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Everything posted by chepyl

  1. I set up a school area with two desks instead of everything by the kitchen table. I am rearranging again so I can look out the window :)
  2. I would use the test book "The Essential Theatre" or "Introduction to theatre" both by Oscar Brockett. He is one of the best sources on theatre. I used his books for most of my undergrad and graduate work in theatre. The first book has instructions on writing a good critique and how to evaluate different aspects of the production. Anything by Bracket will be a great resource his "History of the Theatre" will ne too much for high school. For my three credit hour intro to theatre course (both the one I took, and the one I taight as a grad student) I wrote 2 papers about 3 pages in length. We read 4 plays in eacu course, plus covered the topics in the text. If you do that much, I would say that is worth a full high school credit. We read a portion of a Greek play, a portion of a Shakespeare play, a comedy of manners, and a contemporary play in the class I taught. It could be fun to do a set painting workshop. If you can't find one, find a book of faux painting techniques for house and try some out. Most faux painting styles originated in the theatre :)
  3. We start tech week for Willy Wonka Monday. We can move into the theatre Sunday. We have 4 days to have the set up and ready. I have 8 hours of rehearsal with 70+ 6-13 year olds. Then, I have to finish 32 pair of oompa loomed pants and make Willy Wonka's costume. I am 5 weeks pregnant and already feeling the fatigue! We are on vacation from school for my sanity :) SIL and BIL (co-owners of academy) received travel dates for their adoption.....they leave a few days after Willy Wonka and will be gone parent watch week...... DH does Christmas lighting which means he works ALL day, and I have to find babysitter. (He is normally home before I leave.) I hope you have a good weekend and a better week next week.
  4. Did she stop completely or just not get the next one posted. I downloaded vol. 1 in August, she had not started the vol 2 lapbook yet; they were doing it this year. I assumed she would be adding as they went along. I hope she does finish, my son loves his lapbook!! I defiantly could not create that on my own.
  5. Brightly Beaming's Letter of the week it good and free. DD colors he letter on Monday, then her shape on Tuesday, the rest of the week I give her themed color sheets (to match the theme for the week.) On Friday we do a letter recognition sheet (pick all of the A's out of the page of letters). We also do a lapbook page for the letter. I picked up a few workbook for $1 a Target and the dollar store. We do thoae activities. Mainly, she colors. With that, her fine motor skills are really developing. The color pages satisfy her need for school.
  6. I wear sweats and workout clothes unless I am dressing up. I hate jeans :) I didn't know there was a decode for the doctor's office....
  7. In Missouri, they passed a law that schools could not sell junk. Soda machines became juice and water machines. Parents could not take cookies or cup cakes for life birthdays. I think it is that way around here too. They don't go through the packed lunches, so you can send what you want, but they can't buy soda and candy.
  8. 4 points is possible. Do what others have said and get study books. Have her test, grade, amd then work through missed problems. By working through what she is missing, she will know what to do on the actual test.
  9. We went to the Liberty Bell, and the tour across the street of the Convention meeting buildup.GA, we also did a bus tour. I really enjoyed the tour! We were there a day.
  10. We use Tom's strawberry for the kids and Tom's mint for us. Ours has no flouride, but the kids paste does....
  11. The US Edition does have and HIG and they are inexpensive. I prefer the look of the US edition. I find what I use of the HIG is fine. I have seen comparisons of pages from the two styles of HIG and cpuld not see much difference. Look at the workbooks/textbooks amd get the one you prefer.
  12. Congratulations!!! I was worried when we told my parents. They reacted well and were happy; within a day my mom wanted to know who all she could tell. Maybe they will warm up to the idea in a few days/weeks. Be happy and excited when you see them. No matter how much they disagree.....when they see their grandbaby, they will fall in love! When do you think you are due?
  13. The only reason school tales longer than 1-1.5 hours for us is if DD is interrupting or if DS is being slow (usually because the mathis too easy). R&S teammates takes 5-10 minutes, our memory work practice takes 5-10, spelling 5 minutes most days, 20 for a new work list and rule. For history we listen to the cd and he colors. We do a quick narration and we are done, Friday's we do an activity amd a worksheet. Science is similar to history. Math takes the most time. He does 15 minutes of quiet reading, reads his grammar lesson aloud and most days we do a read aloud at bedtime. We do a lot, but in small chunks of time. As long as you feel your child is progressing at a rate appropriate for him or her, you are fine. Some kids need to be pushed and some just need to work the basics. It depends on the personalities.
