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Everything posted by mom2hunangirls

  1. I voted that I buy the water there (and I do), but I don't know if it's because of the rule. :001_huh: I know most of their money is made on concessions, and it is a posted rule, so.....I do not conceal anything I bring in. I think it sends a bad message to *my* kids. Mine would see me do that and run with it. (but I've honestly never thought one way or another of someone else doing it...I've never noticed.) We stop by the gas station next door and they each get a lollipop and they each carry it in in their hand. If they wanted to stop us I would totally either throw it away or take it to the car. Since they don't sell something that small, I don't think they will ever stop me. But they don't get their own water! It expensive! Plus I hate going to the bathroom during a movie. 2 hours will not dehydrate them. But I'm the same mom who doesn't allow much drinking on road trips too. :lol:
  2. I could be this way...but how on earth do you stay awake the next day? I'd need a nap by 9am!
  3. My 8 yr old goes to a Chinese school with varying ages as well. If she (the teacher) is Chinese...I'm not at all surprised at her comments or how she delivered them. We've heard some doozies regarding our girls who are adopted. But, we go to their school and I'm not about to assume they will act like sensitive, homeschooling Americans. But, I protect when I can. Homeschooling is such a foreign concept to the Chinese...their belief in school, respecting authority, etc is what they know. That being said...whew! the Chinese boys at school are out of control. But you know what? The parents get an ear full about it every week. My 8 yr old's class has one girl that is constantly interrupting for random things. It honestly makes me mad. I'm sending my child to this class to learn, but 1/3 of the class is spent refocusing everyone from her. No, she's not 5...but if the class had a range of ages the same refocusing would have to take place. I also have a 5 yr old that could technically go next year but I won't send her because she doesn't have the stamina to stay focused for the 2 hour class time. She's able to learn the language academically, but I won't send her until she can follow classroom etiquette. DH will just do flash cards with her at home. Dont take the comments as a personal attack on your child. But don't write them off just because they were delivered harshly. If he is going to be in a classroom setting or any place with standard etiquette he does needs to learn how some behaviors can be viewed or interpreted.
  4. How does tapatalk make it easier? I didn't know I was missing something easier!!
  5. I have 2 friends that absolutely do not qualify to the written rules for China...one brought home her son 5 months ago and one is traveling in the next few months. I will say it is not for the faint of heart...you have to call agencies and tell your story and tell some more and get doctors letters and tell your story some more. Expect some heart break. Try again. The one thing I've learned from these two is that where your heart is there your treasure will be also. Both of these families were denied more than once. And call another agency and started over again. It wasn't fast and wasn't easy, but.... I'm so sorry that it all seems so hard, and that it is hard. Both of my girls are from China and it was hard....but textbook. :grouphug:
  6. Avoid sugary stuff as best you can. Have him drink sips slowly. Faster it goes down, the faster it's likely to come out. I try to water down Gatoraid (3:1) to replace electrolytes. Chicken broth is good....slowly. Plain is best. I'm no pro with sick kids either as mine are a lot like yours :) but I've always said to myself "get it in not to stay there, but just so some stays!" Sip. No more than sip. :)
  7. I'm still reading other replies, but I need to be done before my next round starts. :) Just throwing ideas out: What about doing all sciene and history on one day and the other days you would have more time to bounce around on the more one on one stuff. Yeah, the idea of bouncing around isn't my favorite but I've found that shifting my science and history to its own day has been amazing. I *think* it works because all that reading sort of allows for everyone to want a natural break. And if your oldest wanted to go on reading without you while you do the others it wouldn't be a huge deal. She may even welcome the chance to do an experiment with the youngers while you help someone else. Either way something would be getting done. You aren't failing. But I can totally relate to the feeling each night. I did put mine in preschool at a place I love because I did see the value in it. I just simply wouldn't cut and paste that much. I wouldn't do the music and movement stuff that I believe in. And honestly, I wouldn't be as much fun. My youngest is finishing her last year there (pk4) and I am so sad that that kind of fun is over. But she and I are both looking forward to her being home next year. All that to say....they don't ALL have to go off to school. If there is somewhere you like that your youngers could go even 2 days a week....it takes a bit of stress off you. And it's ok. In my case it was ideal. We all won.
