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Everything posted by kewb

  1. I love houseplants. Before we moved to this house I had lots of plants. This house is situated in such a way that the only room with good light for plants is the kitchen-so that is where I have them.
  2. I don't tolerate it by refusing to listen to it. If they start in about something I tell them that this is what I have made. Someone has taken the time to prepare a meal for you. Say thank you. If you truly do not like it, there is the kitchen and go have a bowl of cereal/yogurt/make a sandwich. If the complainer persists I tell them they are excused. If I am in a particularly good mood I might say "The complaint department is now closed. If you have a complaint please fill out the complaint form and someone will get back to you at their earliest convenience." Later, when I have calmed down from my own irrational response to a complaint I will reiterate why we are doing this and that it is to help their father. That guy who has been sick for 2 years now and they love and want to get better. Remember him? Remember the fun guy he used to be. Wouldn't you like that guy back? Then help him.
  3. We are going through a diet change here too due to dh's health. Gluten and dairy free. My kids are 15 & 13. I simply sat them down and told them that in order for dad to be successful with his new diet needs we all have to do it. It is cruel to eat whatever we want and he has to sit there with his own meal (plus, I am not a short order cook). It is also a way for us to show support for what he going through. I also will not tolerate any complaining about the new diet. This has to be done so dad can get better. If you feel the need to complain go tell it to your friends. I can't say mine are thrilled to the gills but they are going along with it. It helps that they know they can eat what they want when they are out of the house. As a side note, today I made the last of the breaded chicken nuggets from the freezer and made some gluten free ones for dh. Both kids were all over dh's. Almond flour, millet flour, a little tapioca starch. Season with garlic, salt, paprika, and pepper. Drizzle with coconut oil and bake for 14 minutes in a preheated 450 degree oven.
  4. Thanks, this is timely since my dh now has to be gluten free.
  5. My mother lived with us for a few months before she moved across the country. There were times I wanted to kill my own mother. However, she cooked dinner Monday thru Thursday so I tried really hard to suck it up. I am afraid there is not much you can do about it. She is who she is.
  6. Around here the top reasons are: Sports Friends I struggled greatly with the decision to homeschool high school when ds was younger. There are just not a lot of secular homeschooled high schoolers around here. Now we are in our 2nd year of high school and he has no interest in returning to school. I think the fact that I fought to get him on the high school swim team helped with his I want to be around people all the time issue. I will admit, now that I am looking at next year and the costs of the classes I am outsourcing I can't help but think it would be so much easier if I put him in school. However, we are committed and next year should be great fun when I am homeschooling a Junior and a Freshman.
  7. I am 47 and my hands and my neck are my two least favorite to look at parts of my body. I remember my mother telling me as a child they are the areas that show your age first, which is why so many old ladies wear turtle necks.
  8. I don't know if that is still going on in my neck of the US but when I was growing up back in the 70's that is very much what was going on. IMO, it is dishonest.
  9. I often have last nights leftovers for breakfast.
  10. I have seen some what I would consider outrageous requests on freecycle but I am usually more amazed by what people do list.
  11. They might not have a desire to be called Christian but they are. Judaism does not accept Jesus Christ as the Messiah. Therefore, from a Jewish point of view they are Christian.
  12. Yes, if you are born a Jew you are always a Jew. There is no leaving your origins. You can call yourself whatever, observe whatever you want and in Judiasm you are a Jew. Even if you convert the haters would still think of you as a Jew and be happy to exterminate you with the rest of the tribe. From a purely religious stance if you are believing that Jesus was the messiah that makes you a Christian not an observant Jew.
  13. One of my dd's friends plays basketball, softball, and volleyball at different times of the year. My neighbors son does different sports at different times of the year. I know of a few others. But, there are also a lot who pick one or two sports and do those all year. My kids are on a swim team and they do it all year.
  14. Thanks. Now I have an excuse to make cashew sour cream since we are also dairy free.
  15. Share the gluten free recipes. We are gluten free and I like a good gluten free muffin.
  16. kewb

    MIL vent

    I think you might have some pregnancy hormones working. It sounds like your MIL knows you like theatre and thought this would be something you would enjoy. People who no longer have babies forget what is involved when you do have a baby. I would be honest and tell her that you appreciate the thought but it is not a gift you can use right now (insert reasons you stated here). As for your dh's comments-typical stereotype of a man comments. I would not waste energy being upset about it.
  17. Saute it up with garlic and olive oil. Put it in soups. Add it to a smoothie. It is a versatile green.
  18. I get where you are coming from but it is impossible to be a Jew who believes Jesus was the Messiah. One can call themselves a Jew for Jesus or a Messianic Jew but you would still be a Christian. It is misleading to bill yourself as a Jew when you clearly are not.
  19. I would think it was a Jew who is now a Christian but did not want to give up all the cultural and religious practices that go along with being Jewish. However, they are no longer Jewish. They are Christian.
  20. Send him to his mothers. I have been dealing with my dh's disability since July. The only thing that has saved my sanity is sending him to his mothers for a few days every few weeks.
  21. I have no interest in other peoples babies. No, I don't want to hold the baby, change the baby, rock the baby, stare at the baby. I know you think your baby is all that and a side of chips (I thought the same about my babies) but I am just not interested.
  22. When dd was little I had one rule: The outfit must be weather appropriate. Actually, now that she is a teen I guess I still have that rule.
  23. I have put greens in beef stew. It depends on my mood.
  24. Our library has high school students come in and tutor younger kids. I have also seen private tutoring sessions there. It is a nice neutral location. However, there have been some days when the majority of the space has been taken up by tutors and I feel like I am interrupting them when I walk over there.
  25. I just use my vitamix. Sometimes I strain it and sometimes I don't.
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