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Everything posted by Lostinabook

  1. I think it sounds good, but, realistically, when i order dessert chocolate is nearly always involved.
  2. Well I voted "no" before I read your post. If she gave it to you saying she doesn't mind if you sell it, then you should feel free to sell it!
  3. Maybe CPS won't get involved for possession, but the FBI will.
  4. What kind? I've tried to wear strapless bras with dresses that have spaghetti straps & I always end up with a serious push up affect. It looks goofy on me. I see other women who look fine, but I can't really walk up to a total stranger & start asking questions about undergarments. :tongue_smilie:
  5. Here are examples of things you've said: "I think using this book as a history text is depraved." and "I'm still not sure what kind of depravity is going on (total or otherwise) that a history book that displays the raw-throated bigotry of This Country of Ours can appear as a history spine for TOG, or on the list for Ambleside Online and there is not a peep of protest." and "There is a vast difference between teaching ones children that there are racists out there in the world, and using history textbooks filled with vile bigotry as ones teaching materials." and "I think the publishers of TOG should be ashamed of themselves for the inclusion of these works in their program." and "I'm sorry to doubt motives, but I've come to believe that some homeschool publishers use materials like these because they share the anachronistic values in books like these and seek to perpetuate them in children." and "I would deeply suspect offerings from a publisher who included these works in their programs." I've never seen such nastiness directed at a publisher such as Sonlight because they utilize Hakim's work. And I've never seen anyone call users of Hakim's work "depraved."
  6. As far as I know, people who don't like Hakim don't feel the need to call people & curricula that use the book depraved, bigoted, or racist. The criticism I've seen has been for the books & author rather than for the users. Disclaimer: We use Ambleside so I bought TCOO. I read it aloud so that I could edit it on the fly, but found it so BORING that we quit using it after a few chapters.
  7. I'll wait until I need my Terms 2 & 3 items before I buy them, but that's only a few books. I'm still deciding on whether to buy Latin, WWE 3, & FLL 3. I need some science kits & maybe a science encyclopedia. I'm going to get MCT Town at convention.
  8. We don't have to do standardized tests so I don't know about that. However, dd did Preparing for a couple of months last fall. We end up quitting for various reasons, but I was amazed at how much she retained from the science. We were in the desert a couple of months ago & she was rattling off all sorts of things she remembered from the previous fall. That said, I think it would be very easy to skip the HOD science & sub something else if that's what you would prefer.
  9. We do, but only because each person in our family has his/her own tube of toothpaste. Less passing sickness around that way!
  10. My parents are both retired p.s. teachers. They laugh at my insistence at finishing all of our books every year. :D
  11. Yep. My other thought re: the swimsuits was that my dd doesn't go to the pool & bump & grind while adults cheer her on.
  12. There's an interview with one set of parents defending the dance on Good Morning America's homepage: http://abcnews.go.com/GMA/ (The actual interview part starts about halfway through.) Their reasoning sounds very much like the reasoning of people who have their little girls in "beauty" pageants.
  13. Whatever the adult prefers. If I don't know then I go with Mr./Mrs. Last Name. I prefer being called Ms. First Name, but hardly anyone here does that. I am annoyed by people who believe that they get to dictate both what my children call them AND what their children call me. What address one uses is not a moral issue & I fail to see how insisting on calling someone by a name which said person does not wish to be called is respectful.
  14. We've enjoyed CHOW. My kids listen to SOTW on audio & have retained quite a bit from those. We really liked OIS, but did not like TCOO. I've dumped it in favor of A History for Peter by Johnson. I haven't tried Synge or Van Loon.
  15. My disclaimer is that we've only been using MCT since the beginning of Feb. However, my dd, who hates pretty much everything & LOATHES being challenged, is liking the program. She still gives me a hard time about the writing assignments, but she's started spontaneously doing 4 level sentences analyses on her own sentences. It's just weird (in a really wonderful way :)). She also notices language all the time. I'm astonished. Truly.
  16. I didn't like it, but it was just a bad fit issue. Looking back, I really should have known better after checking out the samples. We've used Ambleside from the beginning & I so wanted to have something all laid out for me, with extra projects already planned. I thought HOD would be perfect since its creator had used Ambleside before writing HOD. We began the year using Preparing & Beyond Little Hearts. First, I thought dd would love the history projects & Draw & Write Through History & she hated both. I still don't understand that. I didn't like the contrived questions for the books. I thought the whole program felt too school-y. I thought the books were often lightweight & that we moved too quickly through the ones that weren't. (Remember I'd been using AO--we're used to slooooooow passage through books.) I also wanted to add in a few things that I thought weren't covered thoroughly enough. I thought it would be easy to do, but doing that made our days very long. We switched back to AO & are all much happier. I did like how the science for Preparing was laid out. Dd retained quite a bit from that. I wish I could just buy the science info! Anyway, I don't really think that our experience is representative at all. We're weird. :D
  17. My dd read this in 3rd grade for Ambleside & enjoyed it. She didn't have any problems & I don't consider her a super strong reader.
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