  8. I have sooooo been there. It was this time last year that I started. 60 lbs ago. And I was desperately anxious about going. Early on I survived by figuring out when it was either most empty or most filled with people like me. Remember, everyone in there is there because they want to change something. You can do it!!!!
  9. :iagree: The new sibling will likely lose their language very quickly without a native speaker around them. (At least that's been my experience with older adoptees) And it will take a long time for you to be able to "speak it". Unless you have a true passion to learn and keep learning I would just get flash cards of common items that will help with the transition. Chinasprout.com has a lot of these. I know Better Chinese is used (and we really like it too) at a Chinese immersion school in MN. Our daughter (now almost 8, but came home at 14 months so not speaking) takes lessons at a local Chinese church. She goes for 2 hours each Sunday and has homework through the week. She still doesn't speak well...well, actually they say she does great but she doesn't have confidence to do it outside of very small circles. This is her 3rd year. The Chinese in our area are very welcoming to us. They adore our girls and are more than willing to speak Mandarin with them. I'm sure we could get a tutor very cheap if we wanted to. I can't imagine learning without a native speaker. And that would probably be the fastest way to get your entire family up to speed quickly. But still....it's work. A friend of ours did this too....and then was matched with a child that spoke Cantonese. Sigh. They could manage, but it ended up not being as necessary as they thought. And add to that that your child might be living with Spainish foster parents. That happened with another friend. And most likely, they are somewhat preparing your child with some English too. None of this to discourage you. As I'm one of the ones that really wanted to learn just because I did. :). And congratulations!!!! I would love to be paperchasing again. *ETA - I stopped learning as soon as we landed back home. I had no where near the time required to learn. :)
  10. Does it matter if I get the parent trial? or the teacher trial? Are they the same except for the number of students?
  11. I'm training for my 1st (4/28) too. After my 8 mile run I got bronchitis. I was out for 2 weeks. I had to drop back that first week a ridiculous amount. Then I had to double up to catch up to my schedule. It was hard. Very. I think most cut back by half of where they where and increase back at a faster pace. Good luck!! I just finished my 9.5m run and I'm just waiting to see if I get sick again. :)
  12. I'm sure I'm going to regret asking this, and I'm going to seem like an uneducated idiot for doing so, but I really am trying to understand some of the issues and I'm just not getting something (I guess). It seems some of the issue is the LA being included. But without seeing how much this increases the price I don't understand why people just don't do that part. If it does increase the price significantly, well, that I can understand somewhat. But, we don't know until 4/2, right? And doesn't TOG (since that's where most are looking to go...even I'm looking.) include LA too? So I'm just not getting that part exactly, as a reason to be really upset with them. Because there doesn't seem to be the same uproar over Bible being included. Or is there something else? Then there is The Light and Glory and other book issue. Ok, I went back and researched John's blog. Got it, I see why people took issue with it. But again, this seems like an issue that might be a bit early. It's scheduled as a Day 5 book, so optional. (I'm a 4 day user so maybe it's a perception thing. Since I do 4 days I would have no problem not doing that book anyway. So, maybe 5 day folks are upset that soemthing like this is being added to them? They maybe don't see it as optional as I do?) I am assuming the book won't be read in totality so maybe some of the selections are ok? Don't hit me!! Really, I just don't know and I'm sorting it out. I thought the "warning" with SL all along was that different ideas would be present but that notes would be there. And John's notes will be there right? Well, we guess. But won't know until April 2. I do understand that the view of history presented is slanted or even wrong (in TLaG). But can't that be said of almost any history book? Or several? I am NO history buff at all. I look at the history of my voting years and I know that both sides are rarely shared in a single reporting or book. So I admit, that I take most history books with a grain of salt. Is the issue with them including any of it, because it's all wrong? How do you know that opposing views won't be included in later weeks? (Until we see the whole schedule?) I guess I've never seen any curriculum not have something included that someone didn't want or like, and changes make everyone crazy...but SL is a business like any other and most try to streamline and have continuity across the brand. I like the way the notes were (2011)...I had a great system. :) And this new way will certainly yank that out from under me. But most curriculum I've used since 2008 have had significant changes. So, could April 2nd change the degree of these issues? And regarding the direction of the educational philosophy...is this related to The Light and Glory issue? Or is there something else in what they have done? This is something I really can't find anything on and would like to know as I'm only doing 3rd grade right now and want to know what I'm looking out for.
