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Everything posted by Acorn

  1. Can you buy 2 sets of the varying heights, keep a matched pair and gift the other ones?
  2. @gardenmom5 Your tree is beautiful. I love the candlelighs and can tell how thoughtfully they were arranged.
  3. Part 2 from quote box that didn’t let me add text: I have had two needle biopsies that were mammogram guided or ultrasound guided. They weren’t painful but were expensive. I do see why it would lead some people on a path of medical avoidance or delays.
  4. I think that linked Mayo info box supports that 90% of women some degree of density. I’ve discussed my density with my own care providers. My primary care doc thinks I should get an MRI, but my insurance will not pay toward one. Different radiologist agree I should have ultrasound done with annual screening mammogram but my insurance won’t pay toward that unless there is diagnostic mammogram done first. My gyn doesn’t think I have an elevated risk of breast cancer and seems to think I should accustom myself to the frequent call backs and biopsies. In addition to dense breast tissue, I also have fibrocystic tissue.
  5. I envy that this isn’t a daily occurrence for you. I have 1-2.5 hours between when I’m off work and picking up my kids from school, or 1 hour in parking lot of music lessons, or 1-3 hours during skating lessons, or always something with 2 teenagers. I keep winter gear and blankets in my car. I walk the surrounding areas. I read, email or listen to music. I make grocery lists and meal ideas. I call friends and family. It’s a stage of life, it’s not my ideal but I’m happy to help my children have these experiences.
  6. I’m looking forward to seeing Peep’s new photo. I’m glad you are welcoming Peep home.
  7. Has anyone played Mantis? Looks to be a new release from creators of Exploding Kittens. I am disappointed that it is a mantis shrimp. I ❤️ praying mantises, and thought they would be an awesome game theme.
  8. My son has large sections of Hoyle’s card game rules memorized. It’s always fun to be in middle of game and he pulls out some weird scoring condition. I don’t think our guests share his love. I would love for my nieces to learn euchre, but so far they haven’t. I do think that everyone has Uno.
  9. Our family owns many games, so I don’t know why I am feeling stumped on ideas. I’m hoping for 6 smaller gift ideas. One kid will get Phase 10, and I think everyone owns Sushi Go and Exploding kittens and Werewolf. Any suggestions? My kids already own Hanabi, different Fluxx, Fox in Forest and Love Letter. Are those good ideas for other teens who don’t play as many games as mine?
  10. Reynaud’s can be associated with migraines, which can cause light sensitivity. I hope he feels better soon.
  11. I wouldn’t try to fly Thanksgiving week for anything. For so many people, driving saves time due to delayed flights.
  12. Since you asked for opinions, I’m in shock about the price tag honestly. I guess the personalized clothing is the reason. I think if I received them as a gift without knowing the cost, I would find them cute but not something I’d actually want. I would hang them on the wall for a couple years and would somewhat forget that they are there.
  13. Makes perfect sense because if you were hosting this year, you might be scrubbing grout, washing windows, ironing table clothes, cleaning coolers, or borrowing the neighbor’s folding chairs instead of reading on a forum. I’m glad you will be a guest this year and hope you have a lovely day.
  14. I wouldn’t microwave plastic, so I would definitely try to remove the food and heat in the oven. Use a thermometer to check for proper temperatures, I’m guessing 165 but it depends on what kind of meat. You might need to add broth or water for moisture.
  15. I tent camp frequently. I would lock bikes to a table or tree and lock the car at night, and trust the world with the rest. I have had only 1 bad experience with rude people in decades of trips. For that trip we were in a university class, with prominently marked university vans camping in the town of the supposed rival university. Some idiots did mess with our stuff, tried to steal beer, and then as they were being chased through the woods threw the cooler in a stream. It was stupid college rival behavior.
  16. I just woke up to watch. My feet got cold so I’m warming up in bed for a bit.
  17. @HomeAgain I love the video for The Season’s Upon Us.
  18. We wear raincoats at our school, but even being outside today wasn’t enough to settle the holiday energy. Best wishes to us all for tomorrow.
  19. We have hammered side walk chalk into powder. Then they used the powder to mix with water to make paint.
  20. I enjoyed the book but do not plan to see the movie.
  21. Common no, but I did hear it from a coworker. I think she used it more to explain why she couldn’t do after work social things.
  22. We have had several vacations to fly, with our tent and camping stove and rent a car. It’s the happy medium that works for us. Sometimes there’s 1 hotel night near the airport depending on flight times. Camping in Maui was crazy cheap, dh had a work event so his flight was provided. We extended several nights after his hotel room ended. We have flown and camped in Canadian Rockies, CA, AZ, CO, UT, and ME.
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