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Everything posted by Jess4879

  1. You could try the "Mystery of History Volume 3" FB page.
  2. I don't have any suggestions, really, just wanted to say I love this! I wish I had family close enough to do this. :)
  3. I have one finished and just doing some skill review, one who moved on to the next level and one who will be doing math through the summer. I am not sure if I should celebrate or cry. :lol:
  4. We seldom use the tiles. I just write the new "tile" on the white board. I even put a box around it. ;) I also underline sounds chunks in words when I write them on the white board. *If* a kiddo is struggling with a word/concept, then we pull out the board and they spell with the tiles. We did use the syllable tags to start, but now the kids just tell me what tile they'd use to label with and we move on.
  5. We use A Reason for Handwriting. It's quick, independent (though I do watch for the first bit to make sure they are forming the letters correctly) and the kids have all enjoyed the writing pages in the back. I also like that it's pretty and not overly "loopy and swirly". LOL
  6. I always get super-excited for this sale and then never find anything I want. This year I am actually really tempted to get the Ellen McHenry bundle, not because we need anything for science, but because everyone here talks about it so much, I feel like I need to find out what all the fuss is about. :) I am just really not sure I want to print all those files...
  7. I have never been able to sort the actual legalities, so I am no help there. What I ended up doing was contacting the author and telling exactly what I wished to do with the product. She replied saying it was fine and only asked that I write a little note on three separate pages (first, middle and last) saying the file was for sample purposes and not to be reprinted.
  8. The whining and push back could simply be because writing is hard work for her right now. Switching may not stop that. But...that being said, I like the cues in HWT, but not the lines. I also had two of my kids, who are perfectionists, start leaving HUGE gaps between words, because that is how HWT demonstrates word spaces. We switched them both to something else (A Reason For Handwriting, in our case).
  9. This is what worked for my son too - we use the MUS blocks, but same idea. We also play lots of games with dice, dominos, etc.
  10. We love BJU math, but one thing I will mention is that it is time consuming to teach. If you teach a lesson as scripted, it can take 30 mins or so. So if you move all three kids to BJU, just be prepared for it to eat up a chunk of time.
  11. I have always ordered my Mosdos from Rainbow Resources and after the second order realized they don't charge GST, and was hit with extra fees for both orders. As soon as Canada Post stops it to add GST, they tack on a $9.99 "processing fee." :( I have never had that happen with Teaching Textbooks or any other US order, actually. Just Rainbow Resources.
  12. We're in Canada too. :) Shipping and exchange make Mosdos pretty pricey, which is another reason we chose just to use the text. The company sends excellent samples if you email.
  13. I have been using Mosdos (Coral level - the text only) with all my kids. We read aloud together and then discuss the story, using the questions in the text. Occasionally I will have the older two do a writing assignment from the text. We also have INB's that we use to reinforce literary terms. All of my kids love Mosdos. :)
  14. There was this thread a little while ago about Mosdos going out of business. http://forums.welltrainedmind.com/topic/636749-mosdos-press-website/
  15. We only use the textbooks. I debated about adding in the workbooks, but the answers are in the TM and I didn't want to buy that too. I have heard the TM's are a LOT to wade through. The textbooks alone have so much meat in them. They are still pricey (more so if you live in Canada like me and have to pay exchange & shipping- OUCH!) but they are worth every penny. Seriously, I love them. And the resale is apparently very, very lucrative! :lol:
  16. also found this one for $400...but hey, they throw in free shipping. ;) :001_rolleyes: https://www.ebay.com/p/Mosdos-Press-Literature-Jade-Book-One-Teachers-Annotated-Edition-Part-Two/1811753504
  17. http://www.homeschoolersupplycloset.com/product.php?productid=579 or maybe www.abebooks.com ?
  18. I had the exact same problem with our world map and eventually gave in and used push pins at the corners and tape along the sides. I found a Canada Map that is a cling version and it's fantastic. I haven't been able to find a world map like that though. :(
  19. We use BJU for math from K-4 and between the TG, the manipulatives packets, the workbooks (and for some years, the review and test guides) those babies take up a TON of shelf space!! I am so glad to get them off my shelf, a year at a time! :)
  20. As far as I know, TT doesn't work on an external hard drive.
  21. Thanks for posting! My oldest did the Equine books a couple years ago and loved them. I want to get the cooking books this year! :)
  22. This is really going to depend on HOW you use the program. *If* you use the program as it's designed, a student would listen to the lecture, work the problem on paper (in the workbook or a notebook, not on scrap paper), enter the answer, receive immediate feedback, and continue on to the next problem. A parent still needs to check the work. They need to look at the grade book, see how many attempts a child makes and ensure they are completing all the problems. I do think the design of the program makes it very easy for a parent to step too far back...it's something to be mindful of if a person chooses to use the program. If your child doesn't understand a lesson in CLE or MM or whatever, you'd still be going back and having to figure it out before you could assist them. I think this is the same for any independent style math.
  23. Maybe BJU? It is scripted, but easy to adjust on the fly if your child has mastered something. There is also always the DVD option if you need some extra help teaching at some point.
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