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Everything posted by PrincessMommy

  1. nice job. It looks woven... is it? I can't remember who else is a weaver here. Sis - I would be SO sad if something like that happened to me. Katie - isn't it's nice to finally have those long-time projects done. woohoo! FriedClams - going to check out your blog!
  2. Ugh. I've been having an afternoon sinus/allergy headache every day this week. Some days ibuprofen and pseudofedrine nip it in the bud but other days it just will.not.go.away. Today it's the latter. I made it through dinner. dh came home late, refused to eat the soup I made. Thanks :glare: . I don't feel good and I want to have a pity party.
  3. my friend said she got the worst night of sleep doing the test, but they were still able to get the data they needed to dx her. You may want to reconsider. It's not like you're sleeping like at baby at home anyway - right?
  4. yes, do the sleep study. I have a friend who has a terrible time with sleeping (getting and staying asleep). She sleeps very little each night and she knew it wasn't apnea so she was very skeptical it would be helpful... but they discovered It is a neurological issue she has. It is not RLS but is under a same medical umbrella. I'm sorry I cannot remember much about it other than than she told me they're doing a lot of research into sleep issues. I think if you're having that much trouble they may be able to figure out why.
  5. PrairieSong - love the scarf and I love Noro yarn too. Mominhh- I especially love the snowflake ideas. I couldn't find the directions via the link on the photo.
  6. Often times families wait until very late to bring in hospice care. I think it's a scary scenario for many people struggling to face either their own death or that of a loved one.
  7. That is the way it is with the hospice facility I'm associated with as well. Our facility only has 10 beds, they cannot take every hospice patient as soon as they are placed on hospice (going under hospice *care* is 6month or less to live). They will occasionally take a pt. for longer if there is extenuating circumstances and they have enough beds. A question you may want to ask the hospice nurse is if you FIL is 'actively dying'. That is a term that they may use to distinguish between someone who is terminal and someone whose death is immanent. Usually someone who is actively dying has about 24hours. But, that said, I've had patients go for nearly a week that way, which is very sad, actually.
  8. make sure you change the sizing. i have a Flickr account and this is what I do. I click on the photo. Then at the bottom right hand of the photo you'll see three dots...click on that and a window will pop up choose "view all sizes" I usually choose "Medium 500" or "Small 320" - whichever doesn't seem to big, depending on what I'm sharing. (500 is the max this site will allow). Then copy the url. Come back here into the thread. Click on the little image icon. paste the url there and you should be good to go!
  9. Colleen and KK - welcome! Colleen I love the bag - especially the additions to it. KK - please share some photos of your progress when you can. Jane - those cards are great!! but, I'm wondering how you took such a great photo. My photos of my work always come out so badly. Either their overexposed or otherwise look terrible in the picture. Sis - what kind of games to they play? Dice bag sounds simple too. I've been busy trying to get another baby blanket on the loom for my other niece (due in Nov.). It's going slow because i have to keep a much closer eye on the pattern than usual. I'm about 1/2 way done with that part.
  10. That's what I keep thinking too! I hope that your recovery continues in the positive direction and that you can figure out trans. soon.
  11. Yes, I would. He stated it would arrive by Friday and now it hasn't. I'd be irritated too.
  12. Happy, happy birthday!! No fun being sick on your day though. :grouphug: I leave the 40s in about 3 months. The beginning of my 40s was fine, the ending has been pretty sucky. I hope my 50s are better.
  13. I just let my Handwoven sub. lapse. I may buy them one at a time if the subject matter is of interest. I also get Vävmagasinet (VAV for short) mag. It's a Swedish weaving mag. that has an English edition and I love it.. probably not really what you're looking for.
  14. We have an annual family movie night on Halloween. We've chosen either Goonies or Tremors to watch with our 12 yrold son. They both have cussing in them, but I'm not sure it's possible to get something for that age that isn't either babyish or has some cussing. Older siblings say we should go with Goonies, so that has the edge. If it were a girl we were picking for I might consider Labyrinth. The one with David Bowie. But, I don't think it'll appeal to my son. Also, Hocus Pocus is a fun not-too-scary Halloween movie. Common Sense media has very helpful reviews. HTH
  15. Gail - those costumes are AWESOME! Jane - yes post lots of photos of the beaded cuffs - they are beautiful.
  16. It will be so nice for you to be with your kids and in your own home. So glad you have meals taken care of. One less thing to worry about. Take care.
  17. Thanks, I should ask a friend of mine who has used beeswax from her hives in her soap before too.
  18. In Maryland you can go with an umbrella group. I don't know about the other options as I stopped hsing about 3yrs ago. But, there's a couple of umbrella groups that cover most of MD and are pretty open to alternatives ways to hsing.
  19. can the doctor find a donor for you? Maybe that would help with the embarrassment of asking a friend. I hope you find a solution.
  20. I remember when they wanted to discharge my husband after his accident. I didn't think he was ready and I felt very afraid. The PT and OT kept telling me that he would heal faster at home, but I was still concerned they were pushing him out the door too fast. But, they were right. That first 24hrs was a bit hard and he needed me there for assistence, but after that he became independent very quickly. I hope and pray it will be the same for you.
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