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Everything posted by Oakblossoms

  1. How so you think you can foster those connections? (And, I wonder if this is indeed the thing that is bothering me about our present textbook quandary? Because I feel like things are disjointed. And, my boys are only doing the work because they have to.).
  2. What does an average week look like? Did you add anything or adjust the materials at all? How involved are you in their week? Which chapters were the most difficult? Which chapters were the easiest? What do you find are the strengths of Apologia? What do you find are the weaknesses of Apologia? Did or are your children planning on majoring in Science in College/University?
  3. They are suggested in TWTM for High School. I am specifically looking at the Biology one. I am trying to flesh out some hands on stuff for two of my older boys.
  4. Well, as I probably contributed to this...I loved textbooks as a kid. I didn't use them as much in my College/Uni career because of the path I was on. In my earlier education, I was the smartass who read their textbooks already and knew all the answers well enough to argue about the answers the teacher gave us :p. But, yes I did feel like the textbook we have was stifling. But, it might be the edition or a poor fit with my child. I do see a textbook as bad. But, if I can accomplish that work with a hands on experiment kit, documentaries and a compilation of smaller reading materials I will do it. And, honestly I have known quite a few teachers to do that as well. IMNSHO, Being a homeschool teacher is not about being an expert who knows how to dole out the proper book. You have something that most teachers do not have. You know your child better than anyone and you can accommodate their learning styles and preferences.
  5. Anyone use TWTM suggestions for Biology? Did you use the Van Cleave book to pick out labs? I need to figure out a new plan of action for Biology. My oldest is absolutely loathing the text he is using. My second should be doing Biology soon, as he wants to study it in College. Neither will dissect things. The second is a vegetarian and I haven't really figured out how that is going to work for him. But, he is pretty darn stick it to you kind of a kid, so I figure he will show them what if and give them the what for :p.
  6. I think I am getting burnt out on making up curriculum for my children. We have special needs that have come into play into the past. I did find a few posts on the BIO 101 DVD's and added those and some suggested books to my RR wishlist. Maybe we can do some of those over the next year. Maybe I can break them up and then add them to his Biology credit at the end of High School. This child use to spend all his free time devouring science books and movies and documentaries from the library. He loved experiments and animals even though he has OCD tendencies with his hands and hates getting dirty or playing too hard. If I could find a kit for biology types of labs that didn't dissect I might be able to pull it off.
  7. Thanks! Easy to follow and successful hands on experiments. Experiments that finish or start a chapter as a lab. Not random junky ones thrown in to make a point that interrupt the reading. Video information. My children enjoy a good documentary and it helps cement information for all of us. Clear, well done diagrams and graphics. Supplemental books suggestions. Some type of chapter test to make sure things sunk in. A list of topics to write about would be a bonus.
  8. You may have seen my Apologia rant. I was given several of their books. We enjoyed the younger levels. I have been using Biology for over a year now alongside VHSG. It isn't enjoyable. He can answer all the questions correctly. But, he used to enjoy science. I wish there was a multi-level Biology book I could adjust to each level in my house. It would be awesome.
  9. My goodness. Thank you to everyone for the love. I really appreciate it and I so utterly needed it. There is a winter pack of Mike's and that is the only one that has the Cherry Chocolate. It tastes like eating chocolate and cherry tootsie rolls together!
  10. Honestly my current 9 year old has just mastered sitting still for 15 minutes without making sounds or looking like his head might explode. You are doing a fine job with your children and quite fortunate. Tell your husband to ask his mom how his ownership was at 10:p
  11. I get so bent out of shape. I don't know who I am comparing us to or why I do it. My husband certainly doesn't think any of this. He just wants the kids to enjoy themselves. I took some melatonin and I am going to try and get some sleep. Maybe I will feel better in the morning. I am seriously thinking of making a plan to get that dumb biology done in the next month. I don't want to see it again.
  12. I know I am solo-parenting 5 kids and have two special needs kids. I know I am in the middle of my period. I know I just started house hunting. I know my vehicle is still broken down and I am not getting out of the house much. My youngest is almost 2 and he started chewing on his nukies, so I cannot give him that to calm him down. I know I should be thankful they are all getting along and my two special kiddos are making huge leaps this year. But, I am so overwhelmed with the balancing act this week. I am so tired of curriculum taking more than a year to finish. I want to burn Apologia Biology. I don't even know if I should be on these boards because our education is definitely not rigorous. Seriously my bonus for the day was the Chocolate Cherry Mike's I found in the back of the fridge. I waited till nighttime to drink it. I promise.
  13. Get SOTW on audio and start listening to it when you are out or at meal times. My kids picked up tons from them.
  14. Well, I am assuming they actually try to save the child. So, I would say no.
  15. Our school has changed. I am solo parenting. My husband has been gone for a year now. I need to get school done. I use quite a bit of textbook or workbooks now. I used to do activities and unit studies. But, we added two more kids. I just could not handle it anymore. I have been trying to focus on our relationships instead and not worry about if we are having fun. I homeschool because of relationship and it helps to remember that.
  16. If those are High School level, then you put them on the transcript.
  17. Praying! I find it ridiculous that your homeschooling comes into play at all.
  18. Will his office trace the phone call for you? Maybe it is a scam.
  19. Fast from the TV, Internet, media is my biggest help. Then turn that energy towards my children. Meditation and for me that means the breathing exercises and mediating on God or something in my life that really needs change...which in turn moves me back to God.
  20. Yeah...it is different. I have two sets of kids. But, my 9 year old has a lot of fun with the younger two. Since, he has some delays it has been nice for him. He has a difficult time with my older two because they find him annoying (which we have been working on of course). My older two are pretty laid back kids. My third is over the top hyper with speech delays. It is been a long road for him. But, I have to say he is a huge help with the younger two. I always say have more kids though. I am so glad we do. And, getting to teach another set is pretty awesome.
  21. Is the streaming separate from the DVD's?
  22. Yes I would just keep working on Phonics till the child can read a beginning reader with out much help and doesn't really balk at writing a small sentence. But, like I said, I am pretty relaxed and have dealt with two of my kids having special needs. When I jumped in as early as first grade it just seemed like wasted time or worse it created a unhealthy learning dynamic. My little girl is my fourth child. And, I think she is all ready wanted to read and write. Such a huge difference from my third child. Peace Hill Press puts Levels on their curriculum for that reason. They want them to be levels and not grade levels. You could give it a go. Then back off if necessary :). That is how I roll.
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