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Everything posted by Susann

  1. Jersey have much high fat content but lower production volume. Holstein produces at a much high volume but lower fat content. Because of production volume, large scale national herds are usually Holstein.
  2. -Here in the US a great deal of our medical research is done by the drug companies. There is not a drug to combat celiac disease so the companies aren't researching it. In large part, because there is not a drug to treat it, it hasn't been on the radar in the medical community.
  3. Yes, I agree it is a big deal and I would not reintroduce gluten without careful thought. If you have one autoimmune disease, there is a 30+% chance of having another one. Celiac disease is not present in our family history. The only other autoimmune disease in the extended family-as far as we know-is MS in a cousin. It just isn't on our radar. Also, people w/celiac have an increase chance of cancers, infertility, depression and a whole host of other life changing health care issues. With the celiac diagnosis, other health care issues may be treated and seen in a whole new light. I have yet to hear of a dr. that will diagnosis celiac w/out an upper GI-tho' they may say there are "gluten issues, sensitivity, allergies". This is not the same as celiac disease! The upper GI will not give a true picture of the extent of the issue without the the presence of gluten. Looking back now to what my dd has been through, if I had chosen to take her off gluten-yes, I would reintroduce it (and ask for pain meds) in order to have an accurate diagnosis. We're 5+ years into dealing with celiac and we've already seeing the life changing implications for our daughter.
  4. Probably more information that you wanted but here's an old post re:dd (below this paragraph) She's had a long battle since I posted this but is healing and getting healthy. Because of her health, we had her take a gap year between high school and college. Physically she could not of gone into college-we had her take 4 classes as a communter student that about wiped her out. During this time she also had mono which lead to an inflamed liver & spleen and we discovered her gall bladder is low functioning. She's a 2nd semester freshman in a very rigorous program and doing well so far. The first semester, however, was a nightmare with cross contamination issues! For anyone who thinks celiac might be an issue, please, please, please get the diagnosis!! Don't take yourself/loved one off gluten, you have to be consuming to get an accurate upper gi analysis. Because my dd is diagnosed with an autoimmune disease we registered her with the disabilities office on her campus. The office has dealt directly with the professors twice so far when she has had to miss a class for a dr. appointment and a test because she was cross contaminated during lunch before the test and had to take her pain meds that knock her out. If she wasn't registered w/the disabilities office she would of failed the test which would affect her final grade/scholarship monies. I strongly advise anyone to get the diagnosis so that he/she is able to register with the disabilities office. My dd has major scholarship money involved so we need her bases covered. THIS IS THE POSTING FROM 3 YEARS AGO: My dd 17 was diagnosed a little over a year ago with celiac disease. She had had stomach pains that had progressively gotten worse over the previous two years. She had gotten to the point that she couldn't even get through a meal without laying down with the heating pad. She also developed anemia, and dairy intolerence among other symptoms. She was 5'5" and was down to 110 lbs even though she ate like a horse. We had been back and forth to the drs who kept saying that she was constipated and treating me like an overprotective mother (after all I do homeschool:glare:). Apparently, they also discussed bulima/aneroxia with her-and not me-while I was out of the room during one of the visits. Needless to say, we no longer use that dr! I finally had enough and took her to a gastroenterogolist (sp?). He walked in took one look at her (she is blond haired, blue eyes with a very, very fair complexion) then me and asked if we had any western European background. I found out later that certain European countries and Australia have a much higher occurance of CD. He then looked over her chart, talked to her and within ten minutes said that he thought she had celiac disease. She had a blood test that day that came back positive. We then scheduled an upper GI to validate the bloodwork and to assess the damage. The villi in her intestines had been almost completely destroyed. She was literally starving to death even though she was eating a very large well-balanced diet. Once gluten was eliminated from her diet she felt better within a day or two and substantially better with a month. To answer some of your questions: -Unless you are dealing with a dr very familiar with celiac disease it can take years to diagnose through the process of elimination of other conditions. -There are as many different symptoms of celiac disease as there are people who have it (much like the different styles of homeschooling:tongue_smilie:) which is why it tends to be diagnosed through the process of elimination. -The