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Everything posted by Jess4879

  1. Thanks for the link! That was very helpful! I was leaning towards Voyages in English, but it is so pricey and I don't think we will have time to complete it this year, so I hate to pay for something we may not use in its entirety. BJU seems like it might be a really good fit for this year! Thanks again for your help!
  2. Thanks for the suggestion! I will check in to it. :)
  3. Thanks for the feedback. How much time, on average, does a lesson take? And do you do a lesson daily?
  4. Hi all! I haven't been on the boards for quite some time. I am looking for a Grammar program for my Grade 3 student that also includes writing. I am currently looking at either BJU English 3 or Voyages in English. Does or has anyone used either of these? Thoughts? How long does it take to complete a lesson? Do I need the teachers manuals for BJU? Voyages in English? Any help greatly appreciated! -Jess-
  5. We are currently on step 14 of Level 1
  6. We are working through AAS Level 1 right now and noticing a definite improvement! Thanks!
  7. This is an entry from my DD journal. Punctuation/captials exactly how she wrote them. Would love some feedback!! I had fun at gimnastiks. I frgot the nams of the klas. I had a long day. It was fun to go to gimnastiks that day. I hop that I go nekst tim. I got a Black Boddy soot. Im having god vaintins day. I love my gift from Mommy and Daddy its choklit.
  8. Hi! I am new to the board, but had to jump in! We started using the Level 1 books with my oldest this year and we love them! They are set up very well and she asks to do them. They work well with our other programs/books too!
  9. I thought I was prepared for "feedback" from others, but sometimes it still catches me off guard. I once made the huge mistake of voicing a doubt to a family member that had appeared supportive. Oh my! She took that one doubt and ran with it! It is actually funny to look back on now...but I learnt my lesson well. ;-)
  10. Thanks Michelle! It helps to know that we aren't flying solo, that's for sure!! :)
  11. We do have a homeschool group, thanks! There are a lot of field trips, but no real get togethers on a regular basis, so I am thinking of trying to establish something like that. Wish me luck!
  12. Hi all! My name is Jess and I am homeschool mom to a 7 year old (Gr.2) a 5 year old (starting K in the fall) and an almost 2 year old. I tried to post yesterday but it was eaten by the machine, which is probably for the best, as yesterday was an off day. We have been homeschooling since day 1. In theory, I have loved it...in reality...we've had a lot of challenges. We've struggled to find our groove and just when I think things are going smoothly I am thrown a curve ball. And so is life, I suppose. I went in search of a forum like this for support. We are the only ones in our group of family and friends that homeschool. To say we lack support is probably putting it mildly. I feel constantly bombarded by comments on our "lack of socialization", our need to "over-protect" and oh, the list just goes on and on. I have to admit, sadly, these comments have started to wear on me and I definitely have moments when I let them take over -- like yesterday. Anyways, I look forward to reading here and getting to know you all!! -Jess-
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