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Everything posted by kewb

  1. So envious of all these cute dresses. I can sew on a button so it will never fall off again and close up a seam. After that my projects join all my dead plants.
  2. I make these for my dh: http://hivelogic.com/articles/best-paleo-pancake-recipe/
  3. I find the best things for my skin are the things I make myself. I wash my face with honey. Once a week I mix in a teaspoon or so of baking soda to exfoliate. I have had friends who said it did not work for them but you have to use the honey at least once a day for 2 weeks to see if it is truly working. Even better if you leave it on your skin for 5-10 minutes.
  4. I like both. But I am not a fan of golden raisins (unless they have been soaked in rum). My son likes both. My daughter likes grapes and golden raisins. She will only eat black raisins if they are baked in something.
  5. He is not alone in his thinking and A & B is not the only brand that does not have larger sizes. He is, however, the only one being so nasty about it. Some designers have an image in their head about what type of woman they want to wear their clothes and only offer clothes in those sizes. When questioned they don't make disparaging remarks about the people they did not design for. My hubby runs a t-shirt of the day type website for XL-6XL because he could never get cool geeky t-shirts in his size. He has this to say on the sites facebook page today: As CEO of a company I'll take up a stance too just like Mr Jeffries. All people are entitled to really cool clothing and I'll also say that the definition of cool is certainly a variable. For instance I think WE carry really cool clothing. So, you know what Mr. Jeffries? You are the one that is NOT cool. But you can be. Open your mind. Expand your world.
  6. Too much sushi? Inconceivable! Mixing it up with sashimi allows more room for sushi.
  7. I discussed this with dh last night. He is turning on the controls ont he firewall instead of the individual laptops.
  8. Around here Middle school is grades 6, 7, 8. Personally, I prefer the Jr. High model of grades 7, 8, 9. I honestly do not believe that most 6th graders are emotionally ready for what is expected in middle school.
  9. If your kid has an ipod there are parental settings for the app store.
  10. kewb


    I see a GYN that does not do OB. It is great. She specializes the 40+ crowd.
  11. Maybe Bae defeats the dementer shadow and becomes Peter Pan.
  12. Fixing watches is a niche, keeping grandfather clocks working is becoming more in demand. It could be quite lucrative.
  13. Laundry does not bother me in the least. Dusting and vacuuming, otoh, hate them. They are an exercise in futility. A set up for failure. No matter how many times you dust and vacuum you just have to do it again.
  14. We don't see wither mother on Mother's Day. I am a mother too and my dream day is not spending it sitting in an hour plus of traffic just to see my mother-in-law. When she had the audacity to tell me one day she won't be here and then I can do what I want for mothers day I told her she was right and we don't know what the future holds and perhaps we will start flying to AZ to see my mother on mothers day. And I should mention that y mother in law had dh when she was 20. She is only 20 years older then me and I am not waiting until I am 80 to do what I want for mothers day. Selfish-absolutely. But since instituting my no travel mother's day I have been much happier and my mother's days have been perfect. We see my mother in law that Saturday so we do see her, just not on the day. When my kids grow up and have families of their own I hope to remember my feelings and honor what they want to do for mother's day.
  15. The whole Belle as a bad girl bores me. I don't find it believable. I was hoping the dad was still alive and it would not surprise me if there is a twist in there somehow. Creepy peter pan shadow made me think of a dementer. Love that we are starting to get Neils back story. I figured he had a connection to neverland. Definitely need more Grandma and Ruby. I am trying not to focus on the implausability of Regina's curse backdoor and am waiting to see what happens when they all return to the enchanted forest and I am hoping that will be the last we see of Tamara. Although I am curious who she is working for. The Church? A wealthy lunatic? What is the organization.
  16. As someone who also has family in the area I am well aware of what goes on. I was referring to US media not world.
  17. As soon as the dog hears the blinds open he comes running because he knows I will be singing and he gets to jump on them and lick them. Did I mention he is 80lbs of dog love.
  18. No, I don't think it is mean. My kids make me breakfast in bed. I go to the garden center and come home and plant and putter in the yard alone. Then we order in chinese and eat an early dinner and watch a movie. As you can see, my perfect mother's day involves a fair number of hours alone. I need the recharge time.
  19. My top 5 instant replacements: Cast Iron Dutch Oven Kitchenaid Stand Mixer Quality Knives Vitamix Bamboo Spoons and Spatulas
  20. Leftovers eggs cereal Mostly leftovers. I love leftovers for breakfast.
  21. I always find it fascinating that the news consistently reports when Israel does something to defend itself and ignores or glosses over the attacks towards Israel.
  22. For my kids it depends. They don't usually want me to wake them because I open the blinds and sing the good morning song and let the dog jump on them and lick their faces.
  23. I mix fresh garlic into my dogs food. It seems to be working.
  24. You don't enjoy it so I vote you get rid of it. I would keep Grandma's gift because it does not take up a lot of room and it made her so happy to give to you. This is coming from the woman who sold her grandmother's sterling silver so I could buy the sterling I liked. I don't think my dh ever recovered from my non-sentimental thoughts on that sterling set. It was very ornate (so not my style) and she had everything-right down to the grapefruit spoons. I kept a few of the serving pieces and sold the rest knowing she would want me to have sterling I enjoyed. To paraphrase Tim Gunn-Why is it in your closet if it doesn't make you feel good?
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