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Everything posted by Katy

  1. It’s also possible that regulators are being more strict now that it’s transmitted in mammals and to at least one human.
  2. I think many people, but especially young people, have a lot of false assumptions about the world. Insurance rates and profits are highly regulated; it’s rare for insurance companies to make any money from the insurance itself at all. Instead they make money from having their reserves in the market. Ideas like this, that things or people or regulations are stupid or bad is generally a sign of an uneducated mind. In reality most things are extremely complex and nuanced. If there were a *few* examples of this, I’d correct it if I knew why something is the way it is. And if not, I’d probably point out that most people are not stupid, and that there is probably a very good reason why things are the way they are, and ask them to look into it. ETA: sorry, interrupted by a child. If it continued I’d say my uneducated minds comment and ask them about if they a handle on their own responsibilities yet. Life is hard. It’s easy to make assumptions about others but difficult to have a handle on all one’s own responsibilities.
  3. Anything that causes inflammation, including a UTI, the flu, covid, anything could cause these sorts of symptoms in a temporary way. Also, medical conditions like heart failure could cause symptoms like that that go away when being treated properly.
  4. Another with shorter sleeves: https://www.ebay.com/itm/273339993491?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=ohRX0n9BQsG&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=qSv9kJTJQAK&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
  5. Ah, ebay to the rescue: https://www.ebay.com/itm/266275871514?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=C0Ge42mxRLy&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=qSv9kJTJQAK&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
  6. Technically a slip, but part of it is nylon: https://www.aprilcornell.com/product/Camille-Slip-SLA5514R-Black/nightwear
  7. Katy

    Jokes & memes

    That sounds much more difficult to get a prescription for!
  8. It could be either. There’s no reason to speculate. He needs someone who can explain this to go to the neurologist appointment too.
  9. What a wonderful story! Do you think the recipe sounds like this? https://www.allrecipes.com/recipe/70660/chocolate-covered-easter-eggs/
  10. I had a psychology professor say pretty much what @catz said above. In magazine quizzes and online typing tests it seems like extroversion is an either/or thing. But most people fall somewhere along the middle of the spectrum, and even extreme extroverts can need time away from people.
  11. I would ask the pediatrician’s nurse if they can do the basic workup or if you need a referral to a rheumatologist. The real decision about that is probably up to your insurance company. IME those referrals take many months.
  12. I’m so sorry. I would take her in tomorrow.
  13. I seriously doubt gas is going to be outlawed in the US in our lifetimes. Natural gas is a byproduct of shale oil in the US. It’s not only essentially free, it’s abundant and we burn it off to waste it in huge quantities in production because it’s difficult to put in pipelines. But the equation for that has changed a because of the war in Ukraine. Now we’re discussing building more pipelines so it can be shipped to Europe because the price of heating oil is so expensive there now. It is moderately healthier to use electric stoves, but we don’t have the battery capacity to really switch to a green electric grid, even if everyone preferred it. There hasn’t been enough lithium and other necessary chemicals mined yet. If we’re building up more infrastructure to capture and use the currently wasted natural gas, we’ll probably end up incorporating more of it into the electric grid instead of wasting it.
  14. Happy Easter!
  15. If the parents aren’t pushing back, it’s none of your business.
  16. Katy

    Jokes & memes

    The Paregoric... And to think you can STILL get a prescription for it.
  17. This was part of a Friends episode once. I think the girls might have used (their own) body wash. Chandler argued soap is soap and it is clean, and that's why he & Joey could share a bar. Joey countered that with something like, "Think about the first place you wash and the last place I wash."
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