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Everything posted by azucena

  1. Try the "about" section of themorgan.org, the website of the Morgan Library in New York.
  2. Thank you, PlumCrazy! I had not realized how many subforums there are here until I had to click among them all :laugh:
  3. I am bumping this as I did not see a reply and I too would like to hide certain thread titles.
  4. Quickly Googled and here are recommended textbooks for AP European History - maybe one of these? http://www.collegeboard.com/html/apcourseaudit/courses/european_history_textbook_list.html
  5. Here is another Open Yale course that might be good (I am interested in it, but have not taken it): http://oyc.yale.edu/sociology/socy-151. I would be leery of going into Foucault without a grounding in previous political thought; his is a very grim view of humanity.
  6. Take a nap and feel better soon! Sometimes I fall asleep to podcasts ...
  7. We tested last Tuesday and had answers within 48 hours. Not sure of the answers to your other questions.
  8. I am so sorry to hear that! Please tell your daughter it is their loss.
  9. I do not have any advice - just wanted to mention this is one of the most poetic thread titles I have ever seen on this board. :001_smile:
  10. In the Wall Street Journal, of all places (looks you can access without a subscription, but I cannot guarantee). This is for mature audiences, as it contains not only a few racy lyrics from the musical but some rap lyrics as well; but the graphing of end rhymes, internal rhymes, assonance, etc is not something I've ever seen before. http://graphics.wsj.com/hamilton/
  11. Does your league have written rules? E.g., my sons play in a league where rec soccer players are meant to play at least half the time, but travel soccer playing time is not guaranteed. :grouphug: Dealing with kids' hurt feelings around sports is hard.
  12. If you go to the Met, there is an exhibit on the roof each summer. This year's looks a little freaky, but I would go up nonetheless as the roof gives great views of the city and allows you to rest your eyes. Consider taking some of the Met's free tours - the volunteers get awesome training and that will give you a different perspective. Also at the Met, the cafe in the American Wing is a good place to get a cup of coffee and eat a Clif bar or other smuggled in food :-).
  13. I feel as though Lewelma wrote about this with her elder son ... maybe PM her?
  14. Their newly redesigned "Timeline of Art History" has 7000+ works of art from all parts of the globe and time periods from 8000 BC to the present. There are also almost a thousand essays on different topics. It's fascinating to dive into! http://www.metmuseum.org/toah/
  15. Both are obviously classics but War and Peace operates on a much bigger frame of ideas and events - are great men the drivers of history? what does it mean to live a good life? Crime and Punishment is almost claustrophobic (to me at least) as the detective questions the murderer. For reading Dostoevsky, also consider The Devils (a/k/a The Possessed) which is about terrorism, its motivating ideas and psychology. It is more germane to current events than you might suspect.
  16. Or, you could do a chronological approach: 17th century - Don Quixote (there are Open Yale lectures for this one) 18th century - Tristram Shandy 19th century - Moby Dick All of these have serious philosophical themes as well as elements that could be considered "pre-post-modern" if that makes sense (e.g., self-conscious narration). Also not inappropriate in terms of any sexual content!
  17. What about the sequel to Wolf Hall? Or Nabokov's The Gift (from his Russian years - nothing inappropriate that I recall)? There is an online reading group starting up for Infinite Jest but there is heavy drug related content (the novel is about addiction) so I would not do for a 15 year old.
  18. I'm sorry for the news about your father. Holding you in the light.
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