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Everything posted by kewb

  1. I used travel without dh all the time. His was a similar job situation like your husbands. He was sad to miss out on things but he was wise enough to see the benefits of us going without him. He did not want to be reason our kids missed out on an experience.
  2. I think there is some truth in what she says. From a fiscal standpoint you should always have something put aside that is just yours, You never know what the future holds. Death, divorce, disability. You just don't know. There is definitely an adjustment from double income no kids to family. With effort from both partners you get through it. I had days where I looked at my life and thought "yeah, I get why all those moms in the 50's were pill popping alcoholics". It takes effort to find time for you. Losing my sexy-yeah, that happened too. Who can think about sexy when you are exhausted. Again, takes some effort but you can get it back. Like anything else there are pros and cons to stay at home motherhood.
  3. I totally get where you are coming from on arguing with doctors. I feel like all I do is try to get docs to listen to me about my dh's health. I hope you are feeling better soon.
  4. We just care that the lawn is cut to town standards. Got a summons once that our lawn was too tall. Oops. I wish I could afford to rip out the lawn and replace it with something that does not require maintenance. Butterfly shrubs and rocks or something.
  5. Celebrating the birthday of famous dead people. So and so is 290 today! No they are not. So and so is dead. I get the honoring of their lifetime achievements but the "it's their birthday" things squigs me out. I also roll my eyes at fb posts to dead people. I don't say anything because clearly this is meaningful to the person who posted it. It is just not my thing. I think about my dad all the time. I don't need to make a shout out to him on fb.
  6. You are needed for more than tutoring. I enjoy the pleasure of your company, even when being shunned.
  7. Good to know what I will be hiring you for next year after you are done tutoring Mister B this year. ;)
  8. I still have Theodora. She has been with me since I was a baby. She lives in dd's room now. Ds has Artist Bear (I was so original naming my stuffed animals). I don't think dh ever had a favorite stuffed animal.
  9. When my ds was a toddler he wore nail polish and he put hair clips in his hair. His favorite dress up item was a purple sequin dress with matching pumps. Ages 4-5 he took ballet. He has worn pink dress shirts through the years. He just bought himself a new one. Now at 15, he won't wear nail polish or hair clips. It is a normal part of growing up. If you make a big deal it becomes a big deal.
  10. I think boy but I do know of a couple of girl characters on tv that had the name.
  11. I love coconut oil. My dh takes it daily to help with his brain fog. I mostly cook with it. Best popcorn ever. I add it to smoothies. Eye makeup remover for my daughter. So many uses. As much as I love coconut oil and I do see health benefits I just want to go on record that I don't think it cures cancer. It is part of a healthy diet.
  12. Another Jersey girl (and former New Yorker). This pretty much sums it up. I chose other, though, because it would depend if it was neighbor kids (clearly being enterprising) or an adult. My neighbor loves using his snowblower and I am extremely grateful that he comes and does our corner house. He loves the cookies I bake him in return.
  13. I think there are many reasons why a woman would choose to wear makeup. The ones that come to mind: 1. They want to. 2. It is a form of rebellion. Once upon a time only prostitutes (painted ladies) wore makeup. 3. Makeup is a multi-billion dollar industry. They make a lot of money telling women they are need all these products to be beautiful. 4. Wearing makeup can make a woman feel good, thus increasing her confidence.
  14. I think there are many reasons why a woman would choose to wear makeup. The ones that come to mind: 1. They want to. 2. It is a form of rebellion. Once upon a time only prostitutes (painted ladies) wore makeup. 3. Makeup is a multi-billion dollar industry. They make a lot of money telling women they are need all these products to be beautiful. 4. Wearing makeup can make a woman feel good, thus increasing her confidence.
  15. If we are going to an affair such as a wedding I will usually put on some makeup. Sometimes, even then, I might only put on a little lip gloss.
  16. I am sorry you found my comment rude and crude. Rudeness and crudeness were not the intended take away.
  17. The oldest I would have felt comfortable is 38-40. As for how old is too old, I would say the cutoff is menopause.
  18. I believe I already answered you. I posted it because those are my feelings on debating the issue with a creationist such as Ham. There is nothing productive about it. There will be nothing gained or lost in the exchange. There is no mind changing. You can replace creationist with any extremely held opinion and it will still be the equivalent of playing chess with a pigeon. My comment was not intended to demean, show contempt, disdain, negative adj. of your choice for anyone holding a creationist pov. It was intended to show the absurdity of debating with a fanatic.
  19. Since you put my quote out there I will answer. I was not trying to change the mind of anyone. That quote is my thought on the matter. No matter what evidence is produced there will be no changing Hamm's mind. The same way I will never change the mind of an extreme pro-lifer, a toe the party line Republican and/or Democrat, a tea partier, or any other extreme view. The conversation/debate will be the equivalent of playing chess with a pigeon. Since you believe there is another reason for these types of comments please enlighten me as to what you think that reason is. Do you believe it is to stir up controversy? To demean someone else's beliefs? To make the sayer sound elitest? Just to be a troll?
  20. Bone broths are definitely helpful. Eliminating junk food is important. Overall, I have found the best thing for us is frequent hand washing (with regular soap not antibacterial) and reminding everyone not to touch their face all the time.
  21. Once the vinegar dries there is no smell. During the initial spraying you smell the vinegar.
  22. My kids went once for a birthday party. Never again.
  23. Have not tried it. I did read that article and have been pondering ever since.
  24. The quote that summed up the debate to me (and bear in mind I am on the side of science here) is the following: Debating a creationist is like playing chess with a pigeon. It knocks over all the pieces, defecates on the board and then flies home to its flock to declare victory. (source unknown)
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