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Everything posted by PrincessMommy

  1. Oh wow! That's looks great and I hadn't seen it before. You've gotten some really great suggestions already. I'll just add: Our Mutual Friend Little Dorritt The Woman in White The Moonstone
  2. okay, now that was helpful. I read the first page of the linked thread and couldn't find her original rant - but saw lots of quotes. It wasn't making sense.
  3. This is helpful information. Where did you read this?
  4. Here is another one. The body doesn't look so great, but it has a new engine: http://washingtondc....3485853795.html
  5. Here's one http://washingtondc....3521554559.html The price is right but the mileage is quite high.
  6. I agree. It can be very beautiful here in the fall - especially if you get away from the touristy urban parts of DC. Rock Creek parkwy (which the Zoo is on) is beautiful. Oct. and early Nov. would be a great time weather-wise too. Really anytime after Labor day, but the closer you get to Oct. the drier and cooler it will be. We usually have mild weather up until about Thanksgiving weekend. If you're renting a car, the Shannandoah valley is not far from DC and the fall colors there are just beautiful. But really, just about anywhere outside the city will have pretty leaf colors too. You don't necessarily have to go far. Snow and DC is a bit of a gamble. One year we had snow on Halloween (first time in my over 40yrs here) but didn't have any the rest of the winter. This year on Christmas we got flurries but no accululation (I live about 25min north of DC). Just about 30min. north of me my SIL got 4". The metro area is right on the snow/ice/rain line, so it's very hard to gauge if/when we'll get snow.
  7. Odd... I saw that map the other day too. In my area it is widespread but I don't know anyone who has the flu. I must live in a bubble. We've had something going around here, but it's more like a cold - sniffles and congestion mostly. Does anyone know how to find out if the flu strain in your area matches the vaccine. I've seen two people here with two different experiences. I don't think you can re-get the same flu. That's the whole purpose of the flu shot. You must have some nasty cold going through the family.
  8. Sigh... I am so very sorry this has happened to you. :grouphug: It seems like there are several issues going on at once. First the in-laws and their blocking you out, 2nd your husband's reaction, the rest of the family's reaction. There really isn't much you can do about the in-laws and family. I just don't think now is the time to try to force them to change - especially your dying BIL. :grouphug: But, I totally agree iwth others that you should have a sit-down with your husband and then with your husband and dd about how THEY will react. I would even consider bringing in a third-party. This is a pretty intense time for your dh and on one hand he doesn't have a lot of time to get his brother to understand his POV, but on the other hand if he doesn't have your back now, when will he? Just my paltry 2cents.
  9. Oh yes, I forgot about Mrs. Pollifax. I loved her books. I want to be Mrs. Pollifax when I grow up.
  10. $250 for cut and color at a nice salon sounds about right where I live. That doesn't include the tip! I go to a friend who is a professional but now a SAHM. She charges me about $65 for full color/cut. Now that I just need touch-ups its only $45. I'm sure the chain salons charge way less than the fru-fru salons
  11. that was lovely. So sorry for your loss :grouphug:
  12. Lots of great suggestions. I would not send her "Girl with the Dragon Tatoo". It is extremely violent towards women... and graphic. Very graphic s*xually when it comes to the violence part. To the "to read" list I would suggestion Cadfael series. They're light but interesting, along the lines of Lord Peter Whimsey or Campion. She'll probably read more than one a day. Also, Gil Cunningham series by Pat MacIntosh Thursday Next series by Jasper Fforde (loads of fun - especially fun if she's somewhat familiar with the Classics - like Dickens/Bronte).
  13. I'm looking to educate myself about natural and herbal remedies. I used to read a lot about it, but that was 20yrs ago. Most of it has flown out my brain. So I'm starting over again and don't want to break the bank buying every book out there. Which one or two books are "must haves" for your library? Thanks!
  14. I had an Electrolux just prior to this one and I agree, it was a terrible dishwasher.
  15. I have a new Bosch and I like it. It definitely washes dishes and is quiet. The capacity isn'st super large, but not small either. Normally it's about $800 but I got it off Craigslist for $400 because they delivered the wrong color for someone doing a kitchen remodel and I guess they couldn't return it.
  16. yes, you should be concerned with dehydration. Just take little sips at a time and then lie down. When I had hyperemesis gravitas my midwife said to take a few spoonfuls of juice or tea about every 20min. You could probably do it a bit sooner. I'm sure it can be something similar when the stomach flu. Also, juice popsicles are really good because you get the liquid in small doses. Send someone out to buy these for you. Clear broth - or what I preferred was the broth from regular chicken soup - I just didn't eat the food part. KWIM? :grouphug: I hope you feel better soon.
  17. Thanks for sharing your positive update. What a great blessing to see some healing happen in the whole family.
  18. I can't say that I have huge traditions surrounding the 12 days of Christmas. I didn't grow up liturgical so it's been a slow process to add these traditions in. Mostly my celebrations are centered around liturgical observances. One thing my priest brought up in his sermon yesterday was that beginning right after Christmas we are reminded of the "road" we take as Christians. 27th is the Martyrdom of St. Stephen, 28th is the 20,000 martryrs who were burned in the church at Nicomedia, the 29th is the Slaughter of the Innoncents by Herod. And so it goes. Also, Jan. 1st is the Circumcision of our Lord (8th Day). We have liturgy that day. We commemorate it because Christ humbled Himself and put himself under the Law - even though He is the Creator of the Law. So, all that to say, I do try to pay attention to the liturgical calendar and talk with my youngest about it (my other kids are older). Because in the EO tradition we have been fasting for the 40 days preceeding Christmas the 12 days of Christmas are completely fast-free. It really is very happy, happy time - and a bit of over indulging too :001_cool: . But there is something to be said for preparing for the Feast Day in this way. My kids and I really do look forward to Christmas in a new way. Theophany is a huge deal in the Orthodox Church. It's a happy, wonderful service. When it's on a weekday we usually have a morning and evening service so everyone has a chance to participate. It falls on a Sunday this year so I think we'll just have the one service. Many parishes work together and have a special service at a local river, lake, or even the ocean. I've even seen photos of the service they do at the Continental Divide in CO. I love Theophany services! Even if you're not Orthodox try to go one day if you can. We have the blessing of the waters and that water is used throughout the year for house blessings, etc. Here's a short article from Huffington Post As a complete sidenote (but one of my pet-peeves): One of the things that can be confusing in the EO church is that we have 2 calendars (old and new). New Calendar Christmas is on 25th of Dec. like the west. Old Calendar is Jan. 7th. However, (and this is where people get confused) - New Calendar Theophany is on Jan 6th. So sometimes people will say on Epiphany/Theophany "Merry Christmas to our Eastern Orthodox friends" - but it isn't Christmas to us on either calendar! LOL. It's either Theophany OR Christmas Eve depending on the calendar you obvserve. Confused. ;)
  19. Well, this doesn't fit the "not heavy" category - but I love my 10" cast iron. Had it for over 20yrs. I use it for everything.
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