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Everything posted by TGHEALTHYMOM

  1. Thanks for all of the input: especially ones with some actual answers! I too have trouble with my son testing. I have ordered some practice tests and they don't contain much writing. And I do remember having some anxiety over some testing myself. Sometimes it was purely a lack of studying, others it was just a huge (5-6 hour test : in college) and most of the time it ended up well if I studied. I had a Chemistry tutor (free ) on campus. This has made me realize I need to give more practice tests over the next few years with writing. :001_smile: I also think that any student who is struggling needs to have at least one person to go over the problem and see what is at the root: anxiety, lack of study, lack of testing ( to practice), lack of writing skills.
  2. I am so glad to see this post. I have considered so many math curriculums and heard of MM. I have switched my son over to TT from Saxon because he hates it so much. He used to enjoy math so I really didn't understand what was wrong with him. I used the DIVE cd in 54 and that went reasonably well, and after that 65 was the bomb! I pushed him, offered to help, used Math it game, flashcards, etc. after a terrible year I decided on TT7 and I still think it needs a supplement.
  3. Thanks for asking and sharing your concerns. School does bring visions of buses, bully's and boring days for me. I usually say we are having "Lessons" and never really considered that I have a "school" phobia after all these years! I also tend to say things like: It's time for Latin, or Writing, or Lego time, just describing what we are doing.:001_smile:
  4. Not out of my schedule preference: this has just evolved... We also live in a small house. We are usually within 1 room of each other: Kitchen, Family Room. I try to have Bible time all together after breakfast and chores, then work with 3 youngest with dd12 helping me. At the same time I am trying to get my ds14 to play with ds2 and help ds 9 ( ADHD)with some math. We have History together, and switch up Read alouds for different ages. Naptime is Reading silently time and then usually quiet enough for Math lessons for oldest and rotate Science, Latin, Writing after Math. Parent teacher conference days help too, when things are not working and need to be changed. Character development is number 1. I do remember having a hard time concentrating at home as a child with only 1 sister because the tv was always on, and I could hear it unless I went upstairs and shut my door. I did not like being alone, but had to do that if I wanted to get my homework done. I am an extrovert, and not as easily distracted as I used to be, at least in my view. Maybe that is part of the problem. Boys don't like to admit they need their mothers.:001_smile:
  5. It helps me to have the sense of wonder as I learn along with my children. Or even dig deeper into a subject I think I know alot about! Getting enough sleep, taking time out for me, and having a good relationship with my husband, and Lord also help tremendously! **Thinking back on my great teachers, and professors, as well as mentors, is always inspiring me in tough times especially.
  6. I looked at the link ( ty) and still can't tell if it is for a keyboard on a computer or if you have to have a typewriter. Please post and let us know. TY!!:)
  7. I will check out that typing program too. I am so glad I had typing in grade school and High School. I would like some more practice as well, and my kids don't like or get too distracted by Mavis Beacon ( which I found at a Thrift shop) so we haven't invested anything in a program. And after looking at some (free) sites, that distracted me and had all kinds of ads, this sounds like a go. Thanks for posting.:001_smile:
  8. Glad you asked about how to implement Sonlight... I need to get started on our first year of it too. I too looked at it for many years, bought many books from them, and loved them! Now that we are not in a group for any classes, and I have to do all of the Planning, had surgery last August and did not get much done, I was feeling discouraged. We did read many of the books aloud ( I have 7 children and am expecting a baby in May now). I have read that some Cores can take 2 years and that is reassuring to me. :grouphug: Videos and the Sonlight Forum are great resources too. I debated over it for a few months not knowing if we could actually do 2 Cores and decided not this time. I did buy some of the guides PK3-4 and workbooks: Reader Guide and readers for 2nd-3rd grades and we already had many of the books. I am using CHOW for history and we have studied history in depth before, so that was a transition. Living books have the history in fiction form as well. I need to spend some time looking more at the writing because I liked the IEW classes we participated in and have tons of their materials. I have ordered more school supplies too including School House Rock for Grammar songs, and the Alphabet Island program we are in the 2nd year of is a joy in the mornings with dd8 and dd6. It is a struggle especially with our 14yr. old son right now. I have to push him to read the Core Readers and he is well able, but still enjoys me reading aloud as well. dd12 is doing the Core as well. I couldn't lump our 8 yr. old in on the Core, but we read History together.
  9. :iagree: I am behind this year too! My health has been horrid. Now after surgery in August, and a year of extreme pain, I am expecting our 8th child in May! I have trouble with our oldest child most of all, and don't see any other option than Home education for him. I am using ACHOW this year to ease up on History, and ordered a new Foundations Guide to do Memory work 1 day a week (and Math, Reading). I realized a few years ago that having babies, and being so busy, means having to be more organized. And I used to try to do too much, and never get it all done. So, we do have to rotate days of the week and study Science one day, History one, Math everyday, Reading everyday, writing 3 days ( need more work on that). I bought my first SL core for World History and we are definitely going to take 2 years to complete it! TT Math is best for my oldest Saxon is best for my dd 12 MUS was what I was trying to do but not sure if I have time for that again. I will post anything else that works, but I am trying to figure it out here too! There is no one curriculum that has everything I want. I just have trouble deciding what is "realistic" and I don't want to set goals we can never obtain. Reading Aloud is essential for building vocabulary, Latin DVD's help me out alot. And IEW along with Latin do teach some English Grammar. I do want to do more grammar and may use the Grammar Cd ( not sure yet, but popping in a cd is much easier right now if I can get them to listen!) Morning chore time is best for cd's for us. I feel like I am just starting to get back on track due to my health. Summer will be full of lessons again, and gardening, as well as a new baby!
