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Everything posted by klmama

  1. No, I think you should make it possible for her to bow out gracefully. Large group sleepovers tend to lead to relationship issues being magnified. If she already isn't comfortable, she's right to want to stay home. Make it easy on her and don't let her go. You be the bad guy so she can save some face with the other girls.
  2. Do they make rice milk with it, too? That's really my goal, as we don't eat soy. I just don't want to shell out the big bucks for one and discover we can't get decent rice milk from it.
  3. Great! So, will you hire an accountant to keep track of your business finances or will you want to save money and do it yourself? If you want to do it yourself, finish the class. If not, drop it now and don't look back! You'll be out the money, but you'll save a lot of time and stress. Life is short. Run with your strengths!
  4. My biggest concern is the thimerosal in the flu shot. It has 25 mcg. of mercury, which is a neurotoxin. If your family has a history of Alzheimer's or other mental or behavioral problems, I would insist on getting the flu shot that is thimerosal-free. Also, you shouldn't get the shot if allergic to eggs.
  5. I want to make my own rice milk, but I am tired of the mess of using the blender and straining out the rice myself. I'd like to be able to just pop the rice and water into the machine so it can cook and strain itself. I'd like to be able to make almond milk, too. Any recommendations? Amazon has quite a few, but since they are pricey, I'd like to get something that has actually worked for someone!
  6. Has anyone actually upgraded to know if it was worthwhile? Do you know if you can download with the plus version if you subscribe as a homeschooler?
  7. The friends I spend the most time with are friends from church, either my current one or my previous one. Most of them have children near in age to mine, and the majority of them either homeschool or have tried it at one time or other. Sharing a similar lifestyle and belief system helps tremendously! I do find, though, that just attending a church doesn't help a person get connected. It takes getting involved, either in Bible studies or in service opportunities. I was acquainted with most of these women for years before we finally were in a close-enough setting to really connect and develop a good friendship. For a few, helping them get started in homeschooling was what finally brought us close enough to develop a real friendship.
  8. Of course, I would still be your friend! Little girls can't wait and they can't aim. You do what you have to do. I think you two were pretty resourceful! You might consider keeping a complete change of clothing for her in a ziploc bag in your car. Actually, it's handy to have a complete change for everyone in the family! When someone spills a drink all over themselves, falls into a puddle, or has a bathroom accident, it's good to be prepared! The ziploc keeps the clothes clean while not in use, and then the dirty/wet stuff can go into it and not mess up your trunk.
  9. Yes, some aren't comfortable with her. Some of us like her just fine, but really aren't comfortable with McCain. Yet, as conservatives, when our choices are Obama/Biden and McCain/Palin, we will vote for McCain/Palin in an instant. I suspect there are liberals who are going through the same type of struggle with Obama/Biden.
  10. If the grandparent is an individual that you love and respect, and whose influence on your child would be positive and welcomed, then I do think trying to cultivate a special relationship is important. However, if that individual is someone whose very poor choices in life would likely have a negative impact on your dc, then cultivating that relationship would be counterproductive. With grandparents who live far away, I do think keeping them in the loop regarding what is happening with the dc helps them to feel more connected, which in turn encourages them to reach out to the children more than they might otherwise.
  11. I'm just trying to decide if it's worth upgrading via my homeschool buyers co-op subscription. Do you find the Plus version worth an extra $60 a year?
  12. Do you get email notification when books you have requested are in at the library? I save mine, even though I rarely need them, in case this same problem happens.
  13. I read a library book a few years ago by two young men with ADHD who went on to Harvard. At least one spent time at a college like this, where even the dean of students had ADHD, but "you'd never know it." Does anyone know the book I mean, or if this is the same college? The book was interesting, but it had so much foul language I just couldn't see buying it to read again. ETA: I did a little Google searching and found it - I believe it was Landmark College.
  14. Oh, my, I wouldn't let her unless I were there. Actually, I wouldn't even if I were there. I don't think the trip appears to have any redeeming value, as far as increasing their spiritual maturity or providing them with service opportunities. It's just for fun and it's away from their parents overnight. If it were just for an evening or an afternoon, okay, but I don't think they need a whole weekend for that.
  15. Check your library system! I just did, and ours has it on video.
  16. Goodwill or other thrift store. Why pay $30-40 for a pair of pants you only want to wear for a month or two?
  17. I am jealous! We have five hickory trees, but I've never gotten a ripe nut because the squirrels get them all. They start digging into them as soon as they are big enough to eat, so we end up with a yard full of shells, rather than whole nuts. I asked the hickory nut seller at our famer's market how to keep the squirrels from getting them, and his answer was "pellet gun." Not safe here, as our house and trees are too close to the neighbor's plate glass windows. It's probably illegal, anyway. :mad:
  18. I hate the idea of bail-outs. I hate that people who made stupid financial decisions are going to affect the rest of us, whether we like it or not. Unfortunately, those that want the bail-out are probably right that no bail-outs would mean a major financial catastrophe for the entire nation, as one collapse leads to another, from one industry to the next. I have my doubts about our nation's ability to handle that on such a large scale. Too many people have no concept of what it takes to live within their means. Too many people have no concept of personal responsibility, much less civic responsibility. It's good for them to learn these lessons, but so many learning at once? It's going to be a mess, one way or the other, either with or without the bail-out.
  19. I think I must be really tired, because what you wrote made sense to me. I'm hoping that a good night's sleep help me decide you are just being silly. Hoping, hoping....
  20. Thanks for the tips! The library actually has the book you recommended, so we'll get it and try out the tips and the brush on the dolls we have. I appreciate your help! Thanks to everyone else, too! You've convinced me!
  21. What do you mean by "really bad?" Was it just tangled, or did it look matted? Do you know what they did to fix it?
  22. I do that, too. I split a cow with a friend, and she takes all of the organ meat. She serves her family tongue, brain, heart, liver, kidney, and probably some other stuff I've forgotten. I keep thinking I should try it, but I just don't see it happening unless she serves it to me!
  23. Some schools in my area use the 90-100, 80-89, etc. scale. This scale is used in some other schools in my area: 94-100 A 87-93 B 78-86 C 70-77 D 0-69 F
  24. I've always looked at ETC as phonics practice, with improved spelling as a side benefit. I don't think it's set up well as a speller. However, if you want it to be a spelling book, maybe you need to give him some extra spelling practice. I think having a list would make clearer to a child what he/she needs to know. However, if your dc is doing okay with SWO and he likes it, you could just keep doing what you have been. Reinforcement is always good.
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