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Everything posted by chepyl

  1. Make a schedule. Make them help you with the morning dishes. Your 10 year old can loss the dishwasher or wash by hand. Your 8 year old can sweep, amd the 3 year old can wipe the table off. Then get the kids started on independent work while you color with the three year old. Then either find something to occupy the..three year old, mine will play with playdough or paint for hours. A favorite cartoon on tv won't hurt. Then work with the other two along as you can, take another break to play with the little one and keep going. You can also work with one child while the other plays with the three year old.
  2. I leave to teach dance at 3:30. I shower around 3. I bathe the kids on Wed, when I don't teach, in the afternoon before we head to gymnastics and dance. They bathe again Saturday night or Sunday morning for church. Sometimes DD just plays in the bath for fun.
  3. You can look at the schedule, or just go through the textbook and when you get to the little pencil/arrow you go to the workbook and do the exercise. If you can't explain a concept, use the HIG. It looks like a lot, but once you get going it is pretty easy.
  4. Charleston has several beautiful plantations to visit. We went to the one where they filmed the North and South mini series with Patrick Swazye and Roots. It was gorgeous! We also took a ghost tour. It was a lot of fun. It is and after dark walking tpur of the old city. They tell you historical information as well as stories of "hauntings." It was very cool. Savannah, GA is just a beautiful city! Dreamland bbq in Birmingham is delicious!!!! We ate ate the Elvis resturaunt in Memphis. It has interesting food :)
  5. My SIL told me that I have just looked pretty pathetic for the last 3 weeks! I feel awful! I will be 12 weeks pg on Saturday. I have constant heartburn. I feel amazing in the morning, until I eat. I am taking zantac to help, and it does, a little. Right now, I hurt! It makes me feel sick all day, unless I don't eat...but then I am hungry. I have lost about 10 lbs. Now, I needed to lose a little weight, but not this way! Any ideas?
  6. Math and grammar get done everyday without fail. We love history, but we don't always get to it. Performing arts/PE get a lot of time. Gymnastics 1 day, dance 2 days, and theatre 1-2 days. I hope to add piano back in next year, after the baby is born.
  7. Take a book he reads and understands easily. Plug the title into the Scholastic Book Wizard, it will tell you the level. K-12 has an iPhone app that will do reading levels up to 4th grade. I have also tried the Sonlight placement test. It is just word lists to read, I don't think it is as acurate as using a book the child reads.
  8. We always do school in our pjs. We have days when we never take them off :) I am much more comfy in pjs. If I got dressed, I would be putting on dance clothes, I don't want to wear those all day.
  9. :iagree: I have read them all at least 5 times!! I am ready to start reading them to my kids.
  10. I used this one too. It was easy to give, cheap, and anyone can give it.
  11. I will argue for publication order anytime! I love the Magician's Nephew, but The Lion Tue Witch and the Wardrobe is a much better first read! I love having the mystery of the lamp post come out later after it has become important to the story. I compare it to Star Wars....do you watch 1-3 or 4-6 first? 4-6 leaves you with some mystery and suspense. If you watch 1-3 first you know who Luke, Leia, Earth Cadet, and the Emperor are. It ruins the action. But that is just my opinion.
  12. I always do sinus rinses with colds. I have never had an ear infection from it. You do jave to suck the water up your nose and spit it out your mouth. I use a bulb syringe and 1-3 cups of water with as much salt amd baking soda as I can stand. It is great for breaking up and clearing out the congestion.
  13. I started my DS last year for kindergarten. It was not necessary, bit I want a record of his progress each year. We did the CAT-E from Seaton. It cost $25 and I gave it at home. No big deal.
  14. My suggestion was actually not to make up a fake schedule. I have seen other people mention listongthe transcript by topic, not year. In this way, you could list math topics studied and then list grades seperately. You could give a brief description of the program if you wanted.
  15. Start looking for a different dentist. I had a cyst removed from my eye when I was younger. My parents were not allowed in surgery, but the surgeon top time to really get to know me so I would be comfortable, he had a female nurse, and he talked to me the whole time. They did secure my hands, but that is pretty common for reflex actions. Wrapping in a sheet is a little extreme.
  16. I am pregnant and had had one at 5 weeks, did 7 days of meds, it came back, 3 days of meds that did nothing, and then a shot and 10 days of the first med. It was the most miserable month of my life! Macrobid and a rosepheron (sp?) Shot finally got it. I took macrobid the forat time, 7 days was just not long enough. The amox, did nothing but slow the symptoms, then the macrobid got it. Did they actually culture the sample to see what they were fighting? There are lots of bacteria that are resistent to all the meds. You have to be on the right one amd for a ling enough time. I hope you get this cleared up soon!! I understand the pain.:grouphug:
  17. I understand this, but I had not seen more than a few people using the later math programs until this thread; but few had said why. I was curious and the only reason I had seen was scope and sequence, even from those that appear to be HSing through high school. Thanks for all the repkies and the few reviews. I have a couple years before we get there.....but I am a plan ahead type person and I really like to research ;)
  18. Performing, theatre, and most specifically ballet! I teach ballet 5 days a week. It makes me happy, it keeps me sane, and it inspires me. I started choreographing recital dances today. It was wonderful to be creative in such a beautiful artform! We start rehearsals for Hairspray in a week. I am choreographing that as well. I am excited :). But ballet is my Passion!
  19. I am so sorry. I have no advice, just :grouphug:
  20. I love the program! I have compared the higher math programs they have, I really think it is great. If the s&s is the main thing makingpeople switch...I guess I just don't see the issue. I think that listing the subjects covered without years would easily solve the problem.
  21. I would go back and review. Make up your own problems if you need to. Get the word problem book or Singapore Math CWP. Start with a lower level than where he is. Work one or two problems a day. My DS struggled with the problems at first, so we just did a couple a day. After a couple of weeks he could do them much faster. He can do 2 or more pages at a time now.
  22. We have had 6 weeks off from school. I am 11 weeks pg and feeling miserable. Yesterday, DS did two math lessons, today we skipped some review and did 2 more math lessons plus a grammar lesson....we also played Monopoly last night as a family, 5 rounds of mancala and two rounds of Candyland. He has done multiple reading tests on my iPod. We need to get back into spelling, history and science. History is SOTW on CD. Science can be finished in 5 weeks. We have 5 or 6 spelling lists left. I may just stick with these two only for a couple of weeks until I am feeling better.
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