  10. I too have read many books in the WEM and have a group for discussion that I need to get to. Even without the discussions, I feel richer for the reading! I read aloud 4-5 days a week and that is a big part of our classics list. I need to push my readers more, every year to read on their own. I guess I feel the need to be able to discuss it with them too, but I don't know how to discuss if I have never read the book! Having them write about the books ( not necessarily a Book Report) may be best. I am so glad this forum is here to get my brain picked more. My Classical support group is no longer meeting.
  11. :glare: I am glad you asked this. I used to do so much more! I feel guilty now most of the time, and keep on trying. My health has taken so much time out of our "school for over 1 year"! I have had to pray and not give up. I read the first edition of WTM about 12 years ago and started out very well. I joined a Classical support group and learned so much about how to implement this method. I do use Latin DVD and work books. And in the past 4 years I have been in 1 CC group. We can't do that anymore though. I still use the Foundations Guide and CD's for memory work. Classical methods can be used in most subjects, and my biggest struggle is teaching Writing. I am using Susan W. Bauer's writing for our 9 year old son. I am taking slower with our 8 year old and 6 year old and using Alphabet Island, Apologia Anatomy, and Beginner's Bible. Our 4 and 2 year olds love to "read books" and draw! 4 yr. old does an early learning workbook in the mornings and plays fun Computer games. It is our oldest two I am having more problems with. They both love to read ( thank God) dd12 likes math and latin. I just read a book every year on Classical education. Take information out of the new WTM ( I have them all now) and keep trying to make the three R's our priority with Latin and Spanish now. Please pray for my son who hates school and makes excuses all the time.I need my combat boots!:grouphug:
  12. :grouphug: We all have different views on showering and bathing! I read an article about Vitamin D synthesis. This might gross you out: But it said new studies have shown that it takes about 3 whole days for the chemicals that form on our skin ( when exposed to the sun for 15 minutes or more) need to not be washed off! It went on to state that taking a quick shower was best and only washing private areas for those 3 days. SO, I went all summer doing this: and swimming in our saltwater pool! I was suffering alot too so this was in desperation. I have chronic fatigue due to endometriosis and excruciating pain. I did not feel dirty or smell bad, so I think it is a good thing. I have heard of many women being Vitamin D deficient and it causing chronic fatigue. I read the other day that there is a Vitamin D spray for those who cannot get sun daily. And I take Cod Liver oil in the winter months myself. Just sharing.;)
  13. I take alot of baths due to pregnancy and pain right now. But it varies as to when, and how often. Even if I don't feel well, I get on comfy clothes and never stay in jammies unless I have just had a baby ( for a few weeks) and if I am too sick to change. Personally, I never know who might show up an have to be somewhat ready! And after reading an article by Nancy Campbell on this subject: I felt that she was right. I don't put make up on everyday for sure! But I do bath or shower daily and many times it is late at night or early in the morning. I do have trouble getting our son to shower or brush his teeth. And it is not due to a bad example. I feel more tired if I don't get dressed too!:)
  14. :iagree: They listen,but have to learn on their own sometimes. Our library has been sending their Book Mobile to loan us books for several years now. Only in the last 3 years have I been concerned about the content of the books our 2 oldest check out. I have sent books back before, and it is chaos with pets and kids so I can't always see what everyone gets. Finally, our oldest daughter got it! She said last week : "I just can't find any good books Mom! I have read all of the good ones and most of them are garbage!" We have a pretty extensive home library and some duplicates, but Teen and Pre-teen girls do have alot of garbage to sift through in book stores and libraries these days. One man is writing a series about a young girl now: pretty sick.
  15. :iagree: we pulled up at our local Walmart when our 2nd dd was 3yr. and a few months, and she said "We sell for less!"