  14. I think I always just started on the first day of my period....then I changed the day of the week stickers in the pack to line up correctly.
  15. We have Sum Swamp, it only does addition up to 6+6. DS loves Yahtzee!
  16. I don't know how old your daughter is, but we have been watching True U, it OS geared toward college students, but I think you could go through it together amd discuss it. It has been great. The one we are working through goes through the Bible and looks at historical evidence that supports the validity of the Bible. It has been very informative. It is by Focus on the Family, I believe. I am not 100% sire though. There is a related video series called The Truth Project.
  17. I don't do Irish, but have friends who own studios. They are generally handmade and Incrediably intricate. Lots of bead work! It may include the wigs.
  18. Both districts near us read at least 4 novels a year, at least in the honors and AP classes. Most of my theatre students had read Jane Eyre before we did the musical last year. They had great understanding of the themes and symbolism.
  19. You really need to work with a voice coach or instructor. You can do a lot of damage to your vocal cords if you are singing incorrectly. Even if you have a good friend who has had extensive training, they might be able to watch your breathing. BUT you really need to work with someone who knows vocal anatomy and how to correct placement issues.
  20. I only have experience with 100EZ lessons. I used in with my 4 year old. We flew through the first 20 lessons or so. I skipped all of the writing and most of the back and forth scripted portion. We just did the sounds and other reading. We read the Bob Books with it as well. He was done with the book within a couple of months and reading at a second grade level. I followed the suggestions for transition reading in the back of the book and now, 2 years later he is at an 6th-7th grade reading level.
  21. Good Irish Shoes are over $100 a pair, you can get ballet shoes for $15 if you know where to shop. Even pointe shoes are around $60 a pair (if you dance that long). And I would advise that you find a studio that offers/requires for than 30 minutes of ballet every other week. I struggle to fit a decent barre set into 30 minutes. An hour is the minimum a student over 8 should be doing a week. Kids do gain a lot in a dance class between 2 and 7, but a student can begin a 16 and become a professional dancer. I have had many students start ballet at 10 or older and they have become beautiful dancers who have gone on to dance professionally. I currently have a student who began last year, at 16; if she wanted, she could become a professional dancer. She, however, wants to dance for fun and so only takes one class a week. Don't be intimidated by an age issue. It is easier to start younger, but not a complete limit. So, if you want to try Irish for a year, she won't be that far behind. I will say that I have a beautiful dancer who studied Irish for years with no ballet training. She came to me as a beautiful performer with no technique and horrible knee and hip problems from turning out and other things without proper instruction. :iagree:I have seen cheap, used Irish costumes go for $500! I have been teaching dance for 13 years, and I have danced for 29; ballet is the most important thing your DD can take. At 6, you could find her a combo class (ballet and tap is best). Kids are okay in a combo class until 8. These will generally be 1-1.5 hours per week half ballet and half tap. Emphasis is placed on basic ballet technique (posture, straight legs, pointed toes) while learning many new steps. The tap part of class helps develop a sense of rhythm, precision, and teamwork. I would pick ballet over Irish, but ballet is what I do :D In either case you want to be sure your instructor watches for the following MAJOR technical issues that can lead to injury: 1. Lordic posture (arching of the lower back due to inactive ab (core) muscles. 2. Knees should be pressing out over toes when in plie (you don't want your knees facing forward while your toes are turned out.) This can lead to horrible knee and hip problems. 3. Heels touch the floor in between jumps. 4. She releves straight over the center of her foot. All 5 toes should be on the ground at all times. I did NOT have good instruction as a young dancer. It was not until high school that I had a teacher start to correct theses problems. I now suffer from lower back pain, Achilles tendinitis, and bad knees. PLEASE pay attention to whether her teacher corrects things like these!
  22. :iagree: My best friend and her SIL have huge babies! They were all in 18 month clothes at 6-9 months. Now, they are just tall and skinny.
  23. Even if you are going to wait to kiss...you should at least discuss the kind of kiss...I would be uncomfortable watching that in person! Glad I was not guest :)
  24. It does seem like a lot. We use SM wkbk, text, CWP, and IP. But I do the text and wkbk, when we finish a level we do the IP and CWP. We also read Life of Fred once a week. This is a lot, it can take anywhere from 15-45 minutes a day. DS is very mathy, but he would hate math if I tried to make him do more.
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