bloodwork can give a false negative. Only the upper GI can positively diagnose celiac disease and the amount of damage done. -Don't just stop eating gluten. If your symptoms go away, you don't really know if it's due to gluten or another factor. Without the upper GI, you don't know the amount of damage. -Here in the US a great deal of our medical research is done by the drug companies. There is not a drug to combat celiac disease so the companies aren't researching it. In large part, because there is not a drug to treat it, it hasn't been on the radar in the medical community. -No one else in our family-immediate and extended- has dealt with the health issues my dd has. No one, as far as we know, has celiac diease. -There are long term health ramifications such as infertility and increase in cancers among many, many other health issues. -The healing process varies per patient. My DD had another gluten panel done last month due to other health issues and was found to be gluten free. We opted not to have another GI to determine how much her intestines have healed since she is gluten free and healing can vary so much. - And, my pet peeve-IT IS AN AUTOIMMUNE DISEASE AND NOT AN ALLERGY-just like lupus, MS, etc. Your body is literally destroying itself. If you think it's a possibility that you have CD, I highly encourage you to overcome your fear of the upper GI and get a positive diagnosis just so you can eliminate it as a source of your health issues or treat it. This is not just for yourself but also for your children. A great resource is the book "Celiac Disease: A Hidden Epidemic". Also, you might want to read Elizabeth Hasselbeck's (sp?) book on her personal struggle to get diagnosed and then to treat celaic disease. I forget the name of the book but Elizabeth is the blonde on The View. Good luck in your search for answers to your medical issues!
  5. We had a long battle w/ dr. saying dd was just constipated-which she was. But, they couldn't tell us why it kept happening while she was eating a diet high in fiber. Also, because I homeschool, I believe the dr. labeled me one of "those mothers" !By the time I found a dr. who would listen to us, her villi had been destroyed and she was basically starving to death. She was first diagnosed with a blood test-but that can give false results-the gold standard is an upper G.I. We're still dealing with the ramifications of her misdiagnosis. For anyone who thinks celiac is a possability-PLEASE FIND A REPUTABLE GASTROENTROLOGIST FOR AN UPPER GI. It is not an allergy it is an autoimmune disease that destroys the body and affects all systems!!! Please feel free to contact me regarding our journey-it sounds very similar to yours.
  6. Not a modern version, but, I just read this one this weekend and really enjoyed it. http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/9751382-mr-darcy-and-the-secret-of-becoming-a-gentleman
  7. http://forum.lowcarber.org/ Here's another site that might help you. Low carb has saved my life!
  8. :grouphug: :grouphug: You're right there will be more concerns. But, speaking as an adult who went through my biological mother leaving when I was 8ish, my life became so much better. I have the wonderful life I do now because of it.
  9. I remember a funny exchange when I first started to hs. Someone asked where my dds went to school and I said I hs them. Her response was that she couldn't do that because her dd was too smart. My response, without thinking, was that if her dd was too smart for her at 6 yr. old then she really shouldn't try to hs her. Not the response she thought she'd get-but, geesh, too smart at 6!?!?! :laugh:
  10. I also live in an area with guns and have no problem with them. But in light of recent events, I find the choice in bad taste.
  11. Thanks for the suggestions-will pass them along to her. I think the heat will probably hit her hard-she spent last summer in Germany and really only hit heat in Italy.
  12. Was the person the owner or manager? If not, PLEASE contact the owner/manager and let know your experience! That's sometimes the only way a manager/owner knows that there is an employee issue-she's certainly not going to treat a customer that way in front of the boss-(hopefully).
  13. DD is doing an internship there in June-August. Suggestions on must see sights?
  14. May I suggest that you post your question here also? http://www.lowcarbfriends.com/bbs/atkins-induction/ Also, the first week a lot of people are hit with "Induction Flu" which sounds like what you have
  15. I have friends that do that and find it VERY annoying!! I always want to say, " I asked a yes/no question not for your social calendar"!!
  16. Our system has a 50 item limit. I always encourage families(especially homeschoolers) to have a card for every member of the family. Had one family last week that checked out 150+ items on their cards-yup, homeschoolers :laugh:
  17. I've bought a few to have on hand in a pinch. I really like the chicken pot pie and the other chicken one with broccoli.
  18. I've found some beautiful ones (machine made) at T Maxx at great prices.
  19. I love the name Spencer-for a boy! My bil has twins-the girl is Spencer and the boy is Shelby :confused1: Their names were always mixed up.
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