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Everything posted by PrincessMommy

  1. I'm so sorry. You've already gotten such good advice I don't really have anything to add, but I wanted to reassure you that confusion is very normal (not wanted, but also not unusual) for elderly after trauma. They just don't bounce back the same as when they were 20yrs younger. Usually they will go backwards cognitively for a while (this is true with any type of stress as we age). Keeping her calm and the routine as normal as possible is very good advice. Also, agreeing that a UTI is definitely a possible culprit. My mom used to hallucinate when she had a UTI. Definitely look for reasons why other than the injury.
  2. No advice, but hugs. I'm sorry for both things. Hope you have a nice time with your boys before they go off to college.
  3. My husband was the last one to get married in his family, so I just found myself following protocol. I called my mother-in-law "Mom". It's never been a big deal to me. But, I didn't have a great relationship with my own mom, so maybe that's why it wasn't such a big deal. However, My son-in-law calls me nothing... maybe by my first name?? Rarely though. I told him he could call me by my first name if that makes him comfortable. I just don't think he's settled on it. They've been married 10yrs. LOL One daughter-in-law is Chinese American. She made a very big deal of not calling us mom and dad until the wedding day. I always got the impression it was a tradition in her family. Now, she calls us Mom & Dad. I don't have a strong opinion either way, if that's what she wants to do that's fine.. But, I hadn't thought about how she might feel once her mom passes (hopefully in a long time). They are close and I certainly wouldn't want to cause her sadness over something so simple. My other daughter-in-law goes between calling me "Mom" and by my first name.
  4. My granddaughter is like that and it looks like my youngest grandson is too. This year I resorted to Mosquito Joe. It's like I can finally enjoy being outside again! I still have bees and butterflies in my yard, so I'm hoping it isn't too much of a negative effect because of the chemicals. I see a lot of people love the zappers on Amazon. I had the blue light kind with the fan that drew them in. I can't remember the name. It seemed to help *somewhat* for me, but my granddaughter was still chewed up last summer.
  5. That is awesome!! Way to go.
  6. Yes!! My daughter had the same result as you. She has no allergies. She has terrible asthma - esp in spring and fall. The weird thing about asthma as that when she was having an attack that required an ER visit, her oxygen levels were fine but she couldn't breath. The nurses would sometimes accuse her of faking it. She 's been dairy free for eczema for over a year and recently tried going off gluten, but it didn't help. She was officially diagnosed with EDS about a month ago (she's long suspected). There seems to be a link to the symptoms we hadn't connected to EDS - esp. lung and skin issues. The EDS specialist rec Zyrtec for the skin issues and it seems to be helping!
  7. I'm glad the re-hire is gone. No one needs that kind of work environment. I'm glad your manager saw that too. Agree that you should contact your therapists if you haven't already. Praying for all of this stress in your life.
  8. I love many things by The Ordinary. I hope it comes to the local stores eventually
  9. It is SO hard to be *that* person, esp. in the age of social media shaming. Good for you for sticking up for your child and many others. So glad these children were saved, but how horrific.
  10. God did not create evil. Evil exists because He gave man free will. Satan had been one of the angels but he also chose to abandon God. God, in his love for creation, would not subplant that free will (even though it goes against His own nature of love for all creation and mankind) because it wouldn't be true love without free will - it would be slavery and captivity.
  11. Me too. It's very frustrating because delivery companies are being deceitful. I've called them on it before too... but you get the "Thank you for your concern, we'll look into it." trope.
  12. FWIW, That is not really a universal understanding of why Christ died. I know it is strongly emphasized in many traditions though. In the Orthodox tradition we understand his death to be that Christ conquered Death and gave us eternal life. We see physical death as *somewhat* salvific. For instance, can you imagine if Hitler lived forever??!! But physical death can be a way of pointing us to becoming our better selves and taking stock of how we've lived our lives. This is why we see sayings like "This is the only life we have, make the best of it." Its not that our sins aren't forgiven, of course they are!, But the emphasis in Orthodox theology is Christ's conquering of Death. And it's not that Protestants don't have the understanding of Christ conquering death. It's a matter of emphasis and it does change how we understand the nature of Man, our understanding of sin, and our relationship to God.. You may have noticed @Patty Joanna siggy that says, "Christ did not come to make bad men good, but to make dead men live." by Fr. Stephen Freeman. That sums it up pretty well. But, all this may be the subject of another thread, since it has nothing to do with Josh Harris . 🙂
  13. So much this. This scenario happened in my family but not with grifters, just overly needy and mentally ill people that my mom became obsessed with. I learned very early on that we kids were not a priority. There were always way more important people than me or my sisters (or my dad). My dad allowed it to happen, even when we children warned him, don't let this person come live at the house. My mom was definitely a willing participant. These kids are fortunate they have such a great advocate in their mom, but the emotional repercussions will be long-lasting in this man's family. Tragic.
  14. That would seriously annoy me. it would annoy me even more that the HOA was being used this way. I would definitely contact them.
  15. oh I agree. But, this particular case did have me wondering.
  16. Thanks everyone. I'm deleting my posts. As I said, we're already taking many of the steps suggested here. We've been doing it for quite some time. I wasn't really looking for suggestions on how to deal with elder-fraud. - just wondering what the possible reasons for asking for a photo to be send via *USPS*
  17. Actually, I speculated to my dh the same thing as KungFu.. It would not surprise me if this was the next installment of the saga. The skeptic in me thinks he's got to draw it out for click-bait. Didn't he say something about being mentored by a certain guru who has perfected the art of "telling our story" online? I think it was in one of the links.
  18. Id' say, DO IT!! My cabinets were dark too. I was so happy with the results and wished I'd done it sooner so I could have enjoyed it. I like the idea of doing the Island a different color. Let us know how it turns out whatever you decide.
  19. Another thought about sanctimonious friend... if she's happy wasting her hard-earned money then well... Bless her heart. 😉
  20. This is SO true. Especially if you add loneliness into the mix.
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