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Everything posted by chepyl

  1. I used shields with my first as well. We had a few issues, I was able to establish good breastfeeding with the help of the shields. At one month I was able to wean him off the shields. I also agree with trying to stimulate let down before putting the baby on. You can hand express a little bit or use a pump for a minute. I am sorry you are having a rough time. :grouphug:
  2. My kids.go to bed anytime between 10 pm and midnight depending of the time of year and what we have going business wise. If we are in production week for a musical, they go to bed later. Right now, they are in bed by 10:30 because we have nothing going on and my teachin schedule is light. When DH is in.Christmas light season and I am teaching until 9, we often don't eat dinner until 10, the kids go to bed later. We have a routine that works for us. After dinner the kids get pjs, brush their teeth and they get to watch something on Netflix in our room. We either clean the kitchen or rest or finish pir dinners in peace. Most nights we read a story, sing a song and they go to sleep. If we do our routine, it does not matter what time we put them in bed, they go to sleep. Last weekend DD was going to bed at midnight. Between the 4th, a baseball game, and family stuff she had been out late. I put her to bed at 11 one night, 10:30 the next, and 10:15 the last two nights. She will sleep for 12 hours no matter what. If in bed by midnight, she is up around noon. DS.sleep for 8-10. I do not think everyone needs to operate on an early morning schedule. My job and our busoness do not operate on that schedule. I believe sleep is important. We sleep based on pur work schedules. That is also part of why we homeschool.
  3. Me too. We do our core subjects first thing In the morning. DS has better focus then, and he will do math, grammar, spelling, reading, and either science or history in one sitting. After lunch I have him read If he did not do it before I woke up. We do read alouds at bedtime. We vary what we do. We have read chapter books, poetry books, Dr seuss, and fine short stories. We also sing at bedtime. So I guess we do a nighttime basket....but it is a giant bookshelf ;)
  4. Only if we have to be somewhere. I want my kids to get the sleep they need. As they get a little older, they ate starting to get up earlier on their own. I only have two, and only one to do school with daily so time is not an issue.
  5. Actually, they are nearly 7 and 4.5, but that is beside the point. Your comment is extremely rude. I also know how my 18 nieces and nephews and my close cousin's kids have responded to schedule changes. I also babysat/nannied for 7 years for many families. We have a crazy schedule and my kids adjust fine. I would not judge or criticize a family who chose to take their child to a midnight event. Especially, when something so tragic happened to them. Not every family or child operates on the same schedule or under the same rules. It does not make one right or wrong, just different.
  6. I should be planning, or cleaning, or cooking, or a million other things....instead, I am watching Grey's Anatomy, reading and posting...
  7. My kids are VERY flexible in their sleep schedule. They can stay up up until 2 am for a week and then go to bed at 10 the next week. When they are up late, we let them sleep in. When I was 16, my cousins, sister, and I took my dad's college roomate's kids with us to see Scream. I believe it was rated R. 6 of us ranging from 12-18 went alone to the dollar theatre showing at midnight. As the movie ended and we left the theatre, 3-4 girls came running down the hall yelling they have guns. We did not believe them at first. We ran back to the theatre and hid in the chairs at the front. Within a few minutes a police officer came back to the theatre and escorted us to the exit and our cars. We walked into the middle of a gang fight. We were all okay, but not everyone had the warning we did. It was scary, I am sure our parents would not have appreciated people questioning why they let 6 teens go to "that" theatre alone at midnight. We had no idea that was going to happen! .
  8. My parents had been married 2 weeks.....I did not arrive for another 10 years. My mom's best friend's oldest was born that day.;)
  9. :iagree: We don't do everything.In the book and we definately spend less time on seatwork. We don't farm, although DH has a massive garden, bit we own a performing arts academy. My kids are learning dance, theatre, music, art and my 4 year old is pretty handy with the tools. Her trainimg wheel came loose....she got out a wrench and fixed it!
