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Everything posted by Katy

  1. This is the perfect thing to ask on Facebook.
  2. You have the best travel and hiking posts. I always enjoy them. I'm glad you had a nice trip.
  3. I think this is the kind of thing where you’re best served by going to a higher service shoe store. They’re generally local or very small chains. They carry shoes from $75-400 (higher end generally being boots or specialty work shoes that prevent feet being crushed in industrial accidents). At my local store the shoes I like are generally in the $75-130 range. IME the salespeople can tell by looking at your foot what you’ll find most comfortable and supportive. Frankly I’ve had designer shoes that were more expensive than this, but they were just stylish, not better for my feet.
  4. It’s normal for college age kids who either haven’t been on meds or who are newly diagnosed. DH went through all that 20 years ago. Sorry. The street value of those drugs is high.
  5. I did, but that was a surprise and not planned. In general I don’t think it’s a good idea to conceive a baby with a job in mind for them.
  6. I’ve had at least one kid home sick for the past few weeks with croup/parainfluenza. And DH had to return to office so the logistics of making feverish kids get up & dressed & do dropoff/pickup have been interesting. This morning’s news said the children’s hospital is so full with respiratory viruses (RSV & croup) they’re diverting ambulances. Which really puts my crappy attitude into perspective. Only my youngest needed medical attention, a single dose of steroids in urgent care. Everyone else is just crabby. Are the hospitals full where you are?
  7. Offended? No. Think it was weird and probably forget repeatedly? Yes. Not a guest responsibility. Incubator should be moved to a different place.
  8. I’m sitting right here, judging with you.
  9. You’re just renting the venue, there’s no staff? I don’t think you need to tip them at all.
  10. I went to help my sister with a new baby once and she was gearing up for hardcore dieting as soon as her milk came in and binge watching some dietician that confronted people about terrible food habits. I think her name was Gillian or maybe Jillian McKee, or something like that. She compared nutrition labels of frozen fries and ones from McDonald’s. The McDonalds ones had much less fat and calories. But I’ve definitely had frozen convenience foods from warehouse stores that were pretty healthy. So I think the answer entirely depends on what it is.
  11. I found they were a lifesaver when one of the kids needed something for school that was accidentally broken and completely out of stock elsewhere. But I agree it probably shouldn’t default to that delivery.
  12. Are you sure they are bees and not yellow jackets? Regardless, a beekeeper can generally catch them if they are bees. But if they’re wasps, I don’t think there’s a way to relocate them without killing them. Unless you want them to kill you.
  13. Yeah, I donated plasma for a while after a cousin had a bad burn. It cleared up in less than a week, but I couldn’t donate on that side again for idk… 4-6 weeks I think. When the same thing happened to the other side a few weeks later I stopped donating.
  14. I think you should consider taking up sleepwalking temporarily. Then sleepwalking it into an opaque black trash bag, into a trash bin, and then give up sleepwalking cold turkey, ever to forget that it didn’t blow away. Or perhaps ask your DH to take up sleepwalking for you.
  15. I like my coffee like liquid candy too, but that seems like a lot! Was it good?
  16. Preventative hysterectomy is such an individual decision that I’m not sure any of us can give you advice. The only negative thing I’ve heard about hysterectomy is that it can change or make orgasms more difficult. But even having a baby can cause nerve damage in the area, so how big of a concern that is…. Very personal too.
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