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Everything posted by Petrichor

  1. If I had the choice of funding + some regulation to make sure parents are actually schooling/using the money for school while keeping my choice for unregulated home schooling, but no funding, I would be happy :)
  2. If you buy the book new, it comes with the access card usually. If you buy the book used, the access card has to be bought separately. Sometimes it's cheaper to buy a used book and then the access card separately. Access cards have a code on them, and the code can be purchased online from the website that the code is for.
  3. Are you planning on moving back to NC? If not, I wouldn't think you'd need to worry about what you name it, but if you are, I would just give it a temporary name and change it at a later date if a name called to you. After all, schooled kids go to an elementary with one name, then to a middle school with a different name, followed by a differently named high school.
  4. Disaster monday :laugh: (sorry) It sounds like an excellent idea, but I know some 8 year olds that would get nightmares from that sort of thing. Could you imagine trying to do something like that in a school setting? lol! FWIW, I would consider bringing back diaster monday, maybe play around with the day of the week you do it on, or only do it 1-2x/month to avoid the feeling of constant disaster. You want your kids to feel prepared for a disaster, but you don't want them to feel like every time you leave the house disaster will most likely strike. My idea of a disaster monday would be role playing the disaster. One kid role plays like they are in the situation, and one parent and the other kid talk them through the situation (as much or as little talk is necessary) . In some cases, kid 2 might need to play the part of the robber or wild animal or bystander, for instance. Having one kid be the "victim" and one be the "bystander" would teach both what to do if you are in the situation, and what to do if you see someone in the situation at once. I would hope that role playing, as opposed to just talking about the situation or watching a video, would help them feel more comfortable about not only the idea of the "disaster", but about getting through the "disaster" safely. Because the whole point of this exercise would be to prepare them in case such a thing ever happened.
  5. That said, my 3 and a half year old boy still mixes up stuff. I think it's normal, especially for boys. He's slowly getting it. I make sure to repeat most of what he says to me. him: where we going? me: we are going to the park! or him: I happy me: You're happy? I'm happy too! or him: I sad with you me: oh no! why are you sad with me?
  6. Find a gingerbread recipe you think you'll like and follow it. Check on the pieces every so often so they don't burn! Actually, I don't set a timer when I bake anymore. I just check on the confection every few minutes
  7. I'm 90% sure that "it" is the subject of the sentence
  8. I agree with pervious posters, but I would urge you to not put the idea into your children's head that they may have been inappropriately touched.
  9. Have you tried local teacher supply stores? The joann near me has stuff like that too.
  10. I couldn't read my second grade teacher's handwriting. In third grade, I got glasses.
  11. You can also use dry beans. Add a few drops of essential oil if you desire.
  12. I would suggest a nice small home daycare a couple times/week, especially if you can find a daycare/babysitter that you like a lot. Do you have a church or something similar that you could find trustworthy people through? Is it possible to take him outdoors to let him run wild (within the confines of a baseball diamond or something similar) for at least an hour per day? Or an indoor playground? Or a community center that offers toddler gym sessions? You could potentially hire a homeschooled high schooler or a college student to take him out while you get some sane time with the olders.
  13. I was googling this this morning! The best, easiest thing I found was using a hanger, string, and some type of cup. http://lets-explore.net/blog/2012/02/hanger-balance/
  14. Glad to hear it! I usually wait just until the smell goes away though. Leave the house for a minute or so and come back in to see if it still smells. But I would be freaking out if I had left it on for that long.
  15. ...while you're reading or at least typing a response to a post. I like it! :hurray: :hurray: :hurray: :hurray: :hurray: :hurray: :hurray: Just thought I'd add some positivity about the new changes :)
  16. A week or so ago, I went on a similar decluttering "rampage". Much more work is left to be done, but getting so much done can be oh so satisfying! Oh, and I made sure to do it WITHOUT DH's help. I was able to get rid of so much stuff that was weighing us down - stuff that DH was attached to, but didn't know it existed. And luckily, when I told him what I had done, he was fine with it :hurray:
  17. :grouphug: My ds woke in the wee hours of the morning vomiting. He's managed to vomit on both beds and a few pillows. I'm dirt tired, but he's wide awake and enjoying a shower. Try bananas, applesauce, rice, toast, and yogurt, with plenty of water/other fluids and soups. If he feels up to it, walking around might lessen the cramps and move things down the intestines.
  18. I don't know about the leap pad or the DVDs, but that book looks awesome!
  19. I know that once upon a time, Christians did follow something similar to kosher laws of slaughter, but do any sects still abide by those laws? I'm specifically thinking maybe the Amish or Mormons have such a thing? Anyone know of the terminology for that?
  20. If you allow gun play, what sort of rules do you set, if any?
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