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Everything posted by chepyl

  1. Oklahoma is so easy! If you have never been in PS, you do nothing. If you have kids in school, you send one letter when you remove them. HSing is allowed by the state constitution. I am a member of one local support group and co-op. There are at least 10 others in tue area that I onow about. There are a few yahoo groups where curriculum is often given away, traded, or sold cheap! I have driven a mile down the road to pick up gently used amd like new books for just a few dollars. There is lots of support. I have taken DS out in public during school hours and never had a question about why he is not in school. Is there opposition? Yes, but I have not encountered any from anyone other than my family. Plus.....great weather and cost of living. It has been called a recession proof economy, and there are currently jobs to be had. Boeing just moved 500 jobs here from CA, and we have great college football ;)
  2. I love that mix!!! I know you said you don't like blueberries, but blueberry French toast is amazing! I don't like blueberries either. But I love this. You could probably substitute a different berry. Maybe for future use....
  3. You mean saying tue alphabet in order? For most kids it is first step in reading....learn the alphabet song, connect letter names to letters, letters make words, words make stories. Then they learn sounds for the letters. Some kids learn to read before mastering the alphabet. For them, it would ne for using a dictionary, filing, alphabetizing....
  4. You could probably boil them for long enough to kill everything. I probably would not eat them...dh would
  5. Craigslist has them for free or cheap sometimes. You may be able to find a reasonably priced used one at a music store. We purchased 78 key, weighted, with pedals keyboards for our group piano classes. The teacher said that would get students through 2 years, then they switch to private lessons and the full size digital piano. We found them for $100. You could start with that. Then save for a bigger one. Our full size digital piano was $1400, that was at a university sale when it was one year old. They cand be pricey, go with a smaller, cheaper one. If he enjoys it and practices, save up for a better one in a couple of years. Then you can really research what you want.
  6. My son was borred with the addition and subtraction. It would talr an hour to do one page....he would do a problem, then stare at the wall. If I kept on top of him it took a few seconds to do the problem. I made him finish all the exercises, but we skipped some writing out numbers problems. Once we got to measurement, life was more pleasant. Now we are on the final reviews amd he is taking forever again....two days and we move on!
  7. Would you let your 14 y/o....make 9 year old cut hair? Flu shots?...How do you stop worrying? The tween year and beyond.
  8. My grandma put an egg crate padding on top of her sleeper sofa. It OS now the most comfortable bed in the house!
  9. I think this is what I have, I got it on sale at Hancock fabrics for $200!! It is great!! My friend who is a seamstress said not to get anything by brother if you want it to work well for a long time. My mom gave me a brother sewing machine after my grandma's old singer died. The 50 year old machine was more reliable than the brand new one :glare:
  10. My school only offered AP exams to Seniors. I had friends who took both English, US History, Calculus and physics within a week or two. Many passed with a high enough score to gain college credit. I have standardized tests, after all the attempts at ACT/SAT and the SAT2, I did not want to study for and take a bunch of APs, I just took one English! It is possible amd reasonable, depending on how the student feels about testing.
  11. I make it a home or get rid of it. I have added bookshelves to house our books, but if new clothes don't fit in the drawers....I purge. Every six months I clear out clothes. If I have a new kitchen gadget without a home, I try to get rid of something I don't use. I am not perfect, things pile up before I start tossing, but I get around to it and it has finally rubbed off on dh!
  12. I love the reading and reading comprehension sections in the early levels. The math, and grammar are not great for more than review. The spelling is just reading comp. I felt like the words in first grade were not first grade level spelling words. I keep them for a fun break, entertainment when I need to do something else. Reinforcement and extra practice, and road trips. It is not enough for a full curriculum. I used the first grade book, a first/second grade math workbook, and what your Kindergartener needs to know for K last year. It worked great, but for first, we needed a more thourough program.
  13. I learned cursive in 3rd or 4th grade. In 5th grade I was not allowed to print. I was yelled at and humiliated during a spelling game for printing my spelling word in the shaving cream. I started printing again in 6th grade and now I only sign my name. I am teach DS cursive and will let him write how he wants. I write in a combined method, e a and h connect to the next letter in my writing. A few other letters connect. Cursive time : 202 sec Print time : 99 sec I did cursiv first and my hand started to cramp.....I think my print time would have been faster I'd I did it first.
