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Everything posted by Oakblossoms

  1. Do you think this could be the cause of some of your issues lately or just another auto-immune reaction? Praying for you. Get thy booty to Bastyr :p.
  2. And, I just noticed you have 8....lol. No need to tell you about schedules.
  3. I start my children later than many on this board. But, so far I have had children who were not reading as early as most either. So, I would say don't start at a grade level. Start when they are reading a bit. They don't need to be reading completely on their own. But, I would not start until they can read a beginning reader. I started early with my last two kids and it just didn't sink in. It did expose them to grammar. But, I would rather wait a bit and use my time to focus on beginning reading and beginning math. I have 5 kids though and just do not have any time to waste in my schedule....ymmv :)
  4. Stepping into Science http://thamesandkosmos.shptron.com/p/little-labs-stepping-into-science/introductory-science?pp=8&pp=8 Math U See. The blocks really help them see Math. Waldorf style form drawing Blank Waldorf style main lesson books. I love to use one for each subject. They are small and it is a fun keepsake. I wish I had done them for my older kids. Paper, Scissors, Stone has a nice variety. Rainbow Resource has Bright Books which are not as good quality but a good buy. They have different kinds of pages. My 9 year old is using a spiral bound journal this year and that has been great for him, as well. Story of the World on audio. I like the Activity Guides but we wait and go through SOTW a second time when the kids are older. None of my first graders were able to keep up with the Activity Guide pages. But, they all liked listening to the audio. Plus, when we hit it the second time, they already knew the material! And, if they are not reading, yet...I really like The Ordinary Parent's Guide to Reading. We have used maybe 10 different reading curriculums over our homeschooling career. This has been our favorite. Easy to implement. I don't use any extras with it. When you are ready for spelling, we love Sequential Spelling on the CD-Rom. They do it on the computer and it helps with reading and handwriting skills, in my opinion. It is self correcting so they can do it in their own.
  5. http://thamesandkosmos.shptron.com/p/little-labs-stepping-into-science/introductory-science?pp=8&pp=8 Math U See. The blocks really help them see Math. Waldorf style form drawing Blank Waldorf style main lesson books. I love to use one for each subject. They are small and it is a fun keepsake. I wish I had done them for my older kids. Paper, Scissors, Stone has a nice variety. Rainbow Resource has Bright Books which are not as good quality but a good buy. They have different kinds of pages. My 9 year old is using a spiral bound journal this year and that has been great for him, as well. Story of the World on audio. I like the Activity Guides but we wait and go through SOTW a second time when the kids are older. None of my first graders were able to keep up with the Activity Guide pages. But, they all liked listening to the audio. Plus, when we hit it the second time, they already knew the material! And, if they are not reading, yet...I really like The Ordinary Parent's Guide to Reading. We have used maybe 10 different reading curriculums over our homeschooling career. This has been our favorite. Easy to implement. I don't use any extras with it.
  6. I had this recommended from a local group. I have a special needs child who does not test well. Maybe when he is older and can handle the reading. But, right now he just cannot do a yearly test. So far, they have all be horrible failures. He is improving each year and it seems unfair to have. Test that makes him look like a failure when he is not.
  7. All right, I got a coffee pot with a timer (i drink tea or use a French Press normally) and a three pack of reading glasses from Costco. I am ready to read. Book a Week 2013 by OakBlossoms, on Flickr Going to read my Bible all the way through this year. Seven Times the Sun to help me get into a better routine and appreciate the seasons a bit more. The Air We Breathe by Christa Parrish because honestly I just want some reading. Something I can enjoy and read and not something with huge big thoughts attached.
  8. Oh my word. This is the funniest thing I have read in a long time. I was feely kind of down, but now I almost peed my pants. I say stupid stuff when I get worked up and even worse if i am tired. My hsuband and I have been apart for a year. Some days i just burn out. I think they are catching on that I can turn into such a bumbling mess. They will ask me where something goes or is and I will just start spurting out it is in the kitchen in the shelf. What shelf? You know the one on your right or left. Seriously, I just can't keep it straight anymore. My mom's office referred me for getting my wisdom teeth removed. My mom warned me He was cute. So, when I a Came out of anesthesia I was saying really loudly...did I say anything to him? did I tell him he was cute? I was asking my husband.
