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Everything posted by cin

  1. I loved this one too! Sorry I missed dessert last night. I was wiped out and just couldn't bring myself to walk another block down the street. I went to my hotel after the vendor hall closed, got a daquiri and went up to my room to veg. I wandered around the vendor hall a couple of hours yesterday AND today and ended up not finding 2 vendors that I really wanted to see. I'm either seriously map challenged or they moved. I came home richer in spirit and energy, and poorer in finance ;) I know. I think DH knows more about SWB's family than he does his own at this point ;)
  2. I wouldn't go to the convention if it wasn't in my backyard, well, okay, a 20 minute drive from my backyard. I would love to go to a convention that is in Northeast Ohio, but I can't justify it with this one right at home. I hope the people at GHC get their <ahem> Stuff together. I WILL be checking out Bravewriter. I need a new writing program. I purchased the one from Memoria Press, but I can return it if I find something I like better ;)
  3. Not necessarily. As others have said, a scratch opens the door (no pun intended) for rust. Which then affects the integrity of the body. It's almost like a broken window. If you don't fix it, it leads to other problems (wet carpet, mold, and so on....). So I wouldn't think it has anything to do with their valuing their property more than other stuff. I think it is a wise financial decision to fix the scratch now, before further damage can occur.
  4. I haven't read all the posts, but I would not expect them to make a claim for this on their insurance, since every claim costs the insurance money, and that can then result in a rise in rates. I wouldn't even ask my insurance company to pay for this amount. Because I may end up paying a TON more in increased rates. Just my random thoughts.
  5. I would pray about it. And I would, at the very least, try to acquire some medical history. :D Yes, many years ago she abandoned 2 children. And that seems VERY extreme to us. But there are at least 2 sides to every story, usually 3 sides: your's, mine, and the RIGHT side. I might consider meeting with her somewhere that is public, yet offers some privacy, so you can talk. She may have her reasons for abandoning her babies, may regret it, and may have been wanting the opportunity to apologize and find out if they've made out OK. People change. Sometimes. Sometimes they don't. But I would do this only if I could do it with an open heart. :grouphug:From one adoptee to another :grouphug:
  6. Chrissy, that is what I think we're goign to work on over the summer. I think if we do it repeatedly, it MIGHT sink in. Maybe.
  7. Thanks so much! I'm investigating all of these options. I do really appreciate all your suggestions.
  8. My daughter, who will be 11 in August, has been diagnosed with executive skills dysfunction. Summing it up, she is disorganized and has some short term memory issues. This past year she took a writing class in our coop. The teacher, a personal friend, sent me an email regarding Piper's writing yesterday. She said that she has fabulous ideas, and is extremely creative, but is also extremely disorganized in her writing. So, how do I work with this? Is there a curriculum that helps with organizing one's thoughts? I have the first writing book from Memoria Press. They work with the Progynmastera (which I know I spelled wrong) but they do a lot with outlining. Wonder if that would help? I'm not looking to create novelist, but I would like her to be able to write passable college papers. This poor child is just one challenge after another. And I know that as difficult as it is for me, it is 100x harder for her. Thanks for any help you can give.
  9. I see that SWB is NOT lecturing on Saturday until 10:00, so that would work for me. But honestly, I'm NOT a morning person. Dinner would be better for me. I can always buy the lecture. I am staying with several friends, so we'll be doing a dinner either TH or FR. We just haven't decided yet.
  10. You're right. I totally read your original post wrong. Well, I read it while 2 girls with sugar highs were dancing in circles around me.
  11. If the phone is bad and they are going to CASK it and get a new one, could it mean they are going to CASKET it and bury it?
  12. I watched that show one time. It was a marathon, so I watched a total of 4 episodes. I watched it thinking it was like a train wreck. I hated it, but couldn't turn it off. And I kept thinking 'That woman would NEVER talk to my child OR me like that.' I understand it's competitive, but you can be NICE and still win.
  13. My friend's son is highly allergic to milk and is small for his age. She started him on a calcium supplement, that summer he shot up. I don't remember how much, but she believes there was a connection. On the Asian strain, I have a dd from China, and she is in the 3rd percentile on our growth scale. Praise God we have an open minded Pediatrician. She just doesn't grow. And he's ok with that. She's been 3rd percentile since she came home pretty much. Emotionally, it's hard. She'll be 8 this summer and STILL cannot ride the 'rolley coasters' at Kings Island. We've told her that when she grows up, she'll be glad she's petite!
  14. OMG. This just kills me. Honestly, life can be snatched from us so quickly. Playing and BOOM It's over. It's so hard to know where to draw the lines with our kids. This thought went through my head yesterday afternoon when my monkey 7 yr old had climbed the neighbor's basketball thing and was hanging from the hoop. Over the driveway. I didn't say anything. And DH agreed with me. She is ALWAYS climbing stuff. It is SO hard to NOT be a helicopter mom. I will be praying for this family. My heart is breaking for them. :crying:
  15. Rivka, That is why I posted this. I just couldn't believe that this didn't get reported. Also, in defense of Children's Hospital in Cincinnati, I have had friends tell me that they were questioned by at least 5 people for a broken bone. From all my friends who have been in the ER there (and there have been plenty!) I was SHOCKED that this incident went unreported.
  16. My mom made me watch it when I was around 12 and I was traumatized by the war scenes and the amputation scene. Kids today might be a bit desensitized because violence and such are much more prevalent.
  17. DD7 made a get-well card for dd10. She took it to gymnastics and had everybody sign it. She SHOWED it to dd10,but wouldn't GIVE it to her because DD10 has a habit of throwing stuff away. especially from dd7. They were fighting and bickering over this card and I finally (after several warnings) yelled (maybe it was closer to a scream) Give Me The Da&* Card. *I'LL take care of it. They both started crying. And I just walked. away.
  18. ,by Bebo Norman--played at my MIL memorial service Here are just the lyrics I Can Only Imagine by Mercy Me makes me cry every time. It came out about the time my friend's daughter died from brain/spinal cancer. I always think of her when I hear it.
  19. I'd be doing the same thing. In the Jackson/Yellowstone area. I probably wouldn't do as much hiking but I would find a nice spot near elk or bison. I cozy up with my ipad (as a reader) and just sit and enjoy the sights, smells and sounds. I like Jenny Lake, but it tends to be too populated.
  20. Ooooooh! I got to check 'Other' for once! My maiden name is Owens, and, while I didn't have a HORRIBLE upbringing, it was somewhat dysfunctional, and not always nurturing. Therefore, I cannot LIKE the name Owen.
  21. The article below has been cause for some great conversations in my little HS community about reporting vs not reporting. I even asked DH how he would feel if he took one of our DD to the hospital in this situation(minus the abuse, of course) and left without a second glance. he said he would feel relieved because he would EXPECT lots of questions. But also concerned for the next child, who might actually BE a victim of abuse. What this article describes though, is way over the top of negligence. And in my opinion, this lawsuit is definitely NOT a frivolous one. JMHO ;)
  22. I have a special needs kid and in all seriousness, there are days when Dh and I are glad there's no alcohol in the house. Yes, if I was paying someone I would expect them to NOT be drinking, but there are days when a little wine or a beer would be nice to take the edge off. I agree with what you did.
  23. It is similar. I would like to hear your experience with it. Thanks so much!
  24. Yup. Another Cincinnati Legend. Their facebook page has pictures of the Chips people find in their ice cream. They just pour the chocolate into the stuff as they mix it, so it's not teeny tiny chips. Nope. It's CHUNKS. :D :D
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