  10. We wanted 4, but this pregnancy has been hard. We may be done after 3. My answer may change in a year ;)
  11. Meal plan and dorm prices are part of the reason Greek housing was always full at the college I attended! We had 3 meals a day, plus a snack bin and our room and board was significantly less than dorms! And it included our dues! I had the smallest meal plan freshman year and could not use it all up. It was a waste of money.
  12. I could not handle the scripted aspect of Shurley. The lessons were long, repetitive, and boring. R&S may not be exciting, and it is repetitive, but the lessons are short. I don't think the repetition is over the top. It is enough for mastery and you can skip a lesson here and there.
  13. DS did some.silent reading. They practiced life skills by packing their snacks ;) And we are now at musical theatre camp!
  14. Grammar, math, and reading happen daily. Science, and history alternate days. Spelling and Latin will be 3 days a week. Music and art are outside classes, so they happen once a week.
  15. DS was reading by 5.5. We went through 100ez lessons, read Bob Books together and then we started with any easy readers I could get at the library. We read every other word out loud together for a few weeks, then every other page, then he read the whole thing to me, tthen he read silently on his own and told me about the book. The shared reading really helped him.
  16. Never when I was driving, but we ran out in DH's truck last summer. He just failed to look at the gas gauge. My babysitter ran out with us a couple of times with my sister and I in the car. I also rescued a friend who ran out while pregnant. I am surprised I have not run out of gas ;) but we have a 7eleven on every corner around our house, if it is low, I have a quarter mile or less to get to a gas station. I have always been more prone to killing the battery! I used to leave my phone plugged in, interior lights on, abd in dh's old car- I left the headlights on all the file.
  17. As long as her toe is covered, and she washes her hands after touching it, it is fine. It is not airborn. You have to come in contact with the pus from the open wound. I would suggest disinfecting her desk, copier, phone, etc. Just to be safe. Lots of handwashing! Once we learned how to clean everything we never caught it when dd had it. She had recurrent infections from 9-24 months. Skin infections are very treatable as long as you catch it early. Some even heal on their own (DS and I each had one heal before we knew what we had). Have your husband watch for any simple like bumps on his body. If you see one, wash it with hibicleanse soap (get at any pharmacy) and put neosporin on it. If you mis one and it develops a white head or drains, cover it and go to the doctor.
  18. Currently, my body wants 12-14 hours!! When I am not days from delivering a baby, I cam function on 6 for a.few.days, but I really need 8-9.
  19. We get to pick our doctors. We have a lower end plan. We needed a referal for my sone amd haf an appointment in two weeks. I can get into any of the doctors we need within a matter of hours if needed. I would not see my OB, but I would see a partner. Now, we have no majotlr medical problems. We do not see specialists on a regular basis, we would have a harder time with that.
  20. 1. My weekend has been pretty good. We have relaxed, cleaned, swam, and went to a baseball game. I have timed contractions, sucked down as much water as possible, and craved homemade icecream. 2. This week we start a two week musical theatre camp for Cinderella. 3. I like elephants!
  21. Well Educated Mind I have been reading Total Truth in small pieces for a few months. I plan to start the novels from WEM....I have to order a couple that I don't own and add in a few I do own and have wanted to read...Hunchback of notre Dame, The Lord of the Rings trilogy, and some others....I figure I will have a.list long enough to keep me reading for a year!
  22. Low cost of living Family lives here - most siblings, my parents, some aunts and uncles. Plenty to do - zoo, science, art, and history museums, lots of theatre and music, minor leagur baseball, NBA basketball, hockey, canal downtown....
  23. I did 30-60 minutes a day for k. We did reading, math, handwriting, and we read through the history, science, and literature sections of what your kindergartener needs to know. I picked up libraru books at his reading level that coordinated with what we were doing in What your.....needs to know. You can accomplish a lot in a short time. I found, for my son, shorter school time was more productive. I spent about $50 total o. The materials we used. Nothing formal, just fun.
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