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Everything posted by raceNzanesmom

  1. MUS Beta, that I'm using. :D A Singapore text that I may use just to cement some ideas. I think in my for sale pile is a fake Singapore text (didn't realize it was the other Singapore until I bought it), a couple Cuisenare rod books (fractions and how to use), some random high school ACE (consumer, I think), and an old set of A Beka 8th grade (yellow cover) that I can't seem to give away. I think that's all.
  2. My sincere sympathies to the families and friends! Sadly, we hear of this all too often- inexperienced drivers, no seat belts, and other preventable deaths. http://www.carseat.org/Resources/FAQs.htm#share Also consider there's no way for a lap/shoulder belt to be properly placed over two children.
  3. We like the dry-erase crayons too- for marking only. They're not fine enough to write small. For marks left with dry erase markers I wipe with a cloth and rubbing alcohol. We've used our laminated calendar for two years now and it still looks new.
  4. I, personally, wouldn't plan too much. You don't know how it'll go. Just make sure to go over it everyday and read to him everyday. Playing games is fun too. Rhymes, I see something that begins with..., etc all help.
  5. I like Starfall and Reading Eggs for fun educational learning. Reading Eggs is only $16 for a year right now at the homeschool buyers co-op. It's free to sign up. Here's free spelling rules. http://www.splashesfromtheriver.com/spelling/spelling_rules.htm As for progression, I like to just do a bit each day. If he seems to get something move on to the next, but continue to review the previous. Same if he seems bored. Just don't keep going if it isn't getting it. You could go to the next lesson then back, but don't just keep going if he clearly isn't getting it. All kids are different. Some will need one lesson, some a week, some a month. Make it fun. Keep reading to him. Have him read real books to you asap. It makes them feel so accomplished. There's lots of very beginning readers out there (BOB books, Primary Phonics, etc, check the library). If there's a word he doesn't know just tell him and move on.
  6. We started Beyond on the 15th. We love it! :D We're using it as written except I add Bible Study Guide for All Ages, one side per day.
  7. Me too. It has taken some training but he knows the interruption needs to be in regards to the book. He also usually puts a finger or hand up slightly to let me know he has a question. At most, I'll finish the sentence then answer. I also try hard to catch any vocab or unfamiliar situation, then re-read the passage.
  8. I soak and rinse beans because it makes them healthier. I almost always cook in the CP and we've never gotten sick. I do cook until done.
  9. I bought the same board last year. It's great! We use it at ds's desk. Perfect size and I love that it's lined and blank.
  10. Just finished unit 1 of Beyond. We're LOVING it! :D
  11. We had that happen when my oldest was 4. It was atleast 20 feet deep with half of that full of water. The kids found a smallish hole while playing. Thankfully, they told us right away. Turns out it was about 4 feet wide. The landlord filled it with rock, topped with dirt and grass. I hate to think what could have happened. Hopefully, yours will be an easy fix!
  12. Honestly, after feeling this way for over 5 years I switched to Heart of Dakota. Best hs'ing decision ever! Planning is done for me, books are great, it's guided yet flexible, and we're done by lunch time each day. Truly wish I'd had it for my now graduate. :grouphug:
  13. This is how we'll do it too. With my now graduate, we did the review orally, then he usually did odd or even problems.
  14. I worked one on one with an autistic student for four years. Wonderful, fulfilling job!!
  15. My dh has had excellent results with quality fish oil. Cod, krill and shark seem to work best. But even regular fish oil helps. He takes a TBL per day. Also, just using proper lifting, posture, etc.
  16. As a HOD lover, I'll just say I went with HOD because of the great books and flexibility- and the lack of Usborne books. Sorry, I'm just not a big fan. Praying you figure something out that works for you both. 6 hours is a long day for one child!
  17. We're studying the FOUR oceans right now. And I teach Pluto as a planet, but explain the current views.
  18. This will be ds's 3rd year. Ours is also part of the Ia Ext Office. :D
  19. Our computer is password protected and gets shut down at bedtime. Which could mean 8:30 if I'm exhausted. We also use K-9 Protection on it and I have the limits set pretty high. I can override them for a period of time- if needed since it does block some innocent sites. I have found through the years that things can happen in chat, email, PMs even when I right there, but I still prefer it not be free-range while I'm sleeping.
  20. A cool shower washing the PI in Dawn dish soap can help. Make sure to wash everything that came in contact with the PI- shoes, hair ties, everything. My friend had good results with Ivy Dry, but the 2nd time she got it she tried Dawn and said that worked well too.
  21. The 5-Step Test. 1. Does the child sit all the way back against the auto seat? 2. Do the child's knees bend comfortably at the edge of the auto seat? 3. Does the belt cross the shoulder between the neck and arm? 4. Is the lap belt as low as possible, touching the thighs? 5. Can the child stay seated like this for the whole trip? If you answered "no" to any of these questions, your child needs a booster seat to make both the shoulder belt and the lap belt fit right for the best crash protection. Your child will be more comfortable, too! From: http://www.carseat.org/Boosters/630.htm I like for their feet to touch the floor too.
  22. Mine's in my siggie. We start 2nd grade on Monday, college on the 29th.
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