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Everything posted by PrincessMommy

  1. Well, I think it's rather inappropriate to assume because my husband didn't do anything that it means he doesn't have b*lls (or that's he's stupid or something - that's rather immature of you) - as have you HAVE clearly stated. You can bash our husbands but we can't disagree with your opinion on how we handle the situation? As I said, the guy was clearly agitated. Is that against the law too now? But, it did frighten me when he first came in. My thoughts immediately went to Aurora movie shooting. I was glad when he first left. For the record, my husband was clueless about what was going on. That's the way he is. I wasn't to the point of involving him, I was thinking of way to deal with the situation without escalating it to something worse... and I was at the point of getting up and taking care of it *myself* when he left.
  2. This is me too... I am not someone who easily communicates... I hate talking about myself and my feelings. When I'm hurt or angry I need time to process. I feel bad that my silence is usually attributed to being passive/aggressive.
  3. I ended up calling last night. The manager said they had a couple complaints and tried to find the guy in the theater but couldn't. She said they later saw him outside the theater.
  4. Yes, exactly why I wish now that I'd gone to management, but I didn't know that until after we were in the car going home.
  5. my dh wanted to see Heat because he'd heard it was good and we ended up taking our 22yr old college daughter with us. We sit down in the nearly empty theater and this guy comes in. I can't explain it but he just didn't seem right. He sat down in front of me just to the left of me (my husband was next to me and our dd was next to him) and seems agitated. Then he got up and walked out :huh: . He wasn't even there 2mins. When the movie started he came back in and sat in the same seat and slouched way down and looked to our right. I watched him for a bit thinking ... what the ???. I'm thinking this is very bizarre behavior, and wondering if I should say something to the management. And, I don't want to elevate things to something worse. People are crazy these days. Then I realized - he's looking at my daughter's *(#@. What the heck!!?? So I lean over to my daughter and tell her to put her legs down (she's got them up on the seat in front of us) because there's a creeper here looking at her. But, he doesn't stop, he's still looking at her. Then he up and leaves. (this is all within about 10mins). Later she tells me its because he kept looking at her and she gave him that "what are you looking at??!" look and he walked out. Later, she told me she had noticed him when we first came to the theater because as we walked through the theater he came out of another movie and walked in behind us. She said he didn't look right to her either. She thought he was homeless. I was contemplating going to get management but was concerned because so many bad things can happen, and then he just left. So I figured we were okay. But now I wonder if I should have. I mean if there's some creeper prowling around movies looking at girls/women. Ewww..
  6. so sorry. :grouphug:
  7. I have no answers, but I'm sorry you're dealing with this.
  8. me too! I'm right there in the rut with everyone else. The best years of my life were when the kids were little. Now they're growing up, going off to college, getting married and starting families of their own.... it's just not the same.
  9. I made wine a couple of times many years ago. We had a cherry tree in our yard and a homeschooling friend who knew how to make wine show me how to do it. I think I made 2-3 batches... then the tree died!! I couldn't believe it. We had it all those years and then, when I really started to use the fruit (it was sour cherry), it up and died on me. :huh: Anyway, I did enjoy making wine, but I'm not much of a wine drinker, so I never really pursued it further. My husband enjoyed the fruit of my labors though.
  10. No, we never wanted to find out. Only had 2 sonograms in 6 births . One for our first to rule out twins (I was so sick), and the last to determine gest. age because he was lying transverse and appeared much smaller. Anyway, it's been 12yrs since I had a baby, and in that time I've noticed that the pressure to find out seems to have gone up. My dd and her husband chose not to find out and they got way more flack and pressure from family/friends. Comments like "How can I buy you a nice present if I don't know what sex your baby is?" :confused1:
  11. I have found it to be beneficial to our family.. .especially when summer comes and my household swells to 6-7 people. I have it at the store I normally shop at, and the prices aren't the cheapest, but they aren't the worst either. We get 10cents off for every $100 we spend within a month. So I usually keep it adding up and then, once I'm at about 40-60cents, I get gas for our big passenger van. I don't sweat too much for other other, smaller cars. I've even been able to get about 80cents off gas for a 30gallon tank...so yeah, it's nice.
  12. I learned to drive stick when I was about 19. My roommate taught me how and we laughed through the whole experience. My husband has always driven a stick so we've always had at least one in the family. Strictly speaking we do not currently have one because my husband totaled it 2 weeks ago, but the plan is to replace it with another one pretty soon. But, they're getting harder to find.
  13. yes, I would. It could escalate... and besides, people should know they can't get away with this kind of behavior anyway. Otherwise they might get worse (maybe not with you but what about the next person who crosses them??).
  14. back away from the other relationship for now. As others have said, your kids need you. And, I think you probably need to have some personal healing before entering into another relationship at this point. If he's a great guy he should be willing to wait.
  15. wow. It sounds like a witch hunt to me. I can see from the previous thread that the new priest isn't working out, but still... never good when people go after him with pitchforks. Shouldn't the bishop have stepped in sooner to guide the priest in his priestly duties? Isn't this partly what the bishop is for in the Episcopalian tradition? Sad... just sad all around. I'm sorry for the people in this parish.
  16. I agree. Clive Owen had that great Cop drama where he's going blind. I enjoyed that series. The thing is that many of the Brit actors got their start here in the US on PBS shows. I remember seeing Daniel Craig in a very good Brit. Mystery on Masterpiece Mystery years before he was Bond. And Ewan McGregor was a young punk r#pist on a Cavanaugh QC I saw many years ago.
  17. I just caught that one about a week ago and said "whoa- look at Jason Isaacs!" I miss Morse. Endeavor is good, but not quite the same.
  18. Too many from Downtown Abby. Or as my husband likes to joke - they only have 10 actors in the UK. LOL. Anyway... Laurence Fox... I normally don't like super skinny men either - but yum. I'm so sorry they've discontinued Inspector Lewis. I was so glad to see Nathaniel Parker on the list too. Bill Nye, Travis Smiley, and Charlie Rose - seriously?? Is that the best they can do?? I would add: Michael Kitchen Rupert Penry-Jones Paul McCann Toby Stephens And the guy from the American version of Antiques Roadshow. okay I could go on. But, obviously the people who made this list haven't been watching much. :lol: Not that I have opinions or anything ;)
  19. I'm finding that my kids are using the word "hashtag" as part of their conversations... not dissimilar to the way the teen girls used "like" back in the 80's. It doesn't really make much sense to me, except that I think it's a way of making an emphasis I hope it disappears soon because it's like hashtag ridiculous. ;)
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