  9. KONOS might have samples. Basically it has a character trait. Under each character trait are different subtopics. Your suppose to use those to teach the character trait. Each subtopics has lists off books, vocabulary words, and activities for a variety of levels. So, there is some planning. Although, I just opened the book and asked the kids what they wanted to study. Huge books. Covers at least three years. I totally get you on the I just want something to tell me what to do. My kids are such a huge age range now. It is nuts some days. I am planning on either KONOS or OM with my younger two. OM gives a list of things to do each week, for each subject. You plan what to do on what days. It follows the seasons in the younger years. I found it was not a good fit for my special needs son, nor my son who hate writing and busy work. I think it will be a great fit for my daughter who is already writing and trying to read. I hope you can find something you like and that works. I have moved to more workbook stuff than I would like because I barely remember to shower much less who did what today.
  10. Would you consider KONOS? I used it with my older two and it was quite fun. I didn't get crazy with it though. Just a pile of books and an activity or two. I am actually trying to figure out if I want to go back to unit study with my younger two.
  11. It might be less time consuming in the long run though :). Time to feel good and all that.
  12. We took a 6 year break and then had two little ones. They are 3 and almost 2. The 3 year old is my only girl and she is smart as a whip. This morning she said I am a winner (her brother was doing Sequential Spelling on the computer). W is for winner:) There are so many new things now and I am so much better at teaching. I have gotten pretty excited about preschool. I didn't really get to teach my older three because two went to school and one was special needs.
  13. Have you tried Epsom Salt baths? They are detoxing and a great way to get magnesium into your diet. magnesium is very calming. Would going to someplace like The Bastyr Clinic be an option?
  14. Haba games- I don't think Rainbow carries these. They are great for young kids especially the ones that come in tins. (I did check and they don't. But, i would think Haba ships to a variety of countries because they are German right? http://www.habausa.com/products/games-for-kids/travel-games-for-kids.html the games in tins are quite little kid friendly! Thames and Kosmos have kits for the younger set that my son likes.
  15. I only use my phone for it. I hadn't thought about it till now.
  16. My mom has a gas stove that looks like a cast iron Woodstove. It is cozy, warm and beautiful. I wonder if you could just close up the opening somehow and do that instead. I think it is going to cost you a bi tof money no matter what. Fireplaces, stoves etc are always a money hog in a house. You never know what you are get with one.
  17. I have and found it really helpful. You can try Paper, Scissors, Stone aka waldorfsupplies.com for supplies as well. I find if I have actual supplies set aside for curriculum we actually do it. So, if you can use some of your tax return or budget and father what you need, put it in a labeled bin...well you are just ahead for the year :)
  18. I think if you use biblical names, you are going to end up with all the same names. I voted yes, and I would discourage them...but that is in my own personal family...we are the only ones having kids and our names are really unique. It would be really awkward and obvious in our case if the next people coming to have children chose our children's names.
  19. I had this and there is something drawing on the battery. Like a loose wire that is touching metal somewhere. It was such a pain because my alternator did die eventually. I had a switch on my battery to unhook each night because they could not find the draw.
  20. I think he needs more attention. Since, you have a new baby, you need to get creative! How helpful/capable are the older two? Can you schedule time for them to really focus on him. They can play with a certain kind of toy he loves like trains. How are your toys? Can you pack up all the toys and keep a few baskets around. When you sit down with the baby you can pull out those toys so he is occupied near you. How about eating? Keep a snack with you and give him a snack. Maybe he needs to eat more often. You can set up a cooler in an area if your not by the kitchen. Is he getting the big energy out? How is he sleeping? Is he using any words?
  21. I am planning on reading this, too. http://www.amazon.com/The-Thoreau-You-Dont-Know/dp/B006QS2WAQ/ref=wl_it_dp_o_pC_S_nC?ie=UTF8&colid=1LBGUAGPB0L9V&coliid=I2RSXXMD2JEIL
  22. I am making my book a week list and am overwhelmed by the choices :)
  23. Don't put his name on the birth certificate. He can always be put on later. But, you cannot take him off.
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