  13. Mine definitely has to correct any that are wrong. Usually, almost all, are careless mistakes. And honestly, those bug me more than anything. I'm not so much worried that she can add/subtract/etc, I know she can. I am concerned that she consistently thinks giving half an effort is good enough. Now, she only has 20 problems a day. Which I don't consider drill and kill. Generally she only misses 2 problems. Sometimes 4. If it's new or worded differently, I'm fine with going over them with her. I'm even fine with having to hand a paper back to her with 4 careless mistakes and having her redo them. "If you don't like how long it takes to do it the first time, you won't like how long it takes to keep redoing it." But she has twice in 90 lessons turned in homework at D or F level of careless mistakes....clear rush to finish. I tore that homework up and sent her back to try again. Both were done again at 100%. I know her, when it's done careless, and when there is lack of understanding. She knows one will not be tolerated and one she will be helped with. If she had a ton of drill problems every day that seemed ridiculous to me to have to have 100% on...I'd have her start with every other problem. If she did those well, fine. She'd be done. If she missed X amount, she'd have to fix those and do the other half of the problems. I'll be the first to admit though, she's a bright kid who's Achilles is laziness because things are easy for her. While I am trying to find a level of challenge for her, I am choosing to show her that doing the easy things really well will make learning the harder things that much easier. My younger, might not grasp stuff as easy and I may not use this same approach on her. She might be learning to learn math, where I sense my older is learning diligence with math.
  14. I'm in a weird gap. :) We are using the new (came out last fall) Hake 3 Intermediate. Before that we used Horizons (k-2). And although I plan to use 5/4 and up I've never looked at them compared to other stuff. I hear "it is so tedious"...and that always makes me say "ugh? really?" But I'm beginning to think that's more a label for the k-3 Larson versions maybe?? Ours is far far from tedious. About 20 problems a lesson. I'm always feeling like we should do more. But, hey, she's getting everything. So I round out with Singapore's CWPs. But have been very pleased with 3Intermediate. And just assumed I would be as happy with 5/4. But, like I said, I'm in a brand new book....maybe it's nothing like either other side. ???
  15. Could you make a list of all the things you could give up (i.e. school wouldn't be on list :)) and sit down with everyone and say "we've got to cut one thing...what should it be?" We were waaaay over-committed this year and co-op was one of those things. While it was hard to say we were dropping it because we all had relationships there, we did figure out that we COULD manage to do the one Tuesday a month skate day with the co-op and make a full day of that. That freed up the other 3 Tuesday's. But even still, I drop many, many balls.
  16. From there the easiest way to tell you is 36*(1-.4). Or using cell a1=36, b1=40%, c1=answer C1=A1*(1-b1) The formula builder will help him if it's needing if then statements or getting the syntax right for the formula above.
  17. Does he have both (really all 3) boxes formatted as "number"? Yes, it will definitely do that for him. Which version is he using?
