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Everything posted by chepyl

  1. We had a long week and as much as I tried, my poor kids just did not get enough sleep for three days. They were too wound up to fall asleep. DS is fine...DD however is a mess!! She fell asleep in my moms lap for an hour on Saturday night and woke up with fever just under 102. Gave her tylenol, snuggled and watched a movie, put her to bed and she woke up back to normal. Last night, she got cranky and tired and the fever came back. Gave her motion, let her sleep for three hours, she was happy and fine. Woke up at 3 am with a fever again....tylenol, snuggles and a movie and we slept in the recliner. She woke up fine!!! She has no other symptoms! No headache, body aches, no funny nose or congestion. I don't want to take her to the doctor because I dont want to expose her to other sick kids and get something else. This is driving me crazy! Fine for 12 hours, down for 4....I am confining her to a chair and we are on our 6th viewing of lady and the tramp since 4 am!! Water and yogurt have been eaten, fruit and a vitamin are next. Maybe a grilled cheese :) I do believe she is falling asleep again!
  2. I would have offered to help with a cart. I get stressed walking with my kids to the car with one cart, I don't yell at them, but I always make them.touch the cart of they cannot sit in it. I think a little help getting her car might have calmed her down and would be less provoking than getting on to her about yelling at her child.
  3. DS and DD share right now. When the baby gets here either, DS will get his own room and baby will share with dd, or we will keep the playroom and have all three sleep in one room. They just sleep there and they play in the rest of the house, with their own rooms I don't know if they will play together as much.
  4. I had a small scale, 1lb I think. A few measuring tapes, I skipped the yard stick and used string. I had rulers as well. For everything else, we used whatever interested us. We multiplied with colored pencils. My son hated all the cubes and things we had. Money and colored pencils worked. I was glad we inherited the manipulatives and dis not pay for them ;)
  5. I had 4 back to back first trimester and I took macrobid. I had all the symptoms. They do a test at every appointment to catch them early, but it is not a hmm....this looks funny test, they do a.pH and another test for infection. Was it your ob, or another Dr that put you on meds?
  6. We pay $20 I think to join the support group each year, an insurance fee per child, a building fee per family, and then for the classes. For two kids, two semesters I paid less than $80 including my membership dues.
  7. Both of mine had pillows at 18-24 months. Some things I read said it was fine at a year. They got them when they asked.
  8. We were allowed to use calculators starting with algebra. Each test from algebra-calculus I.cluded a section that was calculator free. I plan to do the same with my kids.
  9. Get the book "So That's What They're For." It was the best baby gift I was ever given! I united both of mine until about two years and plan to do the same with #3 when he arrives this summer. I nurse on demand. I pump when I am teaching a long night. I pump in the middle of the night if they sleep through a feeding. Drink lots of water and make sire you eat enough.
  10. I am pregnant, we own a performing arts academy, we had recital 3 weeks ago, a musical this week, and a musical next weekend....I make costumes....we have a small house amd lots of stuff....use your imagination ;) then multiply by 100!!! Really it is.not that bad. The bathroom has been cleaned weekly. The laudry is clean, except sheets. Nothing is folded...but it is clean. The playroom is a pile of legos and ponies. My room is covered in toys and dh's clothes. Dishes are clean. There is just clutter! I have to survive next week. Then I have 6 weeks to get the house back in order! When not pregnant, I can manage shows and a cleanse house, but I am drained!
  11. My dd put 5 sudafed in her mouth after punching them ALL out of the packaging! When we found the mess, I was missing two. DH had taken one a few days before and she swalloed one....many were missing the outer nasty coating! She spit them out because they were gross. She did the same with Advil. I am so glad those meds taste bad!
  12. This what we use. I love it! It's easy and quick. We are adding homophones next year.
  13. I have called cousin control for my son eating an imitrex; and dd eating one of my mom's petrol la that fell on the floor, a Styrofoam peanut my mom left on the floor, a few Advil that she managed to open the childproof lid on after climbing the counter to get it, and a sudafed she got off of a 5 foot tall chest!!! We never had to go to the hospital. She is fine ;) but she is my trouble child. Poison control is wonderful!
  14. I picked up a punctuation workbook for R&S at convention. There was one for 3-5 and one for 6-8 grades. Not much instruction, I don't think, but lots of practice.
  15. Rod and Staff English 3 Singapore Primary Math 3a and 3b with IP and CWP Some Life of Fred - whatever we get to Spelling Plus with the Dictation and Homophones books Prima Latina RS4K Pre Level 1 chem and physics Cursive with various workbooks and copywork Studying Gods Word books A and B SOTW 2 CC at home, we will do selected memory work and the Veritas Press cards that line up with SOTW 2. Dance, theatre, gymnastics, piano Daily reading
  16. K took us 30-60 minutes a day. 1st grade took 60-90 minutes a day. I firmly believe in short days for little ones. We did other reading and educational games, but seat work was as short as I could make It.
  17. Twice, five weeks apart, I would hold off on a doctor visit. Make notes of the incidents, include food eaten and activities done, temp outside or in house. If it happenes again, make notes. If there are more incidents or they get closer together, or if you start to see a.pattern in your notes; take him in. Otherwise, you can mention it at their next check up.
  18. We adjust based on activities. Usually, the whole family goes to bed around 11 pm. But, I put the kids in bed early if we have to get up early the next morning. Since we are not super strict, my kids are flexible in their sleep habits. We have been up early all week....today, everyone is sleeping in.
  19. There was a thread a few weeks ago where someone posted a blog or article about the worst bames....something like that. Part of both of my kids names were in the list. I love their names, they lovr their names, our family loves there names. It was still hurtful to read what people had to say about their names :(
  20. My husband's two younger aisters married men with the same names as two brothers. We have a Mike and Michael, Jon and Jonathan (full names are the brothers, short names are the bils...but the two sisters call their husbands by their full names.) It rarely gets confusing. But it is kind of funny.
  21. We always had 12 dozen a day exercises asigned per week. We were supposed ro practice them all everyday. Scales amd drills are important for learning fingering and developing hand muscles. If he is.struggling with note recognition, he needs a.good theory book, some flash cards, and sime sight reading practice.
  22. We use hibicleanse soap any time we see little red simple like dots on dd. Immediate cleaning and application of neosporin to any cut. Making sire little ones always use Kleenex!! Wash hands after using kleenex.
  23. We allowed pets, but only one room was carpeted. We charged a pet deposit equal to one months rent, plus the security deposit. We needed new carpet and some repairs, the dis not get any deposit back. Our other option was to charge a.small deposit and extra rent each month.
  24. My grandma was having a heart attack and lived alone, she called my mom and my mom headed that way. Then she called 911, they told her my mom, who was 15 minutes away, would be there faster than they could amd just to ride with her to the hospital. That was in a large metro area.
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