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Everything posted by cin

  1. Yup. That would be Montgomery Inn. A Cincinnati Legend. I had a shopping list and everything that I *KNEW* for certain (as certain as a curriculum junkie can be, anyway) I wanted, I bought on Thursday. Before things got too crazy. Friday and Saturday were much more crazy. Saturday was the CRAZIEST. Also, last year the convention center was exclusively Homeschool. No dog shows in the next aisle. Tower Place closes at 5:00 or so M-F. Just a heads up. And as you wander around downtown, just be aware of your surroundings and the people in your vicinity. It's not a high crime city, but it's not crime free either.
  2. Was looking at these and wondering if they really are as good as everybody says they are? TIA!
  3. :smilielol5::smilielol5: I bet he sent that message via smartphone. I hate that %^&(% auto correct!
  4. I was diagnosed about 5 yrs ago, at age, um, 42. I am on adderall, 20/2xday. It really has changed my life. I get things DONE. I see things that NEED to be done. I don't get horribly annoyed by little things. I have more patience with my daughters. Diet didn't make much of a difference for me, except for caffeine. I don't need as much now that I'm on the medications ;).
  5. I'm toying with painting DHs bar of soap with clear nail polish :001_smile:, stitching one child to the bed and stitching the other's underwear all together. Making a string of underwear, essentially. Lord knows what they will do to me!
  6. My first thought was what does homeschooling have to do with a *5* yr old's behavior? Preschool and kindergarten are NOT required (at least K isn't in OH) and even if he did attend K, alot of times they don't start until they are 6. Homeschooling has nothing to do with it. It is QUITE feasible for a 5 yr old boy to NOT have ever been in a classroom. Even if he's to be public schooled. Aside from that, I do not think it was appropriate for the teacher to say all that in front of the child. It brings to mind the Pygmalion thing. Children rise to the expectation we set for them.
  7. If they are washed regularly, I wouldn't worry about it, but long term storage would be a problem for me. (I am allergic to everything they tested me for, and take zyrtec DAILY, year round). But if you wash his jeans, and he wears them within a week or two, shouldn't be a problem. Have the towels hanging in such a way that they can clearly dry, not wadded up in a pile on the floor or on the commode, after each shower. And wash the towels in hot water. Also, depending on your climate, it might not work in the summer. We have HIGH humidity in the summer here, and things can get moist and moldy just from that. But if his allergies are like mine, you probably don't open the windows that much anyway. :glare: I would love to have the spring breeze blowing through my house.
  8. My friend, who is blonde and blue eyed had to drag her 7 yr old adopted ASIAN daughter out of Walmart one time when she was having a meltdown. Surprisingly, she did not get stopped, but she got plenty of looks and a few muttered comments. She carried the child's passport and adoption papers with her for several years after that.
  9. The Hive has corrupted my mind too. I was out on a 'double date' with my friend and her husband and HE asked my what kind of bookshelves we use. I sort of spit my water out and turned pink. Which was worse, because then I had to EXPLAIN what was so funny. He really only wanted to know if the Billy Bookshelves from Ikea were all that great.:blushing: And then there's THIS on Cafe Press. Or THIS. Which is even better! Not even going to comment on this one.
  10. :iagree::iagree::iagree: At the very least, they can provide data and support for your attorney, regarding the legality of homeschooling. Maybe do a co-counsel thing. Especially if your current attorney is NOT familiar with homeschooling. If the basis of this is homeschooling, then you will need to be able to defend it based on laws. At least that's my opinion. :D
  11. This is the first response that I actually understand! I am so illiterate when it comes to some of this computer stuff. DH will understand most of the responses. But I know what google docs is!
  12. I am debating on whether or not I should buy the hard copy or the PDF of WWE. I need two different ones, of course. :glare: I have a non-MAC machine, but I would want to use it with my iPad. TIA.
  13. Wow. You have a way with words. I was thinking that the lady (and I use that term loosely!) needs to know the physical harm she caused that poor child. But I wouldn't be able to handle it with this much grace. Maybe if she realizes what she did, she will back down. If not, say it again, just not as nicely.
  14. I'm in Cincinnati and was thinking the same thing. LOTS of homeschoolers, great private high schools (Moeller and St. X for boys, Cincinnati Country Day is co-ed.) Lots of good shopping. Cincinnati Ballet, Cincinnati Symphony, Art Museum, History Museum, Cincinnati Zoo, Kings Island...International Airport. And low crime. And 600k would buy you an AWESOME house. We live in an eastern suburb of Cincy in a 1900 sq ft house on 3/4 acres. Market value is about $140k and the taxes, I think run about 3k/yr.
