrong.
  12. I really had to stop and think about this. I used to use lots of canned foods. Now I realized I don't use alot. Items I have on hand that are in a can: Tomatoes/tomato paste Black Olives Black Beans/garbonzo/kidney (although I usually use dried beans and make them myself) the occasional can of progeresso soup
  13. I use 5-htp for my kids trichotillomania. It does not help my dh with depression (it does help him manage his stress). Sam-e and St. John's Wort aid him with his depression.
  14. When my dd was 9 she loved craft kits, books, and nail polish. I think I could have opened a nail salon.
  15. My dd does my workout videos with me. She loves the Leslie Sansone walk at home dvds. My ds has a TRX Trainer and uses their website for additional video workouts.
  16. Similar experience here. Increased sports participation, increased workload, and skating by on old work habits. I think I was expecting too much in terms of what ds would be able to do independently. Also the same with science. I just went back 4 chapters because I realized he was not grasping the material as well as he should. This was where I discovered he skipped 2 sections of a chapter. Everything is making more sense now. I definitely fell down on the scheduling portion, too. I should have made up a weekly schedule from day 1 and insisted we stick to it.
  17. We bought our microwave when we got married 20 years ago. So far so good.
  18. What a great idea. My trekkie dh could teach this. I may have to copy, too.
  19. Allow me to clarify-a pap smear as a screening tool is the greater preventative measure for cevical cancer. I realize it will not prevent hpv. Thanks for letting me see I was not clear in what I originally posted. I am sorry you had to go through a procedure you are not sure was necessary. I am still not on board with this vaccine. After all of my research including the fact that 90% of hpv clears up on its own within 2 years has convinced me to pass on this one. To me the risks outweigh the benefits on this one.
  20. Exactly my thoughts. Plus, an annual pap smear is the greater preventative measure. The vaccine does not replace it and I fear many people will rely on it and forgo screening. And it drives me nuts that it is marketed as a cancer vaccine. It is not. It is an HPV vaccine.
  21. My teen volunteers at our library. He has also volunteered at a local animal refuge.
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