  16. By the way: does anyone have a good: cheap recipe for good dish soap for the sink???? Our dishwasher broke for good this time, and I try to get my 2 oldest to wash most of the time. I still end up cleaning out the sinks and putting most of the food into a compost bucket. I tried the Dr. Bronner's orange castile soap mixed with water and I admit we loved the way it cleaned. Alas, it was too expensive to keep buying. Maybe I should just add some borax to a bottle of store bought? Even though we use paper plates alot, we still have tons of dishes! I need to get into some bulk cooking and freezing: only problem there is that most of the organic or grass fed meat I can get is already frozen! So, I can't re -freeze it. Thanks for any advice here too! We have old and I mean old kitchen cabinets, and have to have a seperate dishwasher ( hook up to sink) and they are at least $400-500 each. I can't afford new cabinets and don't see how to install one in ours or I would get a cheaper one. :willy_nilly:
  17. :glare: It is confusing trying to eat healthy now days! About 10 years ago, I began drinking soy milk and eating some tofu. We tried to start gardening then as well, and canning and freezing lots of veggies. Edamame soybean had a booth at a fundraiser and I went over to ask some questions and the lady told me that if I had a history of breast cancer in my family, that I should avoid soy or limit it in my diet. \ My grandmother had all kinds of cancer and had recently died ( breast cancer included). This made me re-think and start investigating soy more. After reading many books and articles I gave up the soy completely. Nourishing Traditions is my only go to book anymore, and Doug Kauffman, Dr. Richard Becker, and Dr. Mercola are the people I tend to listen to and read articles and books by. We do get raw milk now and I have endometriosis, have had extreme pain this past year and surgery, and now am pregnant with our 8th child. Soaking grains has helped tremendously with my Debilitating pain in my gut. I thank God for the Nourishing Traditions cook book because I was debilitated and now have to eat fermented foods to stay healthy.
  18. :)I have 7 children and one on the way, and live too far from CC too. I lost my first guide and ordered one today. I love it for writing Memory work on a dry erase board with assignments. We listen to the cd's in the van and during Lego/ pattern block time. We take Wednesday's to do memory work, and play math games. We have been in a few groups, but it is easier to stay home. Latina Christiana is our Latin for now and Prima Latina for younger ones.
  19. I am trying to find the "right" reading help for my dd 8 years old now. I tried to teach her to read along with her brother when she was 6 and he was 7. We used Teach Your Child for awhile, then because she was not able to keep up at all, I picked up an older Usborne book for fun... Cat and Mouse reading with games and my son just "got it" and started reading very well. She still did not, so I just let her play on Starfall some, kept reading to her, and tried to encourage her ( she started thinking she was "not smart enough to read". We have had several interruptions, but read aloud alot on a regular basis. I have let her use Reader Rabbit games, and she gravitates toward Math. She is very good at math and does Saxon 2 workbooks on her own, except she has to have someone read the instructions/ she was memorizing words and I was fooled for a little while, and then realized what she was doing. She has told me since then that she just can't remember. I have not had her tested, but definitely there is some type of disability there. Any suggestions are appreciated. Sylvan closed and I knew of some dyslexic home schooled children who they could not help anyway. I have looked on HSLDA site a few times and read about many types of processing disabilities it could be. I had to have surgery in August ( bad timing) and it took longer to recover than I anticipated, and then I found out I am expecting and it has been a very rough pregnancy. Needless to say, I am cleaning out the school books, rooms, and shelves. Now wondering if Saxon Intervention might work or help.
  20. We are skipping Saxon 8/7 because we switched to TT for Math 7 when it got to be such a struggle. Now we are using Math U See for our younger children and older ones have to help. Algebra 1/2 with Saxon CD is our plan, we will let you know how it goes.
  21. Are you all referring to the Signing Time DVD set? Our library has some and we like them. We are very fortunate to have my husband teach us too. He took classes in ASL years ago and it has helped him to communicate with many people where he works. Autistic, and challenged people, deaf people, and they don't get hung up on correct grammar, it is kind of like short hand. It has to be shorter because it takes so much energy! :iagree: Toddlers do well learning when they are delayed in talking as well. Good manners are taught here too. Please, Thank You, You are Welcome, and I'm Sorry, I love you, More Please, More Drink, More food, etc.
  22. Math and Science are not pressed in our schools enough. I have talked to retired teacher's and students about this. Rote memory work is obsolete. Calculators are allowed from grade school on. Dumbing Down America: John Gatto is a helpful resource. I have recently hear they are taking essay writing off of the College entrance exams. :glare:
  23. :) Sounds like you all are pretty organized! We have a Support Group : $25 Membership Fee Everyone is supposed to Coordinate or help with 2 events We do have a SOF: Basic Christian Principles that has to be signed with enrollment. Classical Conversations has started and doing well. I actually got the ball rolling but never have joined. Too expensive! I had bad experiences with Nursery falling apart. Not enough help last 2 years. Really boiled down to personality conflicts, and no one else wanting to pay a worker ( 2 adults required) Church rules. And Volunteers to help with classes dropped out! SO it does sound like you all are more organized. Many of our members are burning out and many don't have small children or care about helping us who do. I can't handle teaching 7 kids or justify staying home all the time trying to. My husband works long hours, and my oldest kids Son 14, DD 11 (Gifted) need more than I can give. Too many distractions at home too. So, we are considering joining the co-op again ( It fluctuates every year) IEW is pretty consistently taught. Apologia Science too. I have to weigh the cost. Books are expensive and gas for driving ( 45 minutes away) SO I am glad our costs for the classes will be very low. Paper, Pencils, Pens, and Playdough along with snacks will add up quickly too!
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