  15. These are media mail. I know I can't print shipping labels through the USPS site for media mail. Can I do that through paypal somehow? I wonder if PBS mailing labels count for pre-printed. He didn't answer my note. I'll be trying some more packages in a few days. I'm also going through my PBS shelf and pulling all books that weigh over 13 oz. I know I can still get bulk requests, but those happen less frequent.
  16. Well crap. I really did think it was per package. I'll be dropping my paperbackswap account real soon (AFTER I use up the 100+ credits that I have). And of course, I've already marked these mailed.
  17. I went to get my mail today and found a note telling me that they cannot pick up stamped mail that might be over 13 oz. With the command 'Please Take These to Post Office' I sweetly responded: I am sooo sorry! I thought the 13 oz rule was per package, not the TOTAL weight of the mail. The packages, individually are not over 13 oz. (listed individual weights). Was my mailman just being nice, before, or is it TOTAL weight? This move, along with the recent increase in rates will probably shut down my paperback swap account.
  18. I'm in Cincinnati, relatively close to Landen. PM me or email me at: cin131 at cinci dot rr dot com There are lots of coops and several homeschool groups in our area. Some require a church affiliation and some don't.
  19. In a second reading (and the kids went outside for a few). I see that you are from a small town. Do you have a good Children's Hospital near by. We are blessed in that we live in Cincinnati, and it is one of the best in the country. have you read about troubled adopted kids? While it's not common behavior for them, to bang, it is not UNcommon either. Read a bit about RAD, (but don't scare yourself; they aren't ALL bad kids, there are MILD cases). Could she be punishing herself for being sick? Do you have someone in your area who specialized in adoption problems? Could you talk to your adoption agency to get some referrals? All this is, of course, assuming that it is NOT a reaction to the pain. Hopefully that is all that it is. I'm praying that's all that it is! All that said, I want to also say that despite the problems with my daughter, she is a GREAT kid. She only acts out at home; everyone thinks she's a FABULOUS kid, and if they are told about her SN, they are shocked. In addition, our dd had some what we thought were devel. delays, but she is fine now. We just had to pinpoint what the problems were. She didn't talk until she was well past 3 yr old. And she walked at 18 mos. Unfortunately, our pediatrician put all this to the 'adoption' (which, in the end, it WAS due to that) and didn't really take my worries seriously. After all, I was a 1st time mom. Add to that that I had a hard time articulating the problems. One other thought. With all the tonsil/adenoid problems, is her hearing ok? If she's not hearing well, then she's not learning to speak well, and that too, could be VERY frustrating. :grouphug:
  20. OK. I have a child from Vietnam, adopted at 12 mos, who was abused physically and emotionally. She does that too. First thing we did was remove red 40 and yellow from her diet. It calmed her rages down so that she's not as prone to do it. Second thing, omega oils. they helped balance her moods out a bit more. Third thing. Counseling with an adoption specialist. DD has anxiety and depression. So we are working on those. She literally feels unworthy. It might classify as MILD RAD. She is also diagnosed with PDD-NOS. Fourth thing. Prozac. I don't want to start a debate, but for us, it was the best thing we've ever done. Now, a little insight. I think what you are seeing is perfectly normal for a child who was adopted from a not-so-great situation. The reason I say that is *I* was in 7 foster homes before I was permanently placed at 18 mos. And I'm the same way. I've been on anti depres/anxiety since prozac came out, pretty much. I've tried to go off of them when times are really good, but I still have the dep/anxiety. Feel free to PM me. I'm typing with 2 kids in the room, and I don't want them to suspect/read anything, so that's why this is bare bones. Or email me: cin131 at cinci dot rr dot com.
  21. :iagree: I like the idea of not having to haul the clothes everywhere, but in reality, having it on the second floor would be just as much of a pain as in the basement. I get up in the morning, get dressed and I don't see the second floor until bedtime. Regarding water damage. Our dishwasher hose detached once. It leaked into the basement. My bookshelves were under where the dishwasher was. NOTHING could be as devastating as that!
  22. Thank you SO MUCH for this advice. Our DD has just started on prozac (diagnosed with depression and anxiety) and while her attitude has changed, the HABITS are still there. We have to work on breaking those, and this would help a TON. For EVERYBODY. Including her poor little sister who has been bearing the brunt of her attitude. :glare:
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