  18. My 8 yr old does the same thing...but you're ahead of me, mine doesn't confess yet. She's good though, she'll read a page here or there...certainly if I give her certain pages to read she'll be sure to know something. Every few books something will catch her and she'll actually read the book. I made it all the way through college figuring out what pages I needed. I didn't even read Cliff Notes in their entirety. Sailed through tests. I'm no genius, I had a knack of knowing what looked important and a pretty photogenic mind. But, I just couldn't stand to read books. I coul absorb info in any other way with joy. So, with my 8 yr old, who learns fine and I'm sure of it. I'll just continue to ask questions and if she can answer them, good for her. If she can't she is told to re-read and then she will get new questions. And I just keep hoping that a book here and there will catch her and she will WANT to read. Now, if she confessed...I'd be like you and feel I need to do something as consequence. But since she confessed it would be on the light side (honestly, I'd be so happy mine confessed I'd have to stop myself from buying ice cream!). If re-reading doesn't work for you, what about having her copy a chapter so that she'll have to read every word? I suppose the most logical thing is to have her write a report....but I know what *I* would have done with that assignment. :)
  19. Interesting, I'd be happy if someone close to me felt comfortable enough to show concern. Not everybody. But a close friend, I'd be ok with that. In your case I would say "we hit the 3 r's heavy right now. He is only 5. And we'll evaluate each year as it comes. There are so many resources now, I'm honestly not worried he's missing anything. But if you see something specific I'd listen. But in general I can assure you we're good." Mostly it sounds (from what you posted) like hs'ing is just a new concept. Sure she's heard of it, but that doesn't mean she's actually seen how it works and the resources available. If she's truly one of your closest friends be glad she'll ask. Don't be offended. Show her a catalog or your curriculum. Several of my friends who work in public schools now think hs'ing is a great option because of my enthusiasm or honesty in the struggles (of picking right, doing enough). And if she still makes you uncomfortable you are close enough to just say "let's not talk about this...we're all doing what we think is best."
  20. I won't be much help but I can answer questions if no one else can help you. :) We used Horizons k-2, but since I knew we'd be switching to 5/4 we went with 3 Intermediate to start transitioning her to independent learning. We really like it. For the most part she's done fine on her own. We're in lesson 90 now. It starts with a power up (to wake up her brain). They are great but frustrating to me because there is no key. Then there are 4-6 review problems, then the new material. The bulk of the lesson is 20 problems that are some review and some new. For these, there is a key. There is a test every 5 lessons. I wish I knew how it compared to Larson's or 5/4 and up since everyone says there is too much. 3 Intermeiate is definitely less "stuff" than Horizons.
  21. And what do you do if you have a hair washer and a separate blow dryer person??? Am I supposed to leave a tip for x, y, z??? Geez I'll need to go to the bank before I get my hair done for way more than I can afford so I can give everyone a little something.
  22. I think you can know someone and have no relationship with someone too. (a victim's mom said they had no relationship but friends saying they all knew each other). I can think of people I would say that about. And what was in that article didn't sound like bullying....it sounded typical teenager-ish to me. It didn't sound like an on going problem that was obvious bullying anyway. All that to say the article doesn't seem to make a clear case for one thing or another to me.
  23. So true. This is the only one I've even half kept up with so the bullying thing could have just started (being reported that is). All of the initial questions to neighbors and others that knew him said no. However, now that he has a lawyer I suspect they'll leak lots of stories that lend sympathy to their client. In other shootings it was clear hours after the crime that they were bullied or troubled kids....so I'll have a hard time believing it if this one gets that sort of spin. I am interested in hearing if he was on or coming off any depression meds. Someone posted (or did i see it on the news?) about the statistics of these sorts of crimes having mostly been committed by current or detoxing patients. If that gets much play I can see Eli Lilly (is that the company name?) gearing up for their own trial.
  24. A lawyer I heard last night said that it is customary that a juvenile first be charged as a juvenile (due to the holding process I believe?) but that Ohio law requires anyone over the age of 16 be tried as an adult if crime involved a firearm. My guess is they are waiting for all victims to stabilize (maybe they have I don't know) before official charges are filed. So that the correct charges are filed (felony assault vs homicide). Or perhaps they are looking for proof of intent to make a homicide vs murder charge, etc. I believe they already have enough evidence to say he was sane at the time. I have not heard of bullying either in this case. In fact they said he was doing great at the alternative school.
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