  14. Do you have a dishwasher? Load it and run it. Then start a load of clothes. Next, get a trashbag and walk around tue house gathering all the trash. Get a 2 laundry baskets/boxes and one trash bag. Pick the least messy room, or the one you spend the most time in. One box is for things that go in other rooms, one is for things to give away, and the bag is to throw things away. Then work until the dish washer is done, unload, loan and then take a break. Then get back o work. I do this over the course of three days most of the time.
  15. My cousin posted the following under a picture of her son on FB the other day: My knight AND shining armor! instead of My knight IN shining armor! My two favorite from my kids involve the same word: DS has always called tortillas - torkatillas! He has recently stopped, and I wanted to cry :crying: DD calls her cousin - Sophia - Tortilla! One day we were in the balcony of the theatre, getting ready for a rehearsal. DD hears her cousin downstairs and starts yelling: "My tortilla, my tortilla!!!" We were o confused until she ran to the elevator and then to her cousin "Tortilla." She knows how to say her name now, but we all made such a big deal about how cute it is that if you ask her to say Sophia, she will say - Tortilla - and smile really big!:D
  16. I do a chapter a week. We will have to double up on 7 chapters this year. I will try and do it with shorter or related chapters. We are not using anything extra. DS is in 1st grade. The text, map work, coloring sheets and lap book are enough for him. His retention is great! We listen to the chapter on Monday, and he colors the map as he listens. I point out important locations, then I ask the review questions. Wednesday, we listen again while he colors the other sheets. We try for narration on that day. Friday, we do the test as a worksheet together and do a piece to the lap book. If I use SOTW for him again in the second cycle, we will add more lit. We do pull out the Kingfisher Encyclopedia when we want to look at more. Sometimes we look up pictures on the internet, and we have looked at some documentaries. I do have a book on King Tut, and LOTS of references on the Ancients. We look at them, but the text and students pages are our main focus.
  17. Letter of the Week - I am using this one (the preparatory curriculum) with my 3 year old. I print ed the letters, made my own numbers and shapes, and I print some of the themed coloring sheets each week. I don't do everything. I am just trying to get her to learn the alphabet and numbers. She already knows the shapes and colors. She does a lot of coloring, but that is what she loves. I also printed of some practice sheets with several letters and you circle the capital and lowercase letters that you are practicing that week. She loves those! We are on week 13, so far so good. There is another letter of the week blog...I like it a lot better, but she was not ready for it. After we finish this letter of the week, we will start over with the next one.
  18. Goose. I have lived in OK, MO but also played with my cousins from AR and TX. Never heard of grey duck.
  19. I hate the taste of most alcoholic beverages. I do however love mudslides!! I have pi.e every now and then. I cook with amaretto at the holidays - recipe that I am required to make every year - and I have a few sips while I cook.
  20. I have: SM 3a&b text and HIG, I need the workbooks, IPs, and CPW SOTW vol 2 with text, Cds, tests, and AG R&S English 3 RS4K pre-level 1 Chemistry and Physics (I don't know if I will use one or both) Drawing with Children, because I was going to use it this year, bit we weren't quite ready Piano books-minus the theory books, for when we get my patents piano next year We also hot the library booksale, a few garage sales, and unpacked some boxes from the garage and have a ton of books to read! And we have all the CC stuff we need. I bought all of these off of the for sale boards or at garage sales as I found them, or I bought them for this year (cc and DWC). I am type A.....and trying to keep costs down ;)
  21. I got MM geometry to go with Singapore 2 a&b for my first grader. We have not touched it. I will get it out if we need a break, but SM is plenty to keep is busy. We will be lucky if we finish both text/workbooks/IPs and the CWP this year, an we are moving fast! I decoded to get LOF Apples to read together instead. I thought some life application would be better and he loved the bit we read online. You don't need anything else of you do the whole SM program.
  22. We are on month 2....I have about a week left to wait...I think. What is opk?
  23. We have always talent our own food home, or split it up between those with leftovers - the person with all the potato salad shares and gets some baked beans and chicken to go with it.
  24. We just got this book, we are just reading the poetry right now, the kids love it! Some of the poems are very funny!
  25. We have the Foundations guide and the Cds. We do it alone at home. We listen to the cd 3 times everyday as part of school. DS read along for aome of it. We look at the map in the guide to ID the geography locations. We focus more energy on the timeline. We do not have perfect memorization, but we are taking a 2-3 week break between weeks 12&13 to review. The songs are sticking, but my son needs the visual. The manual is only $25 I think and it has everything. With the flash cards you need a different set for each cycle.....you